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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5252 Bug In Progress Normal Plotting bugs Derik Barseghian 06/22/2012 04:31 PM Actions
5632 Bug New Normal Runtimemonitor token count idicator placement needs improvement Derik Barseghian 06/22/2012 01:41 PM Actions
5631 Bug New Normal PortParameters cannot be drag-instantiated from Outline/Items of Interest trees Derik Barseghian 06/19/2012 01:23 PM Actions
5630 Bug New Normal See about removing one set of ColorTableCellEditor and ColorTableCellRender classes Derik Barseghian 06/18/2012 03:45 PM Actions
5627 Bug New Normal List all possible port types in actor Types drop down list Derik Barseghian 06/15/2012 08:00 PM Actions
5628 Bug New Normal possible to get NPE when right-clicking on kar in Components tree Derik Barseghian 06/15/2012 04:25 PM Actions
5173 Bug New Normal Develop clear criteria for when code in Kepler CORE should be in its own module. Ilkay Altintas 06/15/2012 12:27 PM Actions
5354 Bug New Normal Integrate Kepler Wiki Into Kepler Help Ilkay Altintas 06/15/2012 12:19 PM Actions
5281 Bug New Normal cannot open 1.0 KARs Ilkay Altintas 06/15/2012 11:40 AM Actions
2123 Bug New Low need a way to uniquely identify actor in a workflow and locate it ben leinfelder 06/15/2012 07:40 AM Actions
5425 Bug New Normal error when running -nocache and no .kepler Derik Barseghian 06/11/2012 01:37 PM Actions
5614 Bug New Normal Build system should not require svn binary Derik Barseghian 06/01/2012 05:33 PM Actions
5612 Bug New Normal String index out of range in R actor Derik Barseghian 06/01/2012 10:52 AM Actions
5362 Bug New Normal Create a GUI so user can easily archive a senosr's data from a dataturbine to a metacat Jing Tao 05/30/2012 09:03 AM Actions
5611 Bug New Normal LinearModel actor doesn't handle input variables properly Derik Barseghian 05/22/2012 02:50 PM Actions
5600 Bug New Normal Import Site Layout performance is poor for many connections at once Derik Barseghian 05/07/2012 04:11 PM Actions
5596 Bug New Normal Kepler UI freezes after Login Anonymously Derik Barseghian 05/03/2012 08:04 AM Actions
5594 Bug New Normal use input and output port icons in Items of Interest Derik Barseghian 04/28/2012 04:29 PM Actions
5593 Bug New Normal use setDefaultWidth in actors Derik Barseghian 04/28/2012 03:05 PM Actions
5591 Bug New Normal Workflow Run Manager error downloading run for which module dependencies not satisfied Derik Barseghian 04/28/2012 10:45 AM Actions
4763 Bug New Normal create gui to access datalogger program Derik Barseghian 04/26/2012 10:16 PM Actions
5400 Bug New Normal User can specify the interval of data chunk in the workflow archiving dataturbine data to metacat Derik Barseghian 04/26/2012 02:01 PM Actions
5585 Bug New Normal Add date format E MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy to DateToString Derik Barseghian 04/11/2012 03:55 PM Actions
5584 Bug New Normal Create a Date To Long actor Derik Barseghian 04/11/2012 03:50 PM Actions
5313 Bug New Normal fix Import Sensor Site and Export Site to KML menu item issues Derik Barseghian 03/27/2012 02:13 PM Actions
(76-100/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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