



Tickets grouped by Target version

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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
  (blank) 9 Collapse all/Expand all
6102 Bug actor classes not saved properly in KAR files New Normal Derik Barseghian Actions
6175 Bug GenericJobSubmission actor sometimes runs job without completing data transfer. New Normal Actions
6413 Bug error when switching to DDF inside Case refinement New Normal Derik Barseghian Actions
6453 Bug Dock icon changes to coffee cup New Normal Actions
6481 Bug strange issue with MultipleTabDisplay actor and with Display like actors in general (missing output port in non-gui mode) New Normal Actions
6571 Bug Kepler command line execution won't exit if the parameter to be set in command line does not exist in the workflow. New Normal Daniel Crawl Actions
6794 Bug Cannot run two instances at the same time with two different users New Normal Daniel Crawl Actions
6795 Bug parameters in composite actor not configured properly New Normal Actions
7189 Bug memory leak in Manager New Normal Christopher Brooks Actions
  Unspecified 95 Collapse all/Expand all
4764 Bug ProvenanceRecorder.changeExecuted slow after workflow run New Immediate Daniel Crawl Unspecified Actions
4795 Bug RExpression & cache cleaning New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4806 Bug add output port to Throw Exception New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4809 Bug Kepler storing authenticated search results New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
4810 Bug [right click]->Save Archive (KAR) on composite actor borks port attributes New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4812 Bug local repository KAR [right click]->Delete fails when file does not exist New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4815 Bug Need a target to build kepler-styles.jar New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4827 Bug RExpression does not handle matrix tokens correctly. New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4870 Bug searching for packages with the same name from multiple sources sometimes loses results New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4879 Bug RExpression replaces ) in string vectors with } when outputting to a port New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
4880 Bug RExpression cannot output matrix of strings New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
4881 Bug RExpression outputs [false] for any matrix of booleans New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
4887 Bug If a module is added to a configuration, the error message should include the fix New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
4909 Bug Actor documentation: updates ignored, duplicate info, how to refer to other actors/models? New Normal Ilkay Altintas Unspecified Actions
4930 Bug Failing to download a dependent module still indicates success New Normal David Welker Unspecified Actions
4934 Bug Certain non-user triggered actor icon changes are not reflected immediately in the zoom widget New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
(1-25/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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