# $PTII/lib/ptII.properties # $Id: ptII.properties.in 42804 2006-06-06 04:03:34Z cxh $ # Properties set by configure for use when starting up. # # If this file is named "ptII.properties", don't edit it! # Instead edit ptII.properties.in and run "cd $PTII;./configure" # configure reads in $PTII/lib/ptII.properties.in, # substitutes in variables that are surrounded with @, # and generated $PTII/lib/ptII.properties.in # # We use a properties file here so that we can easily start Ptolemy II # without passing lots of command line arguments. However, when # running "vergil -sandbox" or "vergil -policyfile ...", merging # properties from ptII.properties.in might not work. # # The format of this file is documented in the java.util.Properties # Javadoc page, for example # http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html # # This file is read in by StringUtilities.mergePropertiesFile(). # Properties listed in this file do not override preexisting properties. # To view the properties, start up vergil, do # File -> New -> Graph Editor -> View -> JVM Properties #### # Location of the the PTII directory ptolemy.ptII.dir=/Users/crawl/k/ptII #### # Start up with the US Locale so as to avoid problems with , instead # of . in floating point numbers in German and Swedish locales user.language=en user.region=US #### # These properties are used by PtinyOS # # PTJAVA_HOME: The directory where the Java distribution can be found # Don't use PTJAVA_DIR here, it is likely to be set to /usr under Solaris. ptolemy.ptII.java.home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home # Architecture that where jni includes can be found, for example: # ptolemy.ptII.java.dir + /include/ + ptolemy.ptII.jni.architecture # Usually one of win32, linux or solaris ptolemy.ptII.jni.architecture=darwin # Viptos requires TOSROOT and TOSDIR # TOSROOT without /cygdrive ptolemy.ptII.tosroot= # TOSDIR without /cygdrive ptolemy.ptII.tosdir= # Override the default choice of browser, see # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/gui/BrowserLauncher.java #ptolemy.ptII.browser=c:\\Program\ Files\\Internet\ Explorer\\iexplore.exe #ptolemy.ptII.browser=c:\\Program\ Files\\Mozilla\ Firefox\\firefox.exe