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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4638 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant clean-all no longer works Chad Berkley 12/24/2009 11:13 AM Actions
4808 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant clean-cache fails, NoClassDefFoundError, org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory David Welker 02/18/2010 01:14 PM Actions
3925 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant run does not always work from paths with spaces David Welker 08/20/2009 03:51 PM Actions
4523 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal apply button while editing ports acts like commit Chad Berkley 11/03/2009 07:00 PM Actions
4540 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal authentication problems with Jing Tao 11/10/2009 03:06 PM Actions
4528 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal BREAK_BEFORE property for report sections does not work ben leinfelder 11/04/2009 10:47 AM Actions
4671 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal cannot export workflow runs when workflow has actors with <> in the names Derik Barseghian 04/19/2010 04:42 PM Actions
4510 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal can't add local repository if its name begins with the name of another local repository Aaron Aaron 11/04/2009 11:36 AM Actions
4033 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Can't compile, MakeKars not found Chad Berkley 04/29/2009 02:27 AM Actions
4560 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal can't remove local repositories Chad Berkley 01/12/2010 05:10 PM Actions
4143 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal "change failed" error while copy/paste-ing an ImageJ actor Chad Berkley 06/11/2009 08:36 AM Actions
4530 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal changing a KAR outside of a Kepler session fails without a clean-cache Chad Berkley 11/04/2009 08:57 AM Actions
4599 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal changing Expression and running problematic workflow generates blank report ben leinfelder 12/24/2009 01:07 PM Actions
4600 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Changing workflow & running causes "execution history not found" message to appear in report viewer ben leinfelder 12/24/2009 01:09 PM Actions
4565 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal clean wrp checkout has no actors Chad Berkley 11/19/2009 07:55 PM Actions
4660 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Clicking in a section header highlights all the text. debi staggs 06/07/2010 07:09 AM Actions
4652 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal clicking rows in the wrm no longer updates the report designer/viewer Derik Barseghian 01/11/2010 12:39 AM Actions
4563 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal components search seems to be broken Chad Berkley 12/14/2009 07:38 PM Actions
4436 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal composite actor output ports cannot be added to reports debi staggs 12/03/2009 05:15 PM Actions
4804 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal copy/paste relation changes width from Auto to 1 Christopher Brooks 03/24/2010 04:57 PM Actions
4631 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Could use some way to change the "workflow name" stored in a KAR Chad Berkley 01/20/2010 03:54 PM Actions
4630 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal creating and changing relations don't trigger LSID bump Aaron Aaron 01/26/2010 02:52 AM Actions
4570 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal dangling file handle for KARs Aaron Aaron 01/25/2010 04:45 PM Actions
4655 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate data packages are suddenly unusable Daniel Crawl 01/08/2010 01:37 PM Actions
4547 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal documentation for file parameter includes an error Christopher Brooks 01/10/2010 11:03 PM Actions
(51-75/156) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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