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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2123 Kepler Bug New Low need a way to uniquely identify actor in a workflow and locate it ben leinfelder 06/15/2012 07:40 AM Actions
3803 Kepler Bug New Low Cannot open a workflow through the command prompt, open with, or send to menus ben leinfelder 04/21/2009 11:13 AM Actions
7229 Metacat Bug New Normal Mis-Formatting of Data Package Contents ben leinfelder 01/17/2018 04:32 PM Actions
7182 Metacat Bug New Normal Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private ben leinfelder 04/13/2017 08:10 AM Actions
5779 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal Owners list reorders its entries ben leinfelder 04/29/2016 09:19 AM Actions
6416 Metacat Feature In Progress Normal Do not allow restrictive access control change to content with a DOI ben leinfelder 04/07/2016 11:55 AM Actions
6049 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Render some SystemMetadata details in views ben leinfelder 03/30/2016 10:46 AM Actions
6959 Metacat Bug New Normal http response charset not included ben leinfelder 02/10/2016 04:29 PM Actions
6838 Metacat Support In Progress Normal LTER user can't log in ben leinfelder 11/03/2015 11:09 AM Actions
6848 Metacat Feature New Normal Add link to send another verification email ben leinfelder 09/30/2015 10:23 AM Actions
5590 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression forces pdf if 'automatically show graphics' is checked ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 04:16 PM Actions
6588 Kepler Bug New Normal R actor does not have error for missing output ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6575 Kepler Feature New Normal reference parameters in R actor's script ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6701 Morpho Bug New Normal Entity descriptions can't be added outside wizard ben leinfelder 04/27/2015 08:20 AM Actions
6700 Morpho Bug New Normal Pub date field ben leinfelder 04/27/2015 08:19 AM Actions
6702 Morpho Bug New Normal Import metadata indexing option ben leinfelder 03/27/2015 02:59 PM Actions
6589 Morpho Bug New Normal common name in taxonomic coverage ben leinfelder 08/28/2014 01:02 PM Actions
5821 Metacat Bug New Normal Allow certificate-based Metacat administration ben leinfelder 05/20/2014 10:59 AM Actions
6034 Metacat Feature New Normal Simplify configuration for certificate delegation ben leinfelder 05/20/2014 10:58 AM Actions
6045 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal Morpho not correctly handling Chinese characters ben leinfelder 04/25/2014 03:31 PM Actions
6253 Semtools Story In Progress Normal Design/implement semantic indexing system ben leinfelder 03/03/2014 04:42 PM Actions
5366 Semtools Bug New Normal Integrate semantic query with keyword and spatial query ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:10 AM Actions
5135 Semtools Bug New Normal Loading ontology from local file does not seem functional ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:10 AM Actions
5365 Semtools Bug New Normal Context-based semantic query ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:09 AM Actions
5368 Semtools Bug New Normal Compound query conditions ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:09 AM Actions
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