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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4329 Bug Resolved Normal Allow offline XML validation ben leinfelder 08/24/2009 02:12 PM Actions
3522 Bug Resolved Normal Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload ben leinfelder 06/18/2009 08:47 AM Actions
3863 Bug Resolved Normal Parser could not launch. ben leinfelder 04/24/2009 09:52 AM Actions
4585 Bug Resolved Immediate Parser fails to launch from within Morpho! ben leinfelder 11/25/2009 09:32 PM Actions
4451 Bug Resolved Normal Permissions granted cannot seem to be revokable ben leinfelder 11/17/2009 12:24 PM Actions
4415 Bug Resolved Normal Retry save to metacat (once) in cases where upload errors are unclear ben leinfelder 09/25/2009 11:52 AM Actions
3914 Bug Resolved Normal Trying to add a category/keyword from Bloom thesarus results in error ben leinfelder 04/23/2009 10:51 AM Actions
3703 Bug Resolved Normal Commit original photoshop/illustrator files to CVS debi staggs 01/12/2009 09:10 AM Actions
3832 Bug Resolved Normal Add ability to restart parsing process in Parser Ryan McFall 09/21/2009 08:18 AM Actions
3793 Bug Resolved Normal Add ignored region selections to vector image selection page Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 10:38 AM Actions
3865 Bug Resolved Normal Add question before first question while parsing an exam Ryan McFall 06/30/2009 07:38 PM Actions
3794 Bug Resolved Normal Add tool tip text to controls in the Main parser window Ryan McFall 02/23/2009 07:00 AM Actions
3534 Bug Resolved Normal Allow move by question scrolling in MainWindow Ryan McFall 09/21/2009 08:06 AM Actions
3747 Bug Resolved Normal Allow navigating by question within the parser Ryan McFall 09/21/2009 08:06 AM Actions
3733 Bug Resolved Normal Assigning response columns incorrectly checks for numeric data Ryan McFall 05/20/2009 06:42 PM Actions
3660 Bug Resolved Normal Auto-scroll window when performing a selection Ryan McFall 01/13/2009 01:13 PM Actions
3966 Bug Resolved Normal Buggy functionality: Show Images - Hide Images in questionComponent Ryan McFall 04/30/2009 12:00 PM Actions
3457 Bug Resolved Normal Can't immediately edit new choice for multiple choice question Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:28 AM Actions
3406 Bug Resolved Normal Changing delimiters on ConfigureDataSource doesn't work Ryan McFall 05/13/2009 01:24 PM Actions
3820 Bug Resolved Normal Dropping image into common instructions prompt shows image drop targets for whole question Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:09 AM Actions
3989 Bug Resolved Normal Garbled text in questions and missing choices! Ryan McFall 05/18/2009 12:17 PM Actions
4024 Bug Resolved Normal Image drop target disappears after deleting last image from a response item Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:16 AM Actions
3965 Bug Resolved Normal Inappropriate error message when the document is a scanned PDF Ryan McFall 05/02/2009 03:13 PM Actions
4045 Bug Resolved Immediate Incorrect use of <item> elements in QTI Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 08:09 AM Actions
4375 Bug Resolved Normal item metadata not serializing correctly (Metadata items not faithfully retrieved on re-opening an assessment) Ryan McFall 09/26/2009 02:35 AM Actions
(1-25/58) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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