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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
884 Bug Load database:NY-ESF-1500: DF New Immediate Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
878 Bug PCord export New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 1.2.0 Actions
874 Bug TurboVeg export New Low Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
856 Bug users specify view of plots and fields they want New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
845 Bug Query manager - list of past queries New Immediate Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
823 Bug Annotation: query for notes New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
821 Bug Notes: add new note form, link from views of things to note New Low Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
820 Bug Revisions: edit plots, cite them at a time, view them as they were before revisions New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
817 Bug Query for User-defined variables New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 1.2.0 Actions
793 Bug Build validation package:Default values for some fields (if null) New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
771 Bug Loader rectification tools:Picklists: closed (and open?) New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
750 Bug Allow users to write plug-ins for third party data formats, export and import New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
748 Bug Systematic approach to rectification New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
738 Bug TurboVeg plot import (TV-XML to VB-XML by our stylesheet) New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
720 Bug Party Perspective Managment (plant/comm):General interface to allow New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 3.0.0 Actions
713 Bug Add intermediate levels to plantStatus, between standard levels. New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - DontKnowWhen Actions
704 Bug doubleCheck final DB: QA of plants and communities New Low Robert Peet VegBank - 1.2.0 Actions
689 Bug Usability analysis by expert usability person New Low Michael Lee VegBank - 2.0.0 Actions
681 Bug Website cleanup:Spelling and editing checks New Normal Michael Lee VegBank - 1.2.0 Actions
675 Bug Evaluate Tutorial New Normal Robert Peet VegBank - 1.2.0 Actions
667 Bug enable column reordering In Progress Normal Dan Higgins Morpho - 1.9 Actions
664 Bug add keyboard shortcuts for menus In Progress Normal Dan Higgins Morpho - Postpone Actions
660 Bug Change file/directory chooser action for "Export" In Progress Normal Dan Higgins Morpho - Postpone Actions
657 Bug rewrite code to add sample datapackage from jar file In Progress Normal Dan Higgins Morpho - 1.9 Actions
620 Bug Data Files with fixed width fields are not handled In Progress Normal Dan Higgins Morpho - Postpone Actions
(1476-1500/1535) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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