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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2363 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Move Actions out of BasicGraphController Christopher Brooks 04/30/2009 09:58 AM Actions
2338 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate TRACKING - MENUS: pop-up context menu revision Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:54 PM Actions
2337 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate TRACKING - MENUS: Top-Level Menu Revision Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:54 PM Actions
2259 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate DIALOGS: Implement New Actor Dialog Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:53 PM Actions
2258 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate DIALOGS: Implement New Director Dialog Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:52 PM Actions
2257 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate DIALOGS: Implement New Workflow Dialog Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:52 PM Actions
2245 Kepler Bug In Progress Immediate TRACKING: Batik SVG Rendering - remaining tasks Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:31 PM Actions
2374 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - Improve inital rendering times Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 01:11 PM Actions
1232 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate cookie needs to be written after knb page login Chris Barteau 11/07/2007 02:53 PM Actions
2447 Jalama Bug New Immediate Jalama web-app XUL doesn't work in Firefox 1.5+ Chris Jones 05/26/2006 03:50 PM Actions
2345 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Actor Library classname/icon mapping problems Chad Berkley 05/19/2006 10:56 AM Actions
2433 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Change Actor Library folder icons to ontology symbols Matthew Brooke 05/19/2006 10:52 AM Actions
2333 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate MENUS: Top-Level Menu - relocate code further up class hierarchy Matthew Brooke 03/02/2006 08:35 PM Actions
2332 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate MENUS: Top-Level Menu - link ptii enabled/disabled listeners Matthew Brooke 02/17/2006 06:35 PM Actions
2286 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - reduce svg file size Matthew Brooke 02/17/2006 06:33 PM Actions
2336 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate MENUS: Top-Level Menu - implement class.forName in getActionFor() Matthew Brooke 02/02/2006 12:58 PM Actions
2341 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate MENUS: Top-Level Menu - Some mapped menu items not working Matthew Brooke 01/26/2006 04:07 PM Actions
2334 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate MENUS: Top-Level Menu - add support for menu separators Matthew Brooke 01/19/2006 02:26 PM Actions
2267 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - Memory Usage Matthew Brooke 12/15/2005 09:53 PM Actions
2266 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - Assigning Icons Matthew Brooke 12/15/2005 09:51 PM Actions
2269 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - Small Icon (Actor Library Thumbnail) Matthew Brooke 12/08/2005 02:28 PM Actions
2268 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate SVG - Backward Compatibility Matthew Brooke 12/08/2005 02:27 PM Actions
2235 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Search text-field only 1 character wide on Mac OS X Matthew Brooke 11/03/2005 08:19 PM Actions
2026 Jalama Bug Resolved Immediate MORPHO PLUGIN Tracking Bug - Field Data-Collection Admin Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:40 AM Actions
2090 Jalama Bug Resolved Immediate problem with registering UI Matthew Brooke 06/06/2005 05:38 PM Actions
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