



Tickets grouped by Target version

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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
  2.X.Y 142 Collapse all/Expand all
5045 Bug Add a menu to add and configure new remote kepler servers In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5048 Bug Can't clean (or do other build system operations) offline In Progress Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5067 Bug The introduction of basic services so that module names are not referenced. New Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5068 Bug Investigate jars (why they are necessary) and upgrade whenever possible. New Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5069 Bug The ability to create user manuals from a wiki that is continuously updated. New Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5075 Bug Fix the module manager so it can show docs with any name. New Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5076 Bug Minimize the number of files downloaded from the Ptolemy repository. New Normal David Welker 2.X.Y Actions
5081 Bug A system for adding and removing GUI menus. New Normal Chad Berkley 2.X.Y Actions
5129 Bug adding and removing configuration properties could be made easier In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5153 Bug Save As... closes all windows associated with a workflow New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5155 Bug To exclude a file or directory requires updating at least four places, only one should be necessary New Normal Chad Berkley 2.X.Y Actions
5170 Bug uploading a workflow requires a refresh New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5173 Bug Develop clear criteria for when code in Kepler CORE should be in its own module. New Normal Ilkay Altintas 2.X.Y Actions
5249 Bug test kepler for memory leaks In Progress Immediate jianwu jianwu 2.X.Y Actions
5276 Bug component search performance is poor New Normal Jing Tao 2.X.Y Actions
5281 Bug cannot open 1.0 KARs New Normal Ilkay Altintas 2.X.Y Actions
5290 Bug originModule not always set New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5333 Bug 2.2 rc3: getenv("") doesn't work for mac installation. New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5343 Feature Add optional Console view New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5354 Bug Integrate Kepler Wiki Into Kepler Help New Normal Ilkay Altintas 2.X.Y Actions
5444 Bug Kepler can't run workflow if two instances exist at same time In Progress Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5510 Bug On Ubuntu, Kepler can disappear from the dock while still running New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5577 Bug EML 2 Dataset actor EML File and Data File parameters should accept URLs New Normal Jing Tao 2.X.Y Actions
5581 Bug Make UI improvements to Components Download New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5586 Bug Get newest version of local files in EML actor New Normal Jing Tao 2.X.Y Actions
5590 Bug RExpression forces pdf if 'automatically show graphics' is checked New Normal ben leinfelder 2.X.Y Actions
5626 Feature interacting with to know the status and other information in batch-mode. New Normal jianwu jianwu 2.X.Y Actions
5627 Bug List all possible port types in actor Types drop down list New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5645 Bug kar uploading should need user account. New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5646 Bug Switching some of the add-on modules to core New Normal Ilkay Altintas 2.X.Y Actions
5652 Bug Geon Scp and spa Ssh2Exec have duplicate code. New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5664 Bug Check for duplicate code New Normal Christopher Brooks 2.X.Y Actions
5666 Feature Build system needs a target to build all common or blessed non-core modules New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5682 Bug ontology classes require unique label New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5687 Bug investigate alternatives to workflow versioning New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5689 Bug remove configs/.../configuration.xml override New Low Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
5691 Bug parameter choices are not saved New Low Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
5699 Bug Change the workflow scheduler server documentation link in the workflow-scheduler-gui module New Normal Jing Tao 2.X.Y Actions
5715 Bug Actor Reference documentation New Normal jianwu jianwu 2.X.Y Actions
5760 Bug saving xml to existing file asks twice on mac In Progress Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
6575 Feature reference parameters in R actor's script New Normal ben leinfelder 2.X.Y Actions
6587 Feature summarize missing actors New Low Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
6588 Bug R actor does not have error for missing output New Normal ben leinfelder 2.X.Y Actions
6594 Feature cannot download from a tag New Normal Daniel Crawl 2.X.Y Actions
6614 Bug parameter editor background color different on Linux New Normal Derik Barseghian 2.X.Y Actions
  3.X.Y 206 Collapse all/Expand all
1143 Bug need SAS actor In Progress Normal Dan Higgins 3.X.Y Actions
1548 Bug consolidating data access user interfaces In Progress Immediate Jing Tao 3.X.Y Actions
1587 Bug Define and implement EcoGrid "dataQuery" method In Progress Immediate Jing Tao 3.X.Y Actions
1655 Bug DIALOGS: Implement New UI for Sources Dialog (was "integrate ecogrid registry into kepler ecogrid client") In Progress Normal Matthew Brooke 3.X.Y Actions
1749 Bug Global toggle for port name display In Progress Normal Matthew Brooke 3.X.Y Actions
(101-150/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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