


# Date Author Comment
7842 07/03/2013 12:28 AM ben leinfelder

only use MapStore/MapLoader for saving/loading IndexEvent objects. No need to use a listener since there is only the single node -- all entries are persisted to DB using the hazelcast.xml config we have for the map.

7830 06/25/2013 04:42 PM ben leinfelder

upgrade to Metacat 2.1.0 on the trunk. This includes a new index_event table for storing indexing events that need to be reprocessed.

7186 05/23/2012 02:22 PM ben leinfelder

use LRU eviction policy and a small (1000) map size limit to avoid running out of memory because of a large number of system metadata objects

6517 09/26/2011 10:48 AM ben leinfelder

for default Metacat installation we turn off multicast and only enable localhost communication.

6488 09/21/2011 05:25 PM Chris Jones

Use multicast in the hazelcast config for local deployments.

6485 09/21/2011 05:03 PM Chris Jones

Add in the hzObjectPath map to the hazelcast config file for a local deployment. Enable the MapStore impl for both maps.

6482 09/21/2011 04:42 PM Chris Jones

A default hazelcast config file for metacat.