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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
5599 Bug absence of line feeds in eml causes pathQuery to not find some elements New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
1324 Bug A Commit or Save Work button that wrote intermediate results to the metadata New Normal Chris Jones Actions
6362 Feature Add an id to the year element in the citation in eml-indentifier.xsl New Normal 2.x.y Actions
3175 Bug Add a thread to build xml_queryresult table when metacat startup New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
7202 Task Add documentation to indicate and help users Metacat only runs under Java 1.8 New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
3272 Bug Add Keywords for SANParks and SAEON when uploading spatial data New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
2501 Bug Add links to FGDC-tranformed version of EML documents New Normal Will Tyburczy 2.x.y Actions
6848 Feature Add link to send another verification email New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
3830 Bug Add the ability to modify multi-line properties New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
7173 Feature Add the measurementScale to the EML .xsl stylesheets New Normal Lauren Walker Actions
5821 Bug Allow certificate-based Metacat administration New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
2229 Bug Allowing web registry pull-down menu for "Station Name" to select multiple stations New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
195 Bug allow metacat to store files on multiple fs In Progress Normal Jing Tao Actions
7182 Bug Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
4437 Bug allow-public-read rule is not being honored New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
6445 Feature Alter so that the script will iterate over pages of objects instead of updating the count in the code manually New Normal Lauren Walker Actions
3710 Bug apt-get couldn't install metacat New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
2548 Bug Architecture for filtering features from WMS requests New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
3416 Bug ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DBConnectionPool New Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
3765 Bug Backup configured passwords as encrypted values New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
6994 Bug Bad call to MNStorage.update() via REST API can result in bad state and StackOverflowErrors New Normal Actions
2849 Bug Bounding box problems when spanning the meridian New Normal Chris Barteau 2.x.y Actions
3755 Bug Change property service to return null for blank properties New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
1300 Bug Changes in DataSet Orignator New Normal Saurabh Garg 2.x.y Actions
6185 Bug Chinese characters are sorted before alphanumeric characters New Normal Actions
(1-25/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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