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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6904 MetacatUI Feature New Low Display image in Metadata View for images that don't have isDocumentedBy populated Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:14 AM Actions
6893 Kepler Bug New Low DateToken value inconsistent Christopher Brooks 12/04/2015 09:18 AM Actions
6879 MetacatUI Bug New Normal Popover box in Google Maps does not always display Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:00 AM Actions
6872 MetacatUI Task New Low "Invite your colleagues to join DataONE" feature Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:19 AM Actions
6861 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Indicate which member nodes have no matches for the given search Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:11 AM Actions
6859 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Add link to user's profile from Metadata View 03/30/2016 10:44 AM Actions
6858 MetacatUI Bug New Normal Allow users to save their search via a bookmarkable/sharable link Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:00 AM Actions
6857 MetacatUI Bug New Normal Make COINS work with Chrome (and other browser) extensions Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:00 AM Actions
6852 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Enhance Provenance Display in the Metadata View 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6849 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Create new layout for displaying 'other entities' Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6848 Metacat Feature New Normal Add link to send another verification email ben leinfelder 09/30/2015 10:23 AM Actions
6846 Morpho Bug New Normal Morpho hangs when exporting data package 09/25/2015 10:33 AM Actions
6843 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Query NCEAS admin db for current projects for Registry and custom filter tools Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6842 MetacatUI Feature New Low Create more intelligent breadcrumbs Lauren Walker 09/03/2015 11:22 AM Actions
6838 Metacat Support In Progress Normal LTER user can't log in ben leinfelder 11/03/2015 11:09 AM Actions
6820 MetacatUI Feature New Low Add OR filter option Lauren Walker 07/28/2015 12:05 PM Actions
6810 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Create detailed user documentation for MetacatUI Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:10 AM Actions
6805 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Show error message with Solr query error Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:37 AM Actions
6795 Kepler Bug New Normal parameters in composite actor not configured properly 07/08/2015 04:40 AM Actions
6794 Kepler Bug New Normal Cannot run two instances at the same time with two different users Daniel Crawl 07/21/2015 12:02 PM Actions
6793 Metacat Support In Progress High Update DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service ben leinfelder 01/25/2016 10:16 AM Actions
6788 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Determine geohash level for map tiles before sending the Solr query Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6787 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Add dataset citation info from PLOS DLM api Peter Slaughter 03/30/2016 10:36 AM Actions
6777 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Use ITIS API for semantic searching using the taxon filter Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:36 AM Actions
6768 MetacatUI Task New Low Consider a back button for the search map Lauren Walker 11/16/2015 04:45 PM Actions
6767 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Allow search terms to be grouped by "OR" Lauren Walker 01/19/2016 09:57 AM Actions
6746 Metacat Bug New Normal Should create a Ecogrid tag from SEEK/Branch_1_2_3 for Metacat Jing Tao 05/05/2015 06:12 PM Actions
6745 Morpho Bug New Normal Morpho main window doesn't look good in windows 8 05/04/2015 10:21 AM Actions
6718 MetacatUI Bug New Normal Consider not mapping search reuslts with a 0,0,0,0 bounding box Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6712 MetacatUI Task New Normal Consider a two-column layout on each side of the prov chart to better show the flow of data and programs Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6711 MetacatUI Task New Normal Add back button for prov trace Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6710 MetacatUI Task New Normal Have left-right swiping animation as the user navigates the prov trace Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6709 MetacatUI Task New Normal Show a broader view of the provenance trace in a pop-up window Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6706 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Add provenance fields to the online registry Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 12:36 PM Actions
6705 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Find mapped identities when doing actions involving authentication Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:44 AM Actions
6702 Morpho Bug New Normal Import metadata indexing option ben leinfelder 03/27/2015 02:59 PM Actions
6701 Morpho Bug New Normal Entity descriptions can't be added outside wizard ben leinfelder 04/27/2015 08:20 AM Actions
6700 Morpho Bug New Normal Pub date field ben leinfelder 04/27/2015 08:19 AM Actions
6699 MetacatUI Bug New Normal Prompt asks for credentials in Chrome on Android 4.4.2 Lauren Walker 01/01/2016 10:14 AM Actions
6698 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Look at sorting by relevancy features in Solr Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:36 AM Actions
6683 MetacatUI Task In Progress Normal Create responsive styling for the prov charts Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6682 MetacatUI Task New Normal Add tooltip to provenance features for more info Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6664 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Store the resource map ID of the selected dataset in the SolrResult model and retrieve it in the Metadata View Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6660 MetacatUI Task New Normal Add more options to the Person filter Lauren Walker 11/16/2015 04:45 PM Actions
6649 Metacat Bug New Normal Metacat MN.create method doesn't check if the identifier exists in CNs (dataone network) Jing Tao 01/19/2015 02:28 PM Actions
6648 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Create and use a field name map in all index requests Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:45 AM Actions
6641 MetacatUI Feature New Normal add additional stats to #profile page Lauren Walker 01/19/2016 09:56 AM Actions
6636 MetacatUI Task New Normal Add event listeners for hover features on mobile devices Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:19 AM Actions
6628 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Add copy/paste R and Matlab code snippet for downloading a DataONE package Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:02 AM Actions
6618 Morpho Bug New Normal Make production morpho work on Java 7 Jing Tao 03/18/2015 05:38 PM Actions
(101-150/1535) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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