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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
6079 Feature Support JSON or XML output from emlparser New Normal ben leinfelder EMLPARSER_2_1_1_UPDATE_3 Actions
4393 Bug Use datamanager for EML QA/QC New Normal ben leinfelder DataManager 1.0.0 Actions
365 Bug Eml documentation for Seminars & LTER sites In Progress Normal David Blankman Postpone Actions
1036 Bug Develop errata section for eml technical documents on web In Progress Normal David Blankman Postpone Actions
1128 Bug Distribution element requested for project In Progress Normal David Blankman Postpone Actions
2578 Bug Data Manager Library: Release and Distribution In Progress Normal Duane Costa DataManager 1.0.0 Actions
2673 Bug Data Manager Library: Set upper limit on database size In Progress Normal Duane Costa DataManager 1.1.0 Actions
2674 Bug Data Manager Library: Set database table life-span priority In Progress Normal Duane Costa DataManager 1.1.0 Actions
5308 Bug Data Manager Library: storageType content should be stored and used In Progress Normal Duane Costa DataManager 1.1.0 Actions
3181 Bug xs:string to ComplexType TextType, minOccurs=0, judiciously applied New Normal James Brunt Postpone Actions
2573 Bug Data manager library need to handle binary data file format In Progress Normal Jing Tao DataManager 1.0.0 Actions
2576 Bug Data Manager Library: Database Connection Pooling In Progress Normal Jing Tao DataManager 1.0.0 Actions
2701 Bug Data Manager Library: Support for inline data New Normal Jing Tao DataManager 1.1.0 Actions
2702 Bug Data Manager Library: Support for online URL references New Normal Jing Tao DataManager 1.1.0 Actions
2688 Bug embedded text format ignored by Metacat New Normal Jing Tao Postpone Actions
2756 Bug Single quote characters from data are not escaped when performing inserts New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
2758 Bug datamanager does not respect precision on nominal day attributes New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
5427 Bug round-trip encoding of missing values uploaded then queried from a db table is lost New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
5475 Bug Make the data manager handle multiple physical representations in an entity New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
4117 Bug squished rendering of some EML datasets New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
4265 Bug texttype stylesheet does not correctly handle mixed content New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
4683 Bug The knb xslt stylesheet display is squished over to the left New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
5255 Bug missing template for method/methodStep/software/implementation/distribution/inline New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
5615 Bug Examine HTML skins for EML New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
5751 Bug EML stylesheet problem for i18n text New Normal Margaret O'Brien Unspecified Actions
(1-25/75) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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