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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
6040 Task Metacat-index does not handle <references> New High Jing Tao 2.3.0 Actions
1297 Bug Registry: Changes in the Basic Information New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
1299 Bug Registry: NCEAS: Changes in project list box New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
1300 Bug Changes in DataSet Orignator New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
1542 Bug SQL Server support broken New Immediate Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
2130 Bug Not able to delete DPs from KNB New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
2159 Bug Metacat Performance: Divide xml_nodes based on the doctype New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
2176 Bug Moderator UI and functionality for ESA New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
2187 Bug Option to view map or metadata. New Normal Matthew Perry 2.x.y Actions
2228 Bug Use method other than metadata string filters for determining the organizations affiliationed with a data package New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2229 Bug Allowing web registry pull-down menu for "Station Name" to select multiple stations New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
2313 Bug Metacat Skins: Skins should not be installed by default New Normal Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
2501 Bug Add links to FGDC-tranformed version of EML documents New Normal Will Tyburczy 2.x.y Actions
2734 Bug Duplicates between organizations and more than one organization listed as a owner New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2849 Bug Bounding box problems when spanning the meridian New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2986 Bug No need for restart tomcat after modifying New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
3024 Bug recordDelimiter and fieldDelimiter display the unicode number on KNB New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
3412 Bug Kml file needs work- data set points icon and points "splitting" when clicked on New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
3509 Bug Fix XML Schema filesystem namespace conflicts and backups New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
4044 Bug start time replication command doesn't work on replControl.html of dev skin New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
4442 Bug Spatial indexing should not run and block metacat New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
4573 Bug LDAP and Register CGIs reference skin-specific templates in the common area New Normal Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
4602 Bug Enable TLS for all LDAP functions New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5007 Bug ESA registry: Logout link appears even when not logged in New Normal Shaun Walbridge 2.x.y Actions
5198 Bug OAI-PMH: Data provider may fail to trigger reharvest of documents New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
5199 Bug OAI-PMH: Improve memory management of data provider catalog metadata New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
5262 Bug EML document owner can't read the document New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5294 Bug Enable Junit test on New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
5522 Bug download linked KNB data and convert links in EML to ORE packages New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5547 Bug Couldn't get the Register Data Form after login under Register Data tab on Sanparks skin New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
5821 Bug Allow certificate-based Metacat administration New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5830 Bug Deployment directory incorrect New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5990 Task Track downloads New Normal 2.x.y Actions
5991 Task Track views New Normal 2.x.y Actions
5992 Task Track citations New Normal 2.x.y Actions
5993 Task Summarize and index statistics for fast access New Normal 2.x.y Actions
5994 Task Create REST API for accessing statistics New Normal 2.x.y Actions
6034 Feature Simplify configuration for certificate delegation New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
6362 Feature Add an id to the year element in the citation in eml-indentifier.xsl New Normal 2.x.y Actions
6437 Story Upgrade to SOLR 4 or 5 New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
1879 Bug Metacat Performance: Summary New Immediate Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
2548 Bug Architecture for filtering features from WMS requests New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
2553 Bug squery needs to handle spatial query New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3100 Bug Transformation from xml to html in Metacat read action sometimes take long time New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3104 Bug provide accessor for organization lists for clients to build login widgets New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3142 Bug metacat client uses in-memory buffer for posting data New Immediate Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3175 Bug Add a thread to build xml_queryresult table when metacat startup New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3217 Bug Create simple tranformations to present permissions error messages in styled format New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3224 Bug Perl code should rely on cannonical organization list provided by Metacat New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3272 Bug Add Keywords for SANParks and SAEON when uploading spatial data New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
3331 Bug ldap redirect does not work correctly if one of the ldap servers are down New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3367 Bug Harvester stores passwords in clear text New Immediate Duane Costa Unspecified Actions
3390 Bug Data Catalog Map and IE 7.0.5730.11 brings up pop up windows that can be a problem New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3416 Bug ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DBConnectionPool New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3435 Bug Confusion on how Metcat searches a string which is differnet than Google New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3460 Bug remove lsid section from citation section of xsl for skins OTHER than ESA New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3463 Bug Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
3511 Bug combine XMLSchemaService and SchemaLocationResolver New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3524 Bug Refactor common test methods into base class New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3592 Bug Update sitemap generation and registration New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3619 Bug Convert eml beta4 and beta6 documents to eml 210 in knb production server New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3710 Bug apt-get couldn't install metacat New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3730 Bug Implement an isRequired field in the configuration metadata New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3742 Bug Improve UI for selecting projects for NCEAS skin New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3755 Bug Change property service to return null for blank properties New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3765 Bug Backup configured passwords as encrypted values New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3773 Bug Remove places where document is read into memory New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3783 Bug Optimize ESA moderator queries New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3830 Bug Add the ability to modify multi-line properties New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3920 Bug ldapweb should use the correct location for 'organization' properties New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4023 Bug In sanparks skin, Geographic Description Required New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4283 Bug use HTMLUnit to do unit / integration tests on pages New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4301 Bug sessionid in the URL creates end-user difficulty New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4368 Bug The response page is confusing after calling "buildindex" command New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4437 Bug allow-public-read rule is not being honored New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
4609 Bug when viewed with saved credentials, KNB homepage shows blank entries New Low Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4610 Bug trying to register a dataset when logged in asks for another authentication New Low Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4611 Bug searching for soong_test seems to return entries with "soong test" as well as soong_test New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
4676 Bug registry did not let me see my data table, although permissions are set New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
4840 Bug When registering, U.S. State/Territory of owner is also applied to contact New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
4843 Bug ESA registry: Remove 'station' default value from Organization Name New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
4892 Bug ESA registry shouldn't allow accepted docs to be modified New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
5224 Bug Scheduler part of SanParks skin needs to be updated New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
5239 Bug Difficulties configuring and viewing Metacat replication log file New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
5535 Bug The 611 CDR documents replicated to KNB need to be repaired by fixing their inline data. New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5548 Bug Replace COS Mime multipart library New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5553 Bug setaccess action may have deleting access rule functionality New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5599 Bug absence of line feeds in eml causes pathQuery to not find some elements New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5608 Bug Enable all FK constraints in Metacat production [copies] New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5698 Bug datapackage uploads to dev2 metacat are currently slow New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
5828 Bug docids not validated New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5835 Bug Leaks New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5836 Bug Logs New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
7091 Bug Metacat installation (the war file) doesn't include the FGDC schemas even though the loaddtdschema file creates an entry in the xml_catalog table for it New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7099 Feature Create a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemas New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7148 Story Upgrade Solr Server New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7150 Bug Do not populate the "documents" Solr index field with a metadata object's own identifier New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7170 Bug Ignore the access part change in the EML sax parser classes when users use dataone api to update an eml object New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7177 Task Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8 New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7199 Bug Upgrade postgresql jdbc jar file on Metacat New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
(1-100/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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