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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2447 Bug New Immediate Jalama web-app XUL doesn't work in Firefox 1.5+ Chris Jones 05/26/2006 03:50 PM Actions
2037 Bug New Normal Promoting Data/Metadata Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:41 AM Actions
2018 Bug New Normal Allow deployment server to check and sync latest Jalama s/w (war file) John Harris 08/26/2005 11:38 AM Actions
1935 Bug New Normal Redesign PISCO EML to have complete list of fields, including the optional fields Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:38 AM Actions
1931 Bug New Low Support multiple tables Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:36 AM Actions
1624 Bug New Normal XBL Datatable Widget - make single values into labels Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:36 AM Actions
528 Bug New Low contact MARINE about handheld development Mark Schildhauer 08/26/2005 11:31 AM Actions
526 Bug New Low get data sheets and protocol descriptions from NCEAS ecologists Mark Schildhauer 08/26/2005 11:30 AM Actions
2022 Bug In Progress Normal Morpho Plugin - Enhanced Dataset Upload and Merging Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:38 AM Actions
1939 Bug In Progress Normal Spreadsheet summary view during collection Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:38 AM Actions
1936 Bug In Progress Normal XBL input widgets - Allow Widgets to be collapsed to save space if not required-field Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:38 AM Actions
1934 Bug In Progress Normal XBL Datatable Widget - Implement Overridable Validation Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:37 AM Actions
1933 Bug In Progress Normal XBL 2d Dropdown: various improvements Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:37 AM Actions
1930 Bug In Progress Low Build customization dialog to modify UIGen rules for form generator Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:36 AM Actions
1630 Bug In Progress Low Drools Rules - Layout (pagination & flow) stage of UI Gen Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:36 AM Actions
1627 Bug In Progress Normal XBL Datatable Widget - Configurable first page & header Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:36 AM Actions
1093 Bug In Progress Normal Unit tests for JS and XBL Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:35 AM Actions
1092 Bug In Progress Normal Find/Develop Documentation Tools For XBL and Javascript Chris Jones 08/26/2005 11:35 AM Actions
527 Bug In Progress Low compile and review existing software Matthew Brooke 08/26/2005 11:30 AM Actions
525 Bug In Progress Low develop example protocol descriptions Carol Blanchette 08/26/2005 11:29 AM Actions

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