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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5365 Semtools Bug New Normal Context-based semantic query ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:09 AM Actions
5262 Metacat Bug New Normal EML document owner can't read the document ben leinfelder 10/26/2011 04:11 PM Actions
5242 Morpho Bug New Normal Spatial search uses 'pathquery' not 'spatial_query' action ben leinfelder 11/16/2010 01:03 PM Actions
5135 Semtools Bug New Normal Loading ontology from local file does not seem functional ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:10 AM Actions
5118 Morpho Bug New Normal export function error reporting ben leinfelder 08/10/2010 08:26 AM Actions
5104 Morpho Bug New Normal CustomList text fields are too short ben leinfelder 07/29/2010 10:24 AM Actions
5103 Morpho Bug New Normal Wizard screen to edit data entity name ben leinfelder 07/27/2010 02:50 PM Actions
5078 Semtools Bug New Normal Measurement templates ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:00 AM Actions
5063 Morpho Bug New Normal Morpho Data Package Editor degrades when Editing Data Table Access ben leinfelder 06/30/2010 01:37 PM Actions
5053 FIRST Bug New Normal Attempt to download either yields empty file or throws an error (Bespin) ben leinfelder 06/18/2010 05:51 AM Actions
5039 FIRST Bug New Normal Errors while saving assessments on to the server ben leinfelder 06/03/2010 08:19 AM Actions
5030 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression2 actor will fail if the libs are not found ben leinfelder 05/27/2010 02:14 PM Actions
4999 FIRST Bug New Normal FIRST Website download and missing metadata issues ben leinfelder 06/18/2010 06:00 AM Actions
4946 Semtools Bug New Normal Look-ahead search freezes ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:53 AM Actions
4935 Semtools Bug New Normal Lazily load semtools plugin ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:56 AM Actions
4886 Metacat Bug New Normal "DatabaseService is already registered" error after configuring Metacat ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 02:20 PM Actions
4881 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression outputs [false] for any matrix of booleans ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:53 AM Actions
4880 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression cannot output matrix of strings ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:54 AM Actions
4879 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression replaces ) in string vectors with } when outputting to a port ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:37 AM Actions
4876 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression - recursively handle arrays ben leinfelder 03/11/2010 03:25 PM Actions
4861 FIRST Bug New Normal NBII Connectivity Issues ben leinfelder 06/17/2010 11:36 PM Actions
4856 Semtools Bug New Normal Ontology Browser as a non-modal palette ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:53 AM Actions
4855 Semtools Bug New Normal Reorder the Full Annotation rows to match madlib order ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:52 AM Actions
4854 Semtools Bug New Normal Integrate Context Annotation tab with Column Annotation tab ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:52 AM Actions
4772 Semtools Bug New Normal Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
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