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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2970 Bug New Normal LA Atlas Alan Weakley 09/23/2007 04:57 PM Actions
2715 Bug New Normal Clean up relationship mapping to remove ?s Alan Weakley 03/31/2007 09:53 AM Actions
2679 Bug New Normal Port static NCSU records into SPECIFY Alan Weakley 11/25/2006 07:21 AM Actions
5387 Bug New Normal Update CF classification based on numerical (distance) analysis Forbes Boyle 04/29/2011 09:03 AM Actions
5386 Bug New Normal Identify maritime fringe unknown specimens Forbes Boyle 04/29/2011 09:03 AM Actions
5385 Bug New Normal Project 58 (Syngenta) Forbes Boyle 04/29/2011 08:49 AM Actions
5382 Bug New Normal Incorporate Wiser's Classification into the Archive DB Forbes Boyle 04/29/2011 08:36 AM Actions
4423 Bug New Normal Check Taxon occurrences where otherwise not know from state Forbes Boyle 09/29/2009 06:43 PM Actions
2749 Bug New Normal Soil errors in legacy data: Mg truncated Forbes Boyle 09/30/2009 12:38 PM Actions
5388 Bug New Normal Migrate CF projects to Archive DB Michael Lee 04/29/2011 09:03 AM Actions
5384 Bug New Normal Collections spreadsheets verification Michael Lee 04/29/2011 08:40 AM Actions
5383 Bug New Normal Updating GUIDs for taxon observations Michael Lee 04/29/2011 08:38 AM Actions
5159 Bug New Normal auto filter for sensitive species Michael Lee 08/21/2010 02:36 PM Actions
4427 Bug New Normal Need taxonomic standardization rules when importing new data Michael Lee 09/30/2009 10:35 AM Actions
4383 Bug New Normal project 59, team 6 cover by strata method error Michael Lee 09/11/2009 10:49 AM Actions
4378 Bug New Normal Classification Automation Tools Michael Lee 04/29/2011 08:26 AM Actions
4157 Bug New Normal Decide on impermeable surface for soildrainage Michael Lee 06/15/2009 12:04 PM Actions
4156 Bug New Normal clairification of mean-water depth Michael Lee 06/15/2009 12:02 PM Actions
4154 Bug New Normal post-workshop 2009 CONTAINER BUG Michael Lee 06/15/2009 12:42 PM Actions
3846 Bug New Normal viewer-classification view Michael Lee 02/25/2009 12:31 PM Actions
3845 Bug New Normal viewer-classification view and update Michael Lee 02/25/2009 12:30 PM Actions
3840 Bug New Immediate Classification view/import/edit - CONTAINER BUG Michael Lee 02/25/2009 12:31 PM Actions
3800 Bug New Normal 1/28/2009 CONTAINER bug Michael Lee 01/29/2009 01:47 PM Actions
3798 Bug New Normal Allow plot annotation from ANY database Michael Lee 01/29/2009 01:47 PM Actions
3589 Bug New Normal Go through and map species by stratum: are floating and acquatic species assigned to those strata? Michael Lee 11/02/2008 12:46 PM Actions
(1-25/89) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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