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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5405 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate remove tagging's BasicGraphController override Sean Riddle 06/14/2011 06:49 PM Actions
2493 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate actor repository tracking bug Sean Riddle 04/16/2010 11:35 AM Actions
4462 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Component search in remote repositories not working Sean Riddle 04/16/2010 11:34 AM Actions
4304 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Progress monitor is blank when authenticating for KAR upload Sean Riddle 01/27/2010 11:28 AM Actions
4903 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Text in attributes not rendered properly Sean Riddle 11/29/2012 07:30 PM Actions
5642 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Kepler should have access to the ShowTypes attribute Sean Riddle 10/01/2012 01:28 PM Actions
5648 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal FileCopier code duplication Sean Riddle 09/17/2012 11:46 AM Actions
5422 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Tools=>Tag Manager... menu option is missing Sean Riddle 06/14/2011 06:48 PM Actions
4752 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal create a sensor plots gui Sean Riddle 02/14/2011 01:45 PM Actions
5251 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal using File->Open MoML... always opens model into Sensor Site view Sean Riddle 02/14/2011 01:45 PM Actions
4742 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal create engineering view model type Sean Riddle 02/14/2011 01:45 PM Actions
4604 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal Make aesthetic changes to tagging interface Sean Riddle 02/04/2011 03:33 PM Actions
4324 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ptII/module-info/revision.txt not being updated Sean Riddle 01/24/2011 10:29 AM Actions
5219 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal problems when semantically annotating or tagging a composite actor Sean Riddle 01/14/2011 02:56 PM Actions
4988 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Instantiating a wf as a composite that has a tag doesn't work as expected Sean Riddle 01/14/2011 02:47 PM Actions
5260 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Problems with unknown free-form tags Sean Riddle 01/12/2011 02:28 PM Actions
5136 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal semantic type checker always returns error Sean Riddle 12/09/2010 09:24 AM Actions
5215 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal tags from a new ontology created within Tag Manager don't show up in Tagging drop-down Sean Riddle 10/27/2010 10:44 AM Actions
5212 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal deselecting ontologies in Tag Manager doesn't remove tags from Tagging drop-down Sean Riddle 10/27/2010 10:42 AM Actions
5184 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal sanity check(s) when attempting to open owl file Sean Riddle 09/29/2010 01:21 PM Actions
5185 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal common ontology_catalog.xml get modified Sean Riddle 09/29/2010 01:20 PM Actions
5026 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Error dialog pop up in RC3 when closing the ImageJ window after workflow execution. Sean Riddle 07/29/2010 01:40 PM Actions
5047 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Rename the tagging docs tagging.pdf Sean Riddle 06/21/2010 11:19 AM Actions
5013 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add documentation to resources for Tagging module Sean Riddle 05/25/2010 12:50 PM Actions
4971 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Write documentation for tagging module Sean Riddle 05/25/2010 12:49 PM Actions
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