



Tickets grouped by Target version

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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
  Unspecified 95 Collapse all/Expand all
5724 Bug Display actor's suppressBlankLines parameter not working New Normal Derik Barseghian Unspecified Actions
5834 Bug Fix Kepler Javadoc warnings New Normal Unspecified Actions
4995 Bug ant installer fails under Linux In Progress Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
5289 Bug Change report instance margins from transparent to white In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian Unspecified Actions
5554 Bug Build system doesn't recompile using dependencies by default In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian Unspecified Actions
  (blank) 9 Collapse all/Expand all
6102 Bug actor classes not saved properly in KAR files New Normal Derik Barseghian Actions
6175 Bug GenericJobSubmission actor sometimes runs job without completing data transfer. New Normal Actions
6413 Bug error when switching to DDF inside Case refinement New Normal Derik Barseghian Actions
6453 Bug Dock icon changes to coffee cup New Normal Actions
6481 Bug strange issue with MultipleTabDisplay actor and with Display like actors in general (missing output port in non-gui mode) New Normal Actions
6571 Bug Kepler command line execution won't exit if the parameter to be set in command line does not exist in the workflow. New Normal Daniel Crawl Actions
6794 Bug Cannot run two instances at the same time with two different users New Normal Daniel Crawl Actions
6795 Bug parameters in composite actor not configured properly New Normal Actions
7189 Bug memory leak in Manager New Normal Christopher Brooks Actions
(501-514/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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