'$RCSfile: eml-literature.xsd,v $' Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/ '$Author: berkley $' '$Date: 2002/04/21 22:45:30 $' '$Revision: 1.13 $' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA eml-literature The eml-literature module contains information that describes literature resources. It is intended to provide overview information about the literature citation, including title, abstract, keywords, and contacts. Literature Citation Information describing a literature resource. The literature element contains general information about a literature resource that is being documented, or a piece of literature that is being cited in support of a given resource, such as a dataset. It contains subelements that are specific to a literature resource such as a book, a journal article, a thesis, etc. It extends the generic resource elements with literature specific fields. Some general observations on choices of elements for specific types: 'Publisher' and 'publicationPlace' are distinguished by the fact that the' Publisher' is always the actual organization that physically publishes whatever the literature type is. 'The publicationPlace' could be one in the same, but it may just be the organization affiliated with putting together the content and then giving it to a publisher to assembled, produce, and publish. So for example a book could have been written by an author(s) with one or more organizations but published by University of New Mexico Press. So 'publicationPlace' would be the author's organizational affiliations. These could be the University of New Mexico, University of California, and University of Florida. This is why 'publicationPlace' is unbounded. In places where the keyword was just too general institution or in the case of thesis 'university' was used because the more general name of 'publicationPlace' seemed unnecessarily confusing. 'Section' was placed in every reference type to increase the granularity of the reference. So for example, a Chapter in a book could be referenced directly instead of the entire book. The granularity could be even finer so for example a table in a book could be a reference and so on. The same goes for all the other reference types Please see the examples within the subelements for this type. This field was introduced in EML 2.0. article Information for full citation of a journal, magazine, zine, newswpaper etc... article The article field provides sub-fields for a full citation of an article. These fields include the name, its volume number, the issue, and the page range for the article, the publisher, the publication place, the issn number, and the section . Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Book Information for full citation of a book The book field provides sub-fields for a full citation of a book. The sub-fields include the publisher, the publication place, the volume, the edition, the totol volumes, the total pages, the total figures, the total tables, the isbn number, and the section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Book Information for full citation of a book The edited book extends the Book complex type with the editor sub-element. The editor(s) are distinguished from the actual authors of the various articles, essays, chapters within the edited book. Please see the individual sub-fiels for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. editor of book The editor(s) of an edited book. The editor(s) may be different from the actual authors of the various articles, essays, chapters within the edited book. William K. Michener, James Brunt This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. unpublished manuscipt Information about an unpublished manuscript The manuscript field provides sub-fields for a full citation of an unpublished manuscript. The two main fields include the the publication information, and the location of the manuscript. The publication information allows for referencing the party that created the manuscript and all of the contact information. The sub-elements are institution, total pages, and section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Report Information about a report published by an institution. The report may be self published by the institution or through a publisher. They usually are available by request to the institution or can be purchased from the publisher. The sub-elements are report number publisher, institution, total pages, section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Thesis as part of a degree Information about a thesis that has been written as part of a degree requirement and is frequently published in small numbers by the degree awarding institution. It provides sub-elements for the degree obtained, the publisher, the university, total number of pages, and the section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature conference proceedings The published notes, papers, presentations etc... of a conference. The conference proceedings extends the Book complex type with the following sub-element: editor, conference name, conference year, and conference location. Please see the individual sub-fiels for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. editor The editor(s) of the conference proceedings. The editor(s) may be different from the actual authors of the various articles, essays, presentations within the conference proceeeding publication. Joe and Jane Schmedley This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. conference name The name of the conference whose proceedings have been published. see summary above. North American Science Symposium This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. conference date The date the conference was held. see summary above. November 1-6, 1998 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. conference location The location where the conference was held. see summary above. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. personnel communication A personnel communication that has been saved online or as hard-copy. This could be a widely distributed memo throughout the LTER, an e-mail, a transcript from a conversation or interview, etc... The sub-elements are publicationPlace, communicationType, recipient, and section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. map This element desribes the map that is being cited or cataloged. The sub-elements are publisher, edition, geographic coverage, section, and scale. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. generic reference type This reference type was created for references that fit in to the other existing reference types The sub-elements are publisher, publication place, referenceType, volume, number of volumes, total pages, total tables, total figures, edition, section, original publication, reprinted edition, reviewed item, issn, and isbn. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. audio visual, film, video, broadcast, other electronic media This reference type is meant to cover all forms of audio and visual media. The sub-elements are publisher, publication place, performer, isbn, and section. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. unpublished presentation An unpublished presentation from a conference, workshop, workgroup, symposium etc... that will be provided upon request in either in paper and/or electronic form. The sub-elements are institution, presentation place, section, total pages, total tables, and total figures. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature and discussions at the EML Workshop at the Sevilleta in April 2002. Journal Name The name of the journal, magazine, newspaper, zine, etc... in which the article was published. The name of the journal, magazine, newspaper, zine, etc... in which the article was published. "Ecology","New York Times", "Harper's" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Journal Volume The volume of the journal in which the article appears The volume field is used to describe the volume of the journal in which the article appears. "Volume I" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Journal issue The issue of the journal in which the article appears The issue field is used to describe the issue of the journal in which the article appears. "November 2001" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Journal Pages The beginning and end page numbers of the journal article The page range field is used for the beginning and ending pages of the journal article that is being documented. "115-122" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Publisher Organization that actually publishes the article The organization that physically puts together the article and publishes it. This may differ from the publicationPlace or it may be the same. "Harper Collins", "University Of California Press" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Publication Place Organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. Organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. There could be multiple authors and therefore multiple affiliations "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature. International Standard Serial Number The unique Internation Standard Serial Number The ISSN, or International Standard Serial Number that has been assigned to this literature resource. ISSN 1234-5679 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 and was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) and the ISO 3297-1975; ANSI Z39.9-1979 standard. Section of an article References a section of an article. References a section of an article. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire article. "Table 3.1" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Publisher Organization that actually publishes the book The organization that physically puts together the book and publishes it. This may differ from the publicationPlace or it may be the same. "Harper Collins", "University Of California Press" See sub-elements in responsibleParty This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Publication Place The organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. The organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. There could be multiple authors and therefore multiple affiliations "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature. Book edition The edition of the book being described. The edition field is to document the edition of the book that is being described. "Second Edition" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Book volume The volume of the book that is part of a series. The volume field is used to describe the volume number of a book that is part of a multi-volume series of books. "Volume 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of Volumes Number of volumes in a collection or series Number of volumes in a collection or series "12" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Total book pages The total number of pages in the book. The total pages field is used to describe the total number of pages in the book that is being described. "628" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of figures in book The total number of figures in the book. the total figures field is used to describe the total number of figures, diagrams, and plates in the book that is being documented. "45" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of tables in book The total number of tables in a book. The total tables field is used to describe the total number of tables that are present in the book that is being documented. "10" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature International Standard Book Number The unique Internation Standard Book Number The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number that has been assigned to this literature resource. ISBN 1-861003-11-0 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 and was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) and the ISO Standard 2108. Section of a book References a section of a book References a section of a book . Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire book. "Table 3.1", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 3, Section 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature. Manuscript publication information The address and contact information needed to request a manuscript. The institution information field is used to provide contact and address information that would be needed to request an unpublished manuscript Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Total manuscript pages The total number of pages in the manuscript. The total pages field is used to describe the total number of pages in the manuscript that is being described. "628" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature section of manuscript Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire manuscript. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire manuscript. "Table 3.1", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 3, Section 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Report Number The unique identification number assigned to the report. The report number field is used to describe the unique identification number that has been issued by the report institution for the report being described. "22" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Publisher Organization that actually publishes the report The organization that physically put together the report and publishes it. This may differ from the institution or it may be the same. "Harper Collins", "University Of California Press" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Institution Institution(s) who authors are affiliated with. Institution(s) who authors are affiliated with.There could be multiple authors and therefore multiple affiliations "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature. Total report pages The total number of pages in the report. The total pages field is used to describe the total number of pages in the report that is being described. "628" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Section of a report References a section of a report. References a section of a report. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire report. "Table 3.1", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 3, Section 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9. Publication Place The address and contact information needed to request a personal communication. The publication place information field is used to provide contact and address information that would be needed to request an unpublished manuscript "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Type of communication The type of personal communication. The type of personal communication. Could be an email, letter, memo, transcript of conversation either hardcopy or online. "memo", "letter", "email", etc.... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Recipient Recipient of the communication The person, place or thing the personal communication was sent to. "Schmedley, Joe", "jschmedley@lternet.edu", etc.... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Section of a personal communication References a section of a personal communication. References a section of a personal communication. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire personal communication. "Table 3.1" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Publisher Organization that actually publishes the map The organization that physically puts together the map and publishes it. see sub-elements in responsible party This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Map edition The edition of the map being described. The edition field is to document the edition of the mapthat is being described. "Second Edition" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Geographic coverage Description of the geographic area which the map covers This element describes the geographic area which the map covers. Could be a descriptive paragraph of text or Cartesian coordinates of the area. The geographicCoverage element was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9. Section of map References a section of a map. References a section of a map. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire map. "Chart 1" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Scale The Map's scale The Map's scale 1:25,000 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Publisher Organization which actually distributes the video, film, the broadcaster etc... Organization which actually distributes the video, film, the broadcaster etc... This is may or may not be the same as the publication place. "LTER Network Office", "Public Broadcasting", "Pacifica Radio" etc... See sub-elements in responsible party This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Production Place Organization that actually produces the audio visual material. Organization that actually produces the audion visual material. There can be more than one producer so this element is unbounded. "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Performer The performers in the audio visual production The performers involved in acting, narrating, or shown in the audio visual production. "Jim Nabors", "Sir Lawrence Olivier", etc ... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature International Standard Book Number The unique Internation Standard Book Number The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number that has been assigned to this literature resource. ISBN 1-861003-11-0 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9and was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) and the ISO Standard 2108. Section of audio visual material References a section of audio visual material. References a section of audio visual material. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire audio visual. "Tape 3" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Presentation publication information The address and contact information needed to request a presentation. The institution information field is used to provide contact and address information that would be needed to request an unpublished presentation. "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Presentation place information The address and contact information where the material was presented. The presentation place field is used to provide the contact information for the place where the material was presented. "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS" See sub-elements in responsibleParty. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Section of presentation References a section of the presentation. References a section of the presentation. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire presentation. "Frame 53, Table 4" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 Total book pages The total number of pages in the book. The total pages field is used to describe the total number of pages in the book that is being described. "628" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of figures in presentation The total number of figures in the presentation. The total figures field is used to describe the total number of figures, diagrams, and plates in the presentation that is being documented. "45" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of tables in presentation The total number of tables in a presentation. The total tables field is used to describe the total number of tables that are present in the presentation that is being documented. "10" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Publisher Organization which actually publishes the reference The organization which physically puts together the reference and publishes it. This may differ from the publicationPlace or it may be the same. "Harper Collins", "University Of California Press" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature. Publication Place Organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. Organization(s) who authors are affiliated with. There could be multiple authors and therefore multiple affiliations "LTER Network Office", "NCEAS", "Central Arizona Phoenix LTER" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Reference Type The type of reference. The reference type describes the type of reference this generic type is being used to represent. "zine", "film", "radio program", etc... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Reference volume The volume of the reference that is part of a series. The volume field is used to describe the volume number of a reference that is part of a multi-volume series of references. "Volume 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of Volumes Number of volumes in a collection or series Number of volumes in a collection or series "12" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Total reference pages The total number of pages in the references. The total pages field is used to describe the total number of pages in the references that is being described. "628" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of figures in reference The total number of figures in the reference. The total figures field is used to describe the total number of figures, diagrams, and plates in the reference that is being documented. "45" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Number of tables in reference The total number of tables in a reference. The total tables field is used to describe the total number of tables that are present in the reference that is being documented. "10" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Section of generic type References a section of the generic type. References a section of the generic type. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire type. "Table 3.1", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 3, Section 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 edition The edition of the generic reference being described. The edition field is to document the edition of the generic reference type that is being described. "Second Edition" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Original Publication References current publication to its original. Supplemental information about the original publication of the current reference. "Date", "Publisher", etc... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9. Reprint Edition Reference for current edition that was originally published under a different title. Reference for current edition that was originally published under a different title. "Stream Research in the LTER Network, 1993" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9. Reviewed Item Reference types that are reviews of other references. Use for articles, chapters, audio visual , etc... that are critical rview of books, cinema, art, or other works. "Structure and Function of an Alpine Ecosystem Niwot Ridge, Colorado Edited by WILLIAM D. BOWMAN and TIMOTHY R. SEASTEDT, University of Colorado, Boulder" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9. International Standard Book Number The unique Internation Standard Book Number The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number that has been assigned to this literature resource. ISBN 1-861003-11-0 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9 and was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) and the ISO Standard 2108. International Standard Serial Number The unique Internation Standard Serial Number The ISSN, or International Standard Serial Number that has been assigned to this literature resource. ISSN 1234-5679 This field was introduced into EML 2.0 and was derived from the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) and the ISO 3297-1975; ANSI Z39.9-1979 standard. Degee name The name or degree level for which the thesis was completed. The degree field is used to describe the name or degree level for which the thesis was completed. "Ph.D.", "M.S.", "Master of Science", etc... This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Degree awarding institution The name of the degree-awarding institution The degree institution field is used to name the institution from which the degree was awarded for the thesis being described. "Western Washington University" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Address where a copy of the thesis may be requested The address where the thesis may be requested The publication information field is used to provide the name, address, and contact information that is needed in oreder to request a copy of the thesis that is being described. Please see the individual sub-fields for specific examples. This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature Thesis Pages The total number of pages in the thesis. The total pages field is used to document the number of pages that are present in the thesis that is being described. "356" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from MARC/various software packages handling literature section of thesis References a scection of the thesis. References a scection of the thesis. Gives citation a finer granularity so sections can be referenced instead of the entire thesis. "Table 3.1", "Chapter 3", "Chapter 3, Section 2" This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 9