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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4329 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Allow offline XML validation ben leinfelder 08/24/2009 02:12 PM Actions
3518 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Allow [re]editing of question-level metadata ben leinfelder 10/17/2008 05:19 PM Actions
3438 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow save-on-close action to be specified by the plugin ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
3436 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow subclassing of classes in datapackage for use in FIRST ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:49 PM Actions
5932 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using cgi-registry modification form ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5931 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using Metacat API "read" action ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
2972 SANParks Informatics Bug Resolved Normal alter spatial search to only include fully enclosed [center] points ben leinfelder 10/03/2007 11:16 AM Actions
4772 Semtools Bug New Normal Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
6268 Semtools Task New Normal Annotation in REML package 11/26/2013 09:57 AM Actions
5369 Semtools Bug Closed Normal AnnotationManager: persistence layer Oracle support ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:11 AM Actions
5370 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal AnnotationManager: persistence layer [re]initialization ben leinfelder 04/07/2011 04:34 PM Actions
5371 Semtools Bug New Normal AnnotationManager: query performance ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:08 AM Actions
6257 Semtools Task In Progress Normal Annotation model diagrams 01/02/2014 02:25 PM Actions
4906 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Annotation query implementation (SPARQL) ben leinfelder 04/06/2010 04:19 PM Actions
4902 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Annotations duplicated during editing ben leinfelder 03/24/2010 02:33 PM Actions
4849 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant eclipse fails David Welker 02/26/2010 09:16 AM Actions
4734 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant run-workflow-no-gui cannot read configuration Chad Berkley 02/04/2010 12:43 PM Actions
6246 MetacatUI Feature Resolved Normal Apply spatial search when panning at initial zoom level 11/27/2013 12:56 PM Actions
3299 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal AssessmentImport: "Cancel" button does nothing in Import Wizard Ryan McFall 05/19/2008 10:09 AM Actions
4164 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Associated Data - wf_exec_id behavior Derik Barseghian 07/01/2009 01:22 PM Actions
5734 EML Bug Resolved Normal Attribute Domain info not rendered by stylesheets ben leinfelder 11/14/2012 11:16 AM Actions
4432 SEEK Bug Resolved Normal AuthenticatedQueryService corrupts binary files (Zip) on download ben leinfelder 10/01/2009 03:24 PM Actions
6296 Metacat Story Closed Normal authMN SM.accessPolicy out of synch with CN and replicaMN Peter Slaughter 02/21/2014 03:36 PM Actions
5707 Morpho Bug New Normal Auto-check for newer version of Morpho on start-up ben leinfelder 01/18/2013 04:09 PM Actions
4720 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Automatically generate Measurement and Observation labels ben leinfelder 02/02/2010 12:33 PM Actions
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