'$RCSfile: eml-project.xsd,v $' Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/ '$Author: berkley $' '$Date: 2002/04/21 22:45:30 $' '$Revision: 1.27 $' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA eml-project The EML Project Module describes the research context in which the dataset was created, including description of over-all motivations and goals, funding, personnel, description of the study area etc. This is also the module to describe over-all sampling methods for the project. Research project descriptor Descriptor of research project in which context the dataset was created. Container of all research projects in which context the dataset was created. Research project element is a descriptor of various programmatic aspects within which researchers created this dataset. It can also include general research goals and motivations, data collection methods, equations, formulas. But see 'eml-protocol' for more areas to provide methodological detail. eml-project elements describe various aspects of the research project within which researchers created the associated dataset. The association of a dataset with this project metadata is established in eml-dataset The researchProject element was introduced into EML 1.4. eml-project was introduced in EML 2.0. It replaces eml-research, which was introduced into EML 1.4 as replacement for eml-context. Unique identifier The unique identifier of this metadata file or object. The identifier field provides a unique identifier for this metadata documentation. It will most likely be part of a sequence of numbers or letters that are meaningful in a larger context, such as a metadata catalog. That larger system can be identified in the "system" attribute. Multiple identifiers can be listed corresponding to different catalog systems. nceas.3.2]]> The 'identifier' field is derived from the eml-dataset meta_file_id filed in EML 1.4. Catalog system The catalog system in which this identifier is used. This element gives the name of the catalog system in which this identifier is used. It is useful to determine the scope of the identifier, and to determine the semantics of the various subparts of the identifier. Unresolved issue: can or should this be a URI/URL pointing to the catalog system, or just the name? nceas.3.2]]> New to EML 2.0. Project Title Title of the project. A descriptive title for the research project. Species diversity in Tennessee riparian habitats. Introduced into EML 1.4. Personnel Contact and role information for people involved in the research project. This element extends ResponsibleParty with role information. Roles can be drawn from an enumerated list taken from iso-party or the user can add their own roles. author, contentProvider, custodianSteward, distributor, editor, metadataProvider, originator, pointOfContact, principalInvestigator, processor, publisher, or user (ISO list). A user defined role might be somethng like: fieldStationManager or information manager This field was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft), with the addition of a few new roleCode values. Abstract Descriptive abstract. Descriptive abstract in paragraph of text. The abstract element was introduced into EML 1.4. Funding Funding information. Grant and contract numbers, names and addresses of funding sources described in paragraph of text. The funding element was introduced into EML 1.4. Description of the physical location of the research project. Description of the physical location of the research project. Can include coverage of the research location, and descriptions of climate, geology, distrubances. Description of the physical location of the research project. Can include descriptions of the geographic, temporal, and taxonomic coverage of the research location and descriptions of domains (themes) of interest such as climate, geology, soils or distrubances or reference to citable biological or geophysical classification systems such as the "Bailey..." or the ... The descriptions may be either general descriptions in paragraph form or specific values for named theme attributes such as average rainfall. The "studyArea" is, in most cases, a larger geographical area than the coverage represented in the "designDescription", that is, studyArea represents the environmental context of the specific coverages described in "designDescription> Description of non-coverage physical characteristics of site Description of non-coverage physical characteristics of site such as climate, geology, disturbances Descriptions of domains (themes) of interest such as climate, geology, soils or distrubances or references to citable biological or geophysical classification systems such as the "Bailey..." or the ... The descriptions may be either general descriptions in paragraph form or specific values for named theme attributes such as average rainfall. New in EML 2.0.0 The value of a descriptor The value of a descriptor as The value of a descriptor. This may either be a general description in paragraph form or the value part of a "name/value" pair where the name is entered in the attribute "name_or_id". For example, if the value of the "name" attribute" of the element "descriptor" is "climate", and the value of the attribute "name_or_id" of the element "descriptorValue" is "Annual Precipitation" then the value of this element could be "12.5 inches". 12.5 inches, tundra-forest EML 2.0.0 The name or ID of a descriptor value. The name part of a name/value pair of a descriptor or ID portion, if applicable of a classification. The name part of a name/value pair of a descriptor or ID portion, if applicable of a classification. The values of biogeophysical classification systems, e.g. Bailey-Ecoregions, often take the form of an ID or Code along with a text representaiton. For example, the ID/Code M131 refers to the phrase "Open Woodland -Tundra". M131 is an unambiguous reference to a more detailed description. If one is using a published classification system then there should be a corresponding citation to the source, e.g., Bailey,R.G., 1996 "Ecosystem Geography". M131,Average Rainfall, New in EML 2.0.0 Description of Research Design A container element for descriptions of sampling methods, protocols or citations. This element is a container element for either general paragraph descriptions of research design or more granular descriptions of protocols and/or sampling methods. Literature citations may also be used to describe the research design. x New in EML 2.0.0 Description of sampling methods. Description of sampling methods including the "coverage" of the study, a description of the sampling procedures, and the spatial sampling units. See individual elements for more detailed descriptions. Modification of the sampling element introduced into EML 1.4 Geographic, temporal, taxonomic coverage A description of the specific areas sampled (geographic coverage) and the sampling frequency (temporal coverage). A "studyExtent" represents both a specific sampling area and the sampling frequency (temporal boundaries, frequency of occurrence). The geographic "studyExtent" is usually a surrogate (representative area of) for the larger area documented in the "studyAreaDescription". The "studyExtent" can be entered either in non-structured paragraph form or using the structure of the "coverage" element. New in EML 2.0.0 Sampling methods and procedures A description of sampling methods and procedures This element allows for a text-based/human readable description of the sampling procedures used in the research project. The content of this element would be similar to a description of sampling procedures found in the methods section of a journal article. x x Spatial sampling units Spatial sampling units represent the "plot" sampled. A spatial sampling unit describes the specific geographic areas sampled. For example, if a researcher places a single light source at a specific point in a research location in order to attract insects to derive an estimate of the insect population, then the sampling unit is the area illuminated by the light source (in actual practice there might be multiple sampling unit in this case since different species have different attraction rates). A sampling unit may also be seen as the bounding box of a specific 3-meter square "plot". In the case of a study in which the measurements from several disbursed "point collection" devices are aggregated, then the sampling unit would be the area of that aggregation. Spatial sampling units can either be described by reference to a "coverage" description or by reference to the values in a data table (usually a GIS layer) x New in EML 2.0.0 The identifier of a spatial sampling entity. The identifier of a entity described in the "entity" module. This is usually a GIS layer. A value of a "referencedEntityId" element is reference to the identifier of the "entity" module that provides the metadata for a data table (RDBMS, GIS or "ascii" text) that has the actual spatial sampling unit values. The "referencedEntityId" is an indirect pointer to the actual values. The "referencedEntityId" can be thought of as a "foreign key" in a relational database. x New in EML 2.0.0 Descriptor Theme Type The type of descriptor theme or the name of a classification system. The descriptorType is used to represent either the name of a citable classification system/controlled vocabulary such as the "Bailey" classification of ... or a domain of physical descriptors such as climate or disturbances. climate, soils, hydrology, "bailey", biome, disturbance, geology