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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4612 Metacat Bug Rejected Normal EML file content out of sync with metacat Michael Daigle 04/03/2013 04:05 PM Actions
4611 Metacat Bug New Normal searching for soong_test seems to return entries with "soong test" as well as soong_test Michael Daigle 12/08/2009 04:31 PM Actions
4610 Metacat Bug New Low trying to register a dataset when logged in asks for another authentication Michael Daigle 12/08/2009 04:28 PM Actions
4609 Metacat Bug New Low when viewed with saved credentials, KNB homepage shows blank entries Michael Daigle 12/08/2009 04:23 PM Actions
4608 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate ROML in KAR files not being shown at all Derik Barseghian 12/08/2009 03:21 PM Actions
4600 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Changing workflow & running causes "execution history not found" message to appear in report viewer ben leinfelder 12/24/2009 01:09 PM Actions
4599 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal changing Expression and running problematic workflow generates blank report ben leinfelder 12/24/2009 01:07 PM Actions
4598 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal particular workflow triggers "QueryException: No tokens found for execution" debi staggs 12/03/2009 05:15 PM Actions
4596 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal selecting text entry box of report item moves activation highlight but does not update properties window debi staggs 12/14/2009 07:29 PM Actions
4593 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ROML lost when saving workflow with a composite actor to KAR after saving XML after saving to KAR debi staggs 12/01/2009 02:16 PM Actions
4592 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ROML lost when saving KAR a second time debi staggs 12/01/2009 09:25 PM Actions
4591 Kepler Bug New Normal ImageJ creating folders based on file paths from prior executions saved in the MOML Chad Berkley 01/13/2010 02:18 PM Actions
4572 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ROML lost when reported ports are in composite actors debi staggs 11/23/2009 10:08 AM Actions
4571 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report "lost" from KAR ben leinfelder 12/16/2009 10:40 AM Actions
4570 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal dangling file handle for KARs Aaron Aaron 01/25/2010 04:45 PM Actions
4569 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal viewing report before executing sometimes generates persistent blank report ben leinfelder 12/14/2009 01:22 PM Actions
4568 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal must have some way to view full path to port in report debi staggs 11/30/2009 03:34 PM Actions
4567 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal NPE viewing LSID of non-workflow entries in local repositories Chad Berkley 11/23/2009 10:15 AM Actions
4565 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal clean wrp checkout has no actors Chad Berkley 11/19/2009 07:55 PM Actions
4564 Kepler Bug New Normal Model Reference throws error with workflows in the same folder, but still functions Daniel Crawl 01/13/2010 02:23 PM Actions
4563 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal components search seems to be broken Chad Berkley 12/14/2009 07:38 PM Actions
4562 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report seems to exist in MOML workflows when kar of same name exists in a local repository debi staggs 11/22/2009 07:49 PM Actions
4561 Kepler Bug New Normal icon overlays not showing up for actors in the components tree Chad Berkley 01/13/2010 04:05 PM Actions
4560 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal can't remove local repositories Chad Berkley 01/12/2010 05:10 PM Actions
4559 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate local repositories not showing up in components tree Aaron Aaron 01/28/2010 10:38 AM Actions
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