Removed unused references to abstractpath, and some unudes javascript.
removed sid's space and added a >> before titles, so datasets with no title will still have a clickable link on results listings. Sid's space was not visible unless the user did a mouse-over
added sessionid hidden fields, based on $sessid transformer parameter set by
Added space at the end of title that is returned back. This is done so that documents with no title can be clicked on.
Made changes in entryForm.tmpl so that it shows site list for specnet skin.
Made changes in the formatting display of Project list.
Fixed a bug in sorting of records. Now the result sent back is title sorted.
Minor changes to allow the registry to work in the knb skin, mainly inhow to treat the 'site' field. Now it is a free-text organizationfield in the KNB skin. Need to test, install this on ecoinfo and link itinto the KNB web pages.
Fix for bug 1325. new javascript function added.
Bug 1301 - changes made for a repeatable add keyword button.
Made changes to fix bug# 1300: 1,2,3,4
Made text changes mentioned in bug# 1308
Changes made to fix bug# 1326. There is a link which call register-dataset.cgi with all the inputs such as that resgiter-dataset calls reEnterDataSet
Made changes to fix Bug 1311 1)
Added docid in edit form - Bug 1304
Added a view button as mentioned in bug 1304.
Made some hanges mentioned in bug 1297.
Made changes mentioned in Bug 1295.
deletaData.tmpl added a space in the end of docid. This led to an error while deleteing. This error was pointed out by Rick in his document.
Adjusted the text on the NCEAS repository page. Changed the project listso that it now displays short title but uses the long title in theentry. This was doen because the long titles were far too long to displaydecently in the list (the box scrolled way off the right of the page).
Added skin for the UCNRS data registry based on earlier work. Minormodifications to the templates to accomodate this. Fixed a validationbug in the register-dataset.cgi, and removed an unnecessary Net::LDAPlogin as well because the authentication is handled by metacat.
Changed label for NCEAS project group list on the web form.
Revised the registry guide to include descriptions of the new fields, andmade some minor formatting changes.
Added studyExtent and samplingDescription fields to the registry to accomodateSandy's request for a temporalDescription field. This is a little more thanshe wanted, but it was needed to satisfy EML minimum requirements.
Added taxonomic coverage and authority fields, and fixed a bug in reentrywith the methods fields. Now we are collecting information on all of theadditional fields Sandy requested except for a general temporal description,which doesn't fit neatly in EML. Will need to consider how to accomodate...
Added the ability to describe taxonomicCoverage to the registry. Thisallows an arbitrary number of species or other taxa to be listed, and theediting form can dynamically grow through a simple javascript approach(also used in Methods). Need to test thoroughly, and need to test on...
Added geographic description to the fields of data collected, as it isa required field and was being improperly defaulted to an empty string in theXML document. This is a new field for all registries.
Modifications to add "Methods" collection to the data registry, and tomake the forms HTML 4.0.1 valid (in an attempt to figure out some ofthe rendering and layout oddities I'm seeing).
Changed "Document ID" to "ID" which is mroe appropriate for data packages.
New formatting and text for the NCEAS data registry.
Further changes to the registry scripts to support the NCEAS registrywith access to the project list fromthe admindb. Also, fixed a bug withthe script where creators were getting duplicated in the editing processaccidentally.
Updated registry further for NCEAS-specific needs. Confirm data templatenow handles new wg field. Still need to write WG metadata into EML document.
Additional work on the NCEAS/AdminDB integration. Working Groups nowpresented as a dropdown box for multiple selection. Need to write theinfo to the XML file now and handle it in confirmation template.
Preliminary changes to support the NCEAS data registry connection to theAdminDB to retrieve project lists.
Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed through metacat even when the'query' function is called. Previously, query would interpret allparameters except a few hardcoded ones to be pathexpressions that should bebuilt into a squery. Now, contains a new configuration...
Fixed links to ldapweb to include the cfg param for proper styling.
removed search box from header
corrected image path
missed an edit when fixing the bug whereby form names aren't allowed to contain hyphens
bug fix: added code to strip brackets and hyphens from form names in results page
made results page table header into <th> so we can apply a different css style to eml stylesheet subheaders. added whitespace above& below section headers
fixed iframe tag- had multiple closings. Also added text for browsers that can't display iframes
changed knb skin index page to forward to knb site and include any user params in url. changed resultset.xsl so qformat is handled properly in posts. changed build file to copy default.css from eml checkout to style/common so other skin-specific css can import it if reqd
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....