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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4801 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal out of memory jianwu jianwu 08/23/2015 02:29 PM Actions
4642 Kepler Bug New Normal memory usage & slowdowns jianwu jianwu 08/23/2015 02:28 PM Actions
4846 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal error opening kar from local repository Chad Berkley 07/12/2012 04:11 PM Actions
3801 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal open dialog, common places pane has white box instead of text Christopher Brooks 06/17/2012 01:57 PM Actions
4613 Kepler Bug New Normal EML 2 Dataset automatically updating to latest package doesn't trigger "workflow change" Chad Berkley 11/10/2011 07:54 PM Actions
4872 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal listen to director throws error Chad Berkley 11/03/2011 07:21 PM Actions
4548 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal string tokens with newlines print the escape sequences debi staggs 02/09/2011 04:14 PM Actions
4524 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal no prompt to save a changed report Derik Barseghian 01/31/2011 06:02 PM Actions
4660 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Clicking in a section header highlights all the text. debi staggs 06/07/2010 07:09 AM Actions
4526 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal multi-line entries can be put into text items in reports, but they are displayed on a single line debi staggs 06/07/2010 07:06 AM Actions
4869 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal changes made to workflows during dialogs before committing (Edit Parameters/Cancel) ben leinfelder 05/25/2010 11:52 AM Actions
4533 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal printing from the report viewer prints the workflow editor content debi staggs 05/13/2010 03:12 PM Actions
4480 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal can't view more than one of workflow editor, report designer, and report viewer at a time debi staggs 05/13/2010 01:47 PM Actions
4361 Kepler Bug New Normal Workflow Run Manager column "Workflow Name" can be confusing Derik Barseghian 04/26/2010 03:43 PM Actions
4357 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Workflow Run Manager does not mark last failed execution red Derik Barseghian 04/19/2010 05:40 PM Actions
4671 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal cannot export workflow runs when workflow has actors with <> in the names Derik Barseghian 04/19/2010 04:42 PM Actions
4767 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal error instantiating actor with port types from KAR Aaron Aaron 04/12/2010 05:56 PM Actions
4832 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal python actor outputting to disconnected composite output throws error Daniel Crawl 04/08/2010 01:55 PM Actions
4804 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal copy/paste relation changes width from Auto to 1 Christopher Brooks 03/24/2010 04:57 PM Actions
4669 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal report layout changes, but text field displays previous content debi staggs 03/24/2010 04:21 PM Actions
4880 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression cannot output matrix of strings ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:54 AM Actions
4881 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression outputs [false] for any matrix of booleans ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:53 AM Actions
4879 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression replaces ) in string vectors with } when outputting to a port ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:37 AM Actions
4870 Kepler Bug New Normal searching for packages with the same name from multiple sources sometimes loses results Chad Berkley 03/04/2010 02:23 PM Actions
4709 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal error updating ptolemy/src David Welker 02/25/2010 11:54 AM Actions
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