



From 07/17/2013 to 08/15/2013


04:17 PM Feature #6050 (Resolved): Use the spring application-context xml file from d1_cn_index_processor.
It was done by the above approach. Jing Tao
04:17 PM Feature #6050 (Resolved): Use the spring application-context xml file from d1_cn_index_processor.
We copied the application-context-systemmeta100.xml, application-context-systemmeta064.xml, eml and fgdc files from d... Jing Tao


09:18 AM Bug #5395 (Rejected): Get unexpected result if a search was done before metacat finishes its indexing during the inserting process.
I think we should mark this as 'won't fix' since it is part of the deprecated pathquery feature. ben leinfelder
09:16 AM Bug #3067 (Closed): Website for KNB does not print all of the metadata pages
new metacatui uses the "printall" option on the stylesheets and this includes all attribute details. We do need to ma... ben leinfelder


02:12 PM Bug #5832 (Closed): Old libraries
Using Maven greatly improves our library management - basically pulling us into the future whenever we use a new libr... ben leinfelder
02:10 PM Bug #5833 (Closed): Temporary files aren't
I changed this to not use those temporary files - either we have it on disk already and can stream fromt there, or we... ben leinfelder
02:00 PM Feature #5810 (Closed): Implement SOLR-based search
ben leinfelder
01:59 PM Task #5883 (Closed): Create unit tests to exercise Metacat SOLR query/index features
SolrQueryAccessFilterTest is a good first pass. Metacat-index project also has unit tests and integration tests. ben leinfelder
01:56 PM Feature #5913 (Closed): Handle indexing errors
Can add more features to this as needed in the future. ben leinfelder
01:55 PM Feature #5911 (Closed): Repair index after outage
ben leinfelder
01:55 PM Feature #5910 (Closed): Build index from scratch
ben leinfelder
11:55 AM Task #5884 (Closed): Document solr-based Metacat indexing in user docs (RST format)
ben leinfelder


12:14 PM Feature #5939 (Closed): Create view service that can render metadata documents at REST URL
This is done now - both the backend service and the front end JS that ties it all together at #view/{pid} ben leinfelder


05:12 PM Task #6040: Metacat-index does not handle <references>
Here is a bit of the bean definition used by indexing to pick out the content from EML... ben leinfelder
05:01 PM Task #6040 (New): Metacat-index does not handle <references>
I indexed a document from EVOS that uses a reference for a creator rather than the details of the person:... ben leinfelder
08:58 AM Bug #6039 (Resolved): Metacat-index can't handle the metacat which doesn't have the name as "knb"
In the class in the Metacat, we add the code to modify the value in the Metacat-index. When user... Jing Tao


04:12 PM Bug #6039 (Resolved): Metacat-index can't handle the metacat which doesn't have the name as "knb"
In the web.xml of the metacat-index context, it has a parameter to locate the metacat's file. Its ... Jing Tao


05:22 PM Bug #6038 (New): In the systemmetadata table on the dev2 machine, some guids have archvied=false and obsoleted_by= null, but the guids are the values of obsoletes of the other rows.
knb=> select archived, obsoleted_by from systemmetadata where guid='nikkis.27.1';
archived | obsoleted_by
Jing Tao
05:19 PM Bug #6035 (Rejected): The system metadata table in a Metacat was messed up with the value of archived
Jing Tao


08:39 AM Task #6004 (Resolved): Figure out why there are only 422 documents indexed in
I tried 3 times for indexing by the EmbeddedSolrServer, the results always showed there are 337 documents, which is c... Jing Tao

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