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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7132 MetacatUI Feature In Progress Normal Serialize a Resource Map from a DataPackage collection Lauren Walker 12/16/2016 08:46 AM Actions
6793 Metacat Support In Progress High Update DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service ben leinfelder 01/25/2016 10:16 AM Actions
6838 Metacat Support In Progress Normal LTER user can't log in ben leinfelder 11/03/2015 11:09 AM Actions
5979 MetacatUI Task In Progress Normal Choose new site name Matt Jones 07/01/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6257 Semtools Task In Progress Normal Annotation model diagrams 01/02/2014 02:25 PM Actions
6683 MetacatUI Task In Progress Normal Create responsive styling for the prov charts Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6253 Semtools Story In Progress Normal Design/implement semantic indexing system ben leinfelder 03/03/2014 04:42 PM Actions
6254 Semtools Story In Progress Normal Design/implement semantic query service and syntax 03/03/2014 04:46 PM Actions
7040 MetacatUI Story In Progress Normal A client side data and metadata manager and editor Chris Jones 12/16/2016 08:46 AM Actions
7117 MetacatUI Story In Progress Normal Serialize a System Metadata doc from a DataONEObject model 12/16/2016 08:45 AM Actions
(1526-1535/1535) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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