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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
2130 Bug Not able to delete DPs from KNB New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
2180 Bug Make it easier for admin to add new layers In Progress Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
3383 Bug Create RPM/Deb installation utilities In Progress Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
3402 Bug internal dtds are not handled In Progress Immediate ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
3509 Bug Fix XML Schema filesystem namespace conflicts and backups New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
4442 Bug Spatial indexing should not run and block metacat New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
4602 Bug Enable TLS for all LDAP functions New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5262 Bug EML document owner can't read the document New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5518 Bug Track down the performance issue of metacat query. In Progress Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5522 Bug download linked KNB data and convert links in EML to ORE packages New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5821 Bug Allow certificate-based Metacat administration New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5830 Bug Deployment directory incorrect New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
6034 Feature Simplify configuration for certificate delegation New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
6416 Feature Do not allow restrictive access control change to content with a DOI In Progress Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
3272 Bug Add Keywords for SANParks and SAEON when uploading spatial data New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
3463 Bug Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
4437 Bug allow-public-read rule is not being honored New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5535 Bug The 611 CDR documents replicated to KNB need to be repaired by fixing their inline data. New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5548 Bug Replace COS Mime multipart library New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5553 Bug setaccess action may have deleting access rule functionality New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5599 Bug absence of line feeds in eml causes pathQuery to not find some elements New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5608 Bug Enable all FK constraints in Metacat production [copies] New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5828 Bug docids not validated New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5835 Bug Leaks New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
5836 Bug Logs New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
6838 Support LTER user can't log in In Progress Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
7229 Bug Mis-Formatting of Data Package Contents New Normal ben leinfelder 2.9.0 Actions
4886 Bug "DatabaseService is already registered" error after configuring Metacat New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
6793 Support Update DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service In Progress High ben leinfelder Actions
6848 Feature Add link to send another verification email New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
6959 Bug http response charset not included New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
7182 Bug Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
7209 Feature Support for XSL transform of iso19115 metadata format New Normal Bryce Mecum 2.8.5 Actions
7164 Bug View service rendering EML project abstract incorrectly New Normal Bryce Mecum Actions
7210 Bug View service duplicates EML Text content New Normal Bryce Mecum Actions
4044 Bug start time replication command doesn't work on replControl.html of dev skin New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
5198 Bug OAI-PMH: Data provider may fail to trigger reharvest of documents New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
5199 Bug OAI-PMH: Improve memory management of data provider catalog metadata New Normal Chad Berkley 2.x.y Actions
5224 Bug Scheduler part of SanParks skin needs to be updated New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
5239 Bug Difficulties configuring and viewing Metacat replication log file New Normal Chad Berkley Unspecified Actions
2228 Bug Use method other than metadata string filters for determining the organizations affiliationed with a data package New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2734 Bug Duplicates between organizations and more than one organization listed as a owner New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2849 Bug Bounding box problems when spanning the meridian New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
3024 Bug recordDelimiter and fieldDelimiter display the unicode number on KNB New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
2313 Bug Metacat Skins: Skins should not be installed by default New Normal Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
3396 Bug Enable event notification feature In Progress Immediate Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
4573 Bug LDAP and Register CGIs reference skin-specific templates in the common area New Normal Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
7203 Bug Improve D1NodeService.isAuthorized() performance In Progress Normal Chris Jones 2.9.0 Actions
1324 Bug A Commit or Save Work button that wrote intermediate results to the metadata New Normal Chris Jones Actions
7178 Bug MNodeService.getPackage() takes too long for large packages New Normal Chris Jones Actions
(1-50/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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