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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1847 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate import EML documents into Morpho Jing Tao 01/25/2010 10:46 AM Actions
2285 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Morpho creates a duplicate dp that has an existing docid Saurabh Garg 12/23/2009 01:30 PM Actions
2284 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Data tables not uploaded to network Saurabh Garg 09/08/2009 10:46 AM Actions
1819 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Access control - deny public/allow user read: user couldn't read Saurabh Garg 07/26/2006 03:53 PM Actions
2096 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Not all elements of attribute module displayed in tree editor P. Anderson 09/28/2005 10:24 AM Actions
1770 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Using Revert Tab in Data Table panel Saurabh Garg 05/27/2005 02:37 PM Actions
1799 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Losing data tables when using “Export” Saurabh Garg 05/27/2005 01:08 PM Actions
1944 Morpho Bug Resolved Immediate Text Import Wizard crash: loosing entered info Saurabh Garg 05/18/2005 03:33 PM Actions
1980 Metacat Bug Works For Me Normal Duplication when displaying catalog of data packages Saurabh Garg 04/10/2013 11:23 AM Actions
1848 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Error message when exporting data package without saving it ben leinfelder 01/17/2013 01:51 PM Actions
2210 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Displaying taxonomic information imported from table Saurabh Garg 01/17/2013 11:20 AM Actions
1992 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal DP Wizard: lat/long coordinates not displayed correctly or saved Saurabh Garg 01/17/2013 11:10 AM Actions
2165 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Password appears in log file (stderr.log) Saurabh Garg 06/02/2010 11:58 AM Actions
1781 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Can�t delete a Data Table that has column headers, but no data Saurabh Garg 06/02/2010 11:54 AM Actions
2287 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Saving local dp to the network creates dp with different docid Saurabh Garg 05/06/2010 02:00 PM Actions
2198 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Morpho editor generates validation problem message when doc is valid Saurabh Garg 08/12/2009 03:39 PM Actions
1987 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Provide ability to paste in mathematical formulas (allow special characters) Saurabh Garg 03/07/2008 10:33 AM Actions
2288 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Attribute 'authSystem' is missing on element 'access' Saurabh Garg 07/27/2006 10:30 AM Actions
2203 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Morpho editor gives validation problem message when you don't trim Jing Tao 06/27/2006 02:36 PM Actions
2200 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Morpho editor creates unwanted node (spatialVector) Jing Tao 06/27/2006 02:36 PM Actions
1793 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Can't open metadata file generated from "Export" Saurabh Garg 06/07/2006 09:17 AM Actions
2289 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Attribute 'authSystem' is missing on element 'access' Saurabh Garg 11/22/2005 04:29 PM Actions
2202 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Displaying year only under Temporal Coverage P. Anderson 10/04/2005 05:16 PM Actions
2214 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Submitting lat/long coordinates in spatial coverage section Saurabh Garg 10/04/2005 11:45 AM Actions
2220 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Temporal coverage on Data Registry form Saurabh Garg 10/04/2005 11:44 AM Actions
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