Modifications to the registry to support the new ESA skin. Factored out some ofthe configuration-specific code into properties that are set in the variouscfg files in the skins. New properties in the cfg files are lsite, usite,showSiteList, showWgList, showOrganization. These now need to be set in every skin...
Changed path for eml.xsd stylesheet.
Added eml2.0.1 specific code in /style file
Fixed bug # 1298
New site list for NRS reserves in the confgiruation file from K Browne.
Added skin for the UCNRS data registry based on earlier work. Minormodifications to the templates to accomodate this. Fixed a validationbug in the register-dataset.cgi, and removed an unnecessary Net::LDAPlogin as well because the authentication is handled by metacat.