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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2029 Bug In Progress Normal consider guided analysis wizard Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2024 Bug In Progress Normal provide natural language summary of workflow Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2012 Bug In Progress Normal Incorporate combo boxes with pick lists in as many places as possible to minimize user typing and provide knowledge of acceptable choices Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2011 Bug In Progress Normal MENUS: Context Menus - Add Cut/Copy/Paste to all right click popup menus Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2005 Bug In Progress Normal associate an visual text annotation with a specific actor Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1911 Bug In Progress Normal Provide real-time feedback/animation for workflow progress as a default Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1884 Bug In Progress Normal Enable drag and drop of ports and relations Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1749 Bug In Progress Normal Global toggle for port name display Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1655 Bug In Progress Normal DIALOGS: Implement New UI for Sources Dialog (was "integrate ecogrid registry into kepler ecogrid client") Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2388 Bug New Normal Incorporating the SRB actors with the gsi authentication framework Nandita Mangal 04/06/2009 10:20 AM Actions
2105 Bug New Normal add taxon concept search for data Robert Gales 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
4919 Bug New Normal tag removal sends two tagRemoved events through provenance Sean Riddle 04/12/2010 01:31 PM Actions
4604 Bug In Progress Normal Make aesthetic changes to tagging interface Sean Riddle 02/04/2011 03:33 PM Actions
3038 Bug New Normal Save in Library Dialog problem with default Category Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2122 Bug New Normal add features to support semantic incompatiblity Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2121 Bug New Normal add features to support structural incompatibility Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2118 Bug New Normal allow users to create units based on units in current ontology Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2117 Bug New Normal mechanism for user to query for semantically compatible actors Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2116 Bug New Normal alert user when new ontology is available Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2104 Bug New Normal add concept search for data Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2033 Bug New Normal provide indication of actor compatibility Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1922 Bug New Normal Develop strategies for GUI extenstions for the semantics stuff Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1921 Bug New Normal Define the Kepler GUI components required for semantic mediation in Kepler Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1920 Bug New Normal Search based on semantic annotations of a dataset's attributes Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1919 Bug New Normal choose language for semantic annotations in kepler archives Shawn Bowers 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
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