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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4359 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Model Reference causes String index out of range error in variable setter Daniel Crawl 11/05/2009 09:14 AM Actions
4526 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal multi-line entries can be put into text items in reports, but they are displayed on a single line debi staggs 06/07/2010 07:06 AM Actions
4789 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal multiport input to composite actor seems to only pass first token Chad Berkley 02/17/2010 12:26 PM Actions
4568 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal must have some way to view full path to port in report debi staggs 11/30/2009 03:34 PM Actions
4524 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal no prompt to save a changed report Derik Barseghian 01/31/2011 06:02 PM Actions
4567 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal NPE viewing LSID of non-workflow entries in local repositories Chad Berkley 11/23/2009 10:15 AM Actions
4626 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal NPE when saying "yes" to adding a semantic type while saving a KAR Shawn Bowers 12/10/2009 06:30 PM Actions
4529 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal NPE while saving KAR crashes Kepler Aaron Aaron 11/18/2009 08:59 AM Actions
4440 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal null pointer exception on viewing report when workflow has not been run ben leinfelder 10/09/2009 09:43 AM Actions
3801 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal open dialog, common places pane has white box instead of text Christopher Brooks 06/17/2012 01:57 PM Actions
4598 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal particular workflow triggers "QueryException: No tokens found for execution" debi staggs 12/03/2009 05:15 PM Actions
4615 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal pdfs missing from run archives Derik Barseghian 12/14/2009 05:57 PM Actions
4086 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Port-Parameters half-work with composite actors Chad Berkley 06/04/2009 04:50 PM Actions
4832 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal python actor outputting to disconnected composite output throws error Daniel Crawl 04/08/2010 01:55 PM Actions
4439 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal reporting displays output for a different actor Daniel Crawl 01/13/2010 03:46 PM Actions
4441 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal reporting fails to output figure ben leinfelder 10/21/2009 10:28 AM Actions
4669 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report layout changes, but text field displays previous content debi staggs 03/24/2010 04:21 PM Actions
4571 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report "lost" from KAR ben leinfelder 12/16/2009 10:40 AM Actions
4562 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report seems to exist in MOML workflows when kar of same name exists in a local repository debi staggs 11/22/2009 07:49 PM Actions
4508 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report viewer should listen for executions to finish ben leinfelder 10/27/2009 05:05 PM Actions
3984 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal RequireVersion parameter cannot be deleted from a saved workflow Christopher Brooks 04/25/2009 10:07 AM Actions
3807 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal reserved symbols in record names passed to the RExpression actor generate a missing R error message ben leinfelder 07/28/2009 03:29 PM Actions
3912 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal RExpression actor has a single line text entry field Chad Berkley 03/26/2009 09:23 AM Actions
4272 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal RExpression cannot handle irregular Record tokens Chad Berkley 07/29/2009 07:34 AM Actions
3986 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal RExpression confounding R working directory and .kepler folder ben leinfelder 04/28/2009 12:01 PM Actions
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