COMMUNITY LOADING COMMENTS (Lee): --------------------------- db structure comments ------------------------------- commConcept.conceptDescription should be renamed commDescription commStatus.partyComments should be renamed commPartyComments *Status.*parent_ID are named *Status.*parent (fullstop) - we should pick a name and go with it. How painful is it for you to change to without the "_ID" at the end of the parent fields? I have a fair amount of code on top of it, but not too much. One of us must change. ERRORS IN LOADING: -------------------------------------------------- *****Usage loads name_ID as the same number for each system of a plant, but loads the commName as different names. Name_ID should always match commName field, as commName field is a denormalization of commName_ID in a table. For example: PK commname_id commname cmconc_id usagestrt usagestop cmnmstat commprty classsystem 17530 17718 CEGL004677 6153 11/26/97 Standard 19 CEGL 17531 17718 Andropogon ger... 6153 11/26/97 Standard 19 NVC 17532 17718 Big Bluestem - (... 6153 11/26/97 Standard 19 English Common CommName 17718 corresponds to "Andropogon gerardii..." name, so the middle record is OK. The top record should have commName_ID = 17719 the last record should have commNaME_ID = 17720 questions, mostly for Bob: --------------------------- ***Do we want to keep the KEY values from ecoArt like "G.4" and "SC.13" and "SG.36" -- these not currently stored with us, just "V.A.5" type names, except for Alliance and Assoc, which have and CEGLxxxxxx Subgroup names will be repeated, as they are always one of : "Natural/Semi-natural" or "Planted/Cultivated" *** Do we want to add the Group name to the front of this so as to make the subgroup names unique for each subgroup. Otherwise, we have duplicated names per classSystem per Party with a status of "Standard" which seems not useful. picky items: ------------ reference records should really contain a "shortName" of "USDA2000" or "EcoArt2002" to help id ref's in queries not sure I like classSystem names. "NVC" seems like an inherently unspecific name - NVC what?. Does "CEGL" really apply to names like "A.196" and "V.1.N.a" ? wouldn't "formation" be better? Also, we need to be careful with "common names" vs. "scientific names-translated" (They seem similar, but slightly different) summary of what I'm looking at: ------------------------------- (ASSOC) concept# : 6153, based on "CEGL004677", reference = EcoArt [correct] status : parent = correct Alliance, level=Assoc (correct), status="standard" (correct) startdate good, similarly as alliance below, this updated after originDate, use the update value for date? usage : errors as name_ID does not match name - see above correlation: empty, but that's ok for now for communities --- (ALLNC) concept# : 916, alliance that is parent of above assoc., reference = Ecoart, based on name = "A.1192" [correct] staus : parent good , allianceOriginDate used for date, but the EcoArt update field is later - maybe use Update field instead ?? usage : same name_ID issue as above. otherwise OK --- (FORMATION) concept# : 539, formation that is parent of above alliance, ref = ecoArt, based on name "V.A.5.N.a" [correct] status : parent good, date good usage : same issue as above with name_ID otherwise OK --- (SUBGRP) concept# : 299, ref= "ecoart", based on "V.A.5.N" [good] status : parent good, date good usage : same issue as name_ID above. Here, we also run into a new issue in that the name is "Natural/Semi-natural" may not be the name we want, as it will be reused for many other subgroups. It seems to rely on the group name to get a real name, ie. "Temperate or subpolar grassland -- Natural/Semi-natural" Is the latter what we really want? --- (GRP) concept# : 168, ref='ecoArt', baed on "V.A.5" [good] status : parent good, date good usage : same name_ID issue, otherwise OK --- (SUBCLASS) concept# : 54, ref EcoAry, basd on "V.A" [good] status : good usage : same name_Id issue, otherwise OK --- (CLASS) conecpt# : 43, ref EcoArt, based on "V" [good] status : good usage : same name_ID issue, otherwise OK ----- summary of concepts queried above: concid name_id ref_id commname (that concept is based on) 43 86 1 V 54 108 1 V.A 168 336 1 V.A.5 299 598 1 V.A.5.N 539 1078 1 V.A.5.N.a 916 2024 1 A.1192 6153 17719 1 CEGL004677