VEGBANK BUG LIST MILESTONE DEFINITIONS Michael Lee 11-SEP-2006 UnMilestoned -- has not yet been determined where it belongs, if anywhere (default) Model -- earlier milestone, circa 2002 1.0.0beta1 - earlier milestone 1.1.0 - VegBank release VEGBANK_1_1_0 in CVS, released 08-SEP-2006 1.2.0 - Any minor improvements after Summer 2006 release 2.0.0 - First half of the next major grant 3.0.0 - Second half of next major grant DontKnowWhen - Not sure when or even if this should be done WishList - Minor wishes for things we'd like to do. Ideally used to categorize bugs that could be done whenever, especially nice if someone is looking for something to do somewhat quickly. Postpone - Generally used for bugs that were attempted, but failed and it's not certain if we can do this, or not known when and or how