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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2866 Bug Resolved Normal Migrate data from OLD entry db to OLD archive (w/ SAS) (52,59,61) Michael Lee 11/02/2008 01:51 PM Actions
2891 Bug Resolved Normal Strata should always be shown, but tab stops can be off if no header Michael Lee 08/08/2007 03:15 PM Actions
2901 Bug Resolved Normal Can't set new sampling level when resampling plots Michael Lee 08/08/2007 01:09 PM Actions
2893 Bug Resolved Normal VMD ordering should be flexible in forms: a few options and fall-back Michael Lee 08/08/2007 12:30 PM Actions
2898 Bug Resolved Normal Type only team, plot or just plot in SelectPlot field and it finds it Michael Lee 07/27/2007 05:05 PM Actions
2894 Bug Resolved Normal Entry Forms should change record souce, not use filters Michael Lee 07/26/2007 10:11 AM Actions
2897 Bug Resolved Normal Allow users to change the year of their base plots Michael Lee 07/23/2007 05:21 PM Actions
2890 Bug Resolved Normal VMD improvements Michael Lee 07/13/2007 11:16 AM Actions
2882 Bug Resolved Normal Entry tool doesn't allow entry of source for "new" stems during monitoring Michael Lee 07/13/2007 11:14 AM Actions
2887 Bug Resolved Normal "Empty Mod" pseudo-species causes catch-22 errors Michael Lee 07/13/2007 11:14 AM Actions
2886 Bug Resolved Normal Error checking flags null ddh for live-stakes Michael Lee 07/13/2007 11:13 AM Actions
2881 Bug Resolved Normal Error checking flagged "[muliple]" as bad value. Michael Lee 07/13/2007 11:13 AM Actions
2801 Bug Resolved Normal reports get confused with level 2 data Michael Lee 07/09/2007 05:42 PM Actions
2876 Bug Resolved Normal Error checker thinks that non-vascular genera shouldn't have "sp." Michael Lee 07/09/2007 12:59 PM Actions
2862 Bug Resolved Normal Add rationale for subsampling/stem cut-offs (affects entry-tool too) Michael Lee 07/09/2007 12:49 PM Actions
2861 Bug Resolved Normal DD-MMM-YYYY needed on level 1-2 plot datasheet Michael Lee 07/06/2007 11:00 AM Actions
2860 Bug Resolved Normal DS+Protocol: Add "U" = Unknown stem source Michael Lee 07/06/2007 10:57 AM Actions
2865 Bug Resolved Normal Datasheets & Protocol: Concrete soil (or similar) is problematic to our database Michael Lee 07/06/2007 10:29 AM Actions
2871 Bug Resolved Normal stem mapping improvements needed Michael Lee 06/20/2007 03:14 PM Actions
2723 Bug Resolved Normal Add "weird" taxa to new CVS Entry and Archive databases Michael Lee 06/20/2007 03:12 PM Actions
2856 Bug Resolved Normal Make sure the sub-sapling only applies to saplings at level 2-3, not trees Michael Lee 06/20/2007 11:08 AM Actions
2859 Bug Resolved Normal Rebar should be capped if used. Michael Lee 06/14/2007 07:19 AM Actions
2858 Bug Resolved Normal Need 6 spots for posts on datasheets Michael Lee 06/02/2007 04:25 PM Actions

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