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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2965 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Ability to easily concatenate identical data structures (EMLDatasource) ben leinfelder 04/04/2008 05:01 PM Actions
2969 Kepler Bug New Normal Ability to join tables _across_ EML data packages ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
2968 Kepler Bug New Normal Ability to join tables within same EML data package ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
4193 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ActorMetadata - clone() error when opening workflow from KAR Chad Berkley 06/29/2009 01:37 PM Actions
2939 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add ability to access password protected EarthGrid data from within Kepler ben leinfelder 02/07/2008 02:33 PM Actions
6161 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Add access_log indexes to support DataONE log retrieval ben leinfelder 10/18/2013 04:01 PM Actions
5117 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Add an "Edit Profile..." dialog ben leinfelder 01/17/2013 10:55 AM Actions
2966 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add a 'Preview data' menu to data source actors ben leinfelder 02/05/2008 09:54 AM Actions
6205 MetacatUI Feature Closed Normal Add attribute search filter (text of name/label/description) ben leinfelder 11/14/2013 11:13 PM Actions
3148 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add authentication error reporting ben leinfelder 10/12/2009 03:19 PM Actions
2967 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add a 'View data' menu to data source actors ben leinfelder 02/05/2008 10:02 AM Actions
4949 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Add class label under madlib fields ben leinfelder 04/20/2010 03:35 PM Actions
6033 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Add configuration to disable 'pathquery' Jing Tao 11/13/2014 03:04 PM Actions
4825 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Add Context is not saving the Relationship ben leinfelder 02/23/2010 10:30 AM Actions
2963 Kepler Bug New Normal Add data structure for tabular data and associated metadata ben leinfelder 08/17/2009 02:30 PM Actions
6419 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Add Dryad and DataONE schemas to Metacat catalog Chris Jones 02/17/2014 07:16 AM Actions
6066 Metacat Task Closed Normal Add email verification for new accounts ben leinfelder 09/23/2013 10:30 AM Actions
3528 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add EML 2.1.0 namespace mapping to "qformat.xml" files ben leinfelder 10/31/2008 11:47 AM Actions
7009 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Add EML 2.1.1 handling to OAI-PMH provider ben leinfelder 04/12/2016 08:08 AM Actions
7030 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Add EML 2.1.1 to DC support for OAI provider ben leinfelder 05/17/2016 05:27 PM Actions
7033 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add external link to FGDC stylesheet ben leinfelder 05/24/2016 11:32 AM Actions
3259 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add fields used in Morpho search to the default indexPaths property ben leinfelder 05/19/2008 09:34 AM Actions
4951 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Add "?" help buttons/info on the annotation tabs ben leinfelder 04/21/2010 11:51 AM Actions
5757 Morpho Bug New Normal Add identifier scheme drop down to id conflict window ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
3272 Metacat Bug New Normal Add Keywords for SANParks and SAEON when uploading spatial data ben leinfelder 05/02/2008 04:00 PM Actions
6070 MetacatUI Feature Closed Normal Add "latest version" pointer when rendering metadata that is obsoletedBy a newer version ben leinfelder 09/11/2013 03:38 PM Actions
6192 MetacatUI Bug Closed Normal Add ldapweb.cgi links in the RegistryView when they are removed from the register-data.cgi template ben leinfelder 11/18/2013 12:51 PM Actions
5941 Metacat Task Rejected Normal Add login/logout methods to DataONE MN service ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 02:38 PM Actions
6208 MetacatUI Task Resolved Normal Add map to default theme Lauren Walker 11/20/2013 02:44 PM Actions
6209 MetacatUI Task Resolved Normal Add map to KNB theme ben leinfelder 11/21/2013 02:18 PM Actions
6210 MetacatUI Feature Rejected Normal Add map to SNAP theme Lauren Walker 03/20/2015 09:19 AM Actions
2962 Kepler Bug New Normal Add metadata to data tokens so that it can be used downstream ben leinfelder 02/10/2012 12:15 AM Actions
5740 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Add MN selection to Morpho preferences screen ben leinfelder 11/27/2012 06:41 PM Actions
3087 SEEK Bug Resolved Normal Add objectName parameter for PutService ben leinfelder 01/22/2008 02:45 PM Actions
7032 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add ONEDCX stylesheet for D1 view service ben leinfelder 05/24/2016 11:31 AM Actions
5998 EML Feature New Normal Add publication date property to keywordSet Matt Jones 12/11/2013 11:02 AM Actions
6096 Metacat Task Closed Normal Add reCaptcha library instructions to admin docs Jing Tao 10/01/2013 04:59 PM Actions
6065 Metacat Task Closed Normal Add reCaptcha widget to initial registration page Jing Tao 09/20/2013 11:06 AM Actions
6031 Metacat Feature Rejected Normal Add rendered metadata to Bagit package contents ben leinfelder 10/10/2013 12:10 PM Actions
5831 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Address "inherited" access policy on data entities ben leinfelder 01/30/2013 09:50 PM Actions
6247 MetacatUI Feature Resolved Normal Add result set icon to indicate that record is on the map 11/22/2013 04:34 PM Actions
4945 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Add scrollbars to search UI ben leinfelder 04/19/2010 03:24 PM Actions
6688 MetacatUI Feature Resolved Normal Add "sign in" button to DataONE theme ben leinfelder 03/11/2015 08:36 AM Actions
6204 MetacatUI Story Resolved Normal Add spatial search filter 02/14/2014 04:42 PM Actions
4473 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Add WRM to bottom of report viewer for navigation Derik Barseghian 01/03/2011 11:26 AM Actions
5852 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow a mix of MN URL and MN Node Name values in the preferences screen ben leinfelder 02/08/2013 11:54 AM Actions
5821 Metacat Bug New Normal Allow certificate-based Metacat administration ben leinfelder 05/20/2014 10:59 AM Actions
5503 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal allow custom thesaurus to load from filesystem Jing Tao 11/06/2013 03:51 PM Actions
4066 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Allow legacy LSIDs to be parsed, but not serialized Aaron Aaron 05/13/2009 05:54 PM Actions
3439 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow Morpho to run with an alternate configuration directory ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
4329 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Allow offline XML validation ben leinfelder 08/24/2009 02:12 PM Actions
3518 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Allow [re]editing of question-level metadata ben leinfelder 10/17/2008 05:19 PM Actions
3438 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow save-on-close action to be specified by the plugin ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
3436 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow subclassing of classes in datapackage for use in FIRST ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:49 PM Actions
5932 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using cgi-registry modification form ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5931 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using Metacat API "read" action ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
2972 SANParks Informatics Bug Resolved Normal alter spatial search to only include fully enclosed [center] points ben leinfelder 10/03/2007 11:16 AM Actions
4772 Semtools Bug New Normal Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
6268 Semtools Task New Normal Annotation in REML package 11/26/2013 09:57 AM Actions
5369 Semtools Bug Closed Normal AnnotationManager: persistence layer Oracle support ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:11 AM Actions
5370 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal AnnotationManager: persistence layer [re]initialization ben leinfelder 04/07/2011 04:34 PM Actions
5371 Semtools Bug New Normal AnnotationManager: query performance ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:08 AM Actions
6257 Semtools Task In Progress Normal Annotation model diagrams 01/02/2014 02:25 PM Actions
4906 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Annotation query implementation (SPARQL) ben leinfelder 04/06/2010 04:19 PM Actions
4902 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Annotations duplicated during editing ben leinfelder 03/24/2010 02:33 PM Actions
4849 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant eclipse fails David Welker 02/26/2010 09:16 AM Actions
4734 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant run-workflow-no-gui cannot read configuration Chad Berkley 02/04/2010 12:43 PM Actions
6246 MetacatUI Feature Resolved Normal Apply spatial search when panning at initial zoom level 11/27/2013 12:56 PM Actions
3299 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal AssessmentImport: "Cancel" button does nothing in Import Wizard Ryan McFall 05/19/2008 10:09 AM Actions
4164 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Associated Data - wf_exec_id behavior Derik Barseghian 07/01/2009 01:22 PM Actions
5734 EML Bug Resolved Normal Attribute Domain info not rendered by stylesheets ben leinfelder 11/14/2012 11:16 AM Actions
4432 SEEK Bug Resolved Normal AuthenticatedQueryService corrupts binary files (Zip) on download ben leinfelder 10/01/2009 03:24 PM Actions
6296 Metacat Story Closed Normal authMN SM.accessPolicy out of synch with CN and replicaMN Peter Slaughter 02/21/2014 03:36 PM Actions
5707 Morpho Bug New Normal Auto-check for newer version of Morpho on start-up ben leinfelder 01/18/2013 04:09 PM Actions
4720 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Automatically generate Measurement and Observation labels ben leinfelder 02/02/2010 12:33 PM Actions
3124 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Automatically refresh ecogrid sources (endpoints) once per Kepler ben leinfelder 04/01/2008 06:22 PM Actions
6221 MetacatUI Task Rejected Normal Borrow spatial aggregation library from d1_dashboard Lauren Walker 11/15/2013 04:02 PM Actions
5910 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Build index from scratch Jing Tao 08/01/2013 01:55 PM Actions
6081 Metacat Task Closed Normal Build metacatui.war in Metacat bundle ben leinfelder 09/09/2013 03:07 PM Actions
4169 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Build "server-side" installation of Kepler Chad Berkley 06/25/2009 04:43 PM Actions
5824 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Call CN.setAccessPolicy() when editing access ben leinfelder 01/29/2013 04:09 PM Actions
6298 Metacat Task Resolved Normal Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat Peter Slaughter 02/07/2014 12:44 PM Actions
5825 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Call CN.setReplicationPolicy() when editing replication policy ben leinfelder 01/28/2013 05:13 PM Actions
6417 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged() Jing Tao 11/02/2015 11:32 AM Actions
5794 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Cannot add only Genus with Common Name Jing Tao 01/25/2013 10:13 PM Actions
6687 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Cannot disable "site list" in Perl registry ben leinfelder 03/06/2015 03:47 PM Actions
5709 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Cannot download XML for private datapackages shown in XSL display ben leinfelder 09/12/2012 11:40 AM Actions
3478 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Cannot insert XML documents Michael Daigle 09/17/2008 03:45 PM Actions
3821 FIRST Bug New Normal Cannot launch parser within Morpho when using Java 1.6 ben leinfelder 05/01/2009 12:25 PM Actions
5245 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Cannot load incomplete documents with data display errors Jing Tao 11/17/2010 02:01 PM Actions
6796 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Cannot register DOI for private object ben leinfelder 11/03/2015 11:04 AM Actions
3260 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Cannot update FGDC metadata documents in SANParks/SAEON skin ben leinfelder 07/28/2008 05:15 PM Actions
5795 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Centralize identifier conflict resolution during save LOCAL+NETWORK ben leinfelder 01/23/2013 04:21 PM Actions
6087 Metacat Task Closed Normal Change all default configurations to use new context 09/23/2013 04:35 PM Actions
5873 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Change [invisible] Login button to hyperlink button ben leinfelder 02/21/2013 05:44 PM Actions
2960 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Change RExpression actor to use meaningful graphic file output names ben leinfelder 07/07/2008 11:50 AM Actions
2964 Kepler Bug New Normal Change RExpression plotting actors to allow custom axis and title labels ben leinfelder 07/01/2008 11:33 AM Actions
4821 Semtools Bug Resolved Normal Changes in madlib view do not immediately show in table view ben leinfelder 02/22/2010 05:23 PM Actions
4278 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Changes to a reopened KAR are not saved to the new KAR Aaron Aaron 09/03/2009 04:17 PM Actions
5827 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Changes to dataTable data are not saved to network Jing Tao 01/29/2013 04:49 PM Actions
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