Removed the header.html that was replaced with header.jsp
Factored out the search forms into javascript variables in a newcommon-settings.jsp file which is referenced from the KNP skin. Thisallows us to use the same form 3 times in different pages and makesmaintenance of the returndoctype and returnfield lists easier. The...
moved images
the latest changes to the KNP skin for the map.
Modified search form in header to also include the FGDC doctype andreturnfields.
adjusting the right side frame for an animated map drawer.
Pmark's modified code.
Initial checkin of the knp skin.
Initial support for displaying FGDC metadata documents in metacat.Added new returndoctype and returnfields to all query forms in the knpskin to allow FGDC documents to display in the resultsets. Need to addthese to the other skins as well, and to clean up the FGDC stylesheet to...
Register the NBII stylesheet for use with FGDC/NBII docs.
fixed the height of the search box on the knb skin
changed width of iframeheaderclass to 98 percent to prevent pages in FF from always being 10 pixels larger than the window
deleted repetition of the sentance "A page titled "Success" will appear when the form has been successfully submitted." that appeard in step 2.
spacing and formatting changes and fix for knb search
clear space
clean up and add links
Four steps with original file - some html errors with <ul>
added steps for Registering data and updated the formatting with headers and boxes
bugfix in knb search
changing station to organization
Added packageId to the faster search
added function to read document from the cgi script and modified the code so that when user is logged in, the document is read from the cgi
added packageid to the paths which are searched
New styles for citatin, plus add grey horiz rules in sections.
Fixed html typo.
Wording changes to lead-in and final para of the esa skin.
Modify value of the applet tag's CODEBASE value. It was previously hard-coded to the LNO server. Download the applet from the local Metacat server instead.
Removing old graphics files
Modified the header to work with the new changes from Callie
text change in message displayed for moderator
Added message to be displayed after login
removed poorly formatted search options label
fixed erroneous duplication of search choices
ESA img files for the ESA Header this incorporate the test changes and the additional submission button. The ESA Home button has been removed from the header but the ESA log will link to the ESA Home site.
There is some additional button code depending on the state of the login or the use...
These swap image *.gif files are for the ESA Header changes that include the submission buttons as well as text changes to the buttons. We decided to remove the ESA Home button but the ESA logo still links to the ESA home site.
Changed search option checkboxes to radio buttons. Restored ant headers. Removed dialog box warnings when changing search options.
changed paragrah style to "intro" for text not in the boxes
unbolded text in boxes and took out the background color for most of the box.
cleaned up formatting - need to test spacing around the table "boxes" , and the boxes alignment
ESA update to Search Feature and cleaning up some formatting - search feature needs testing. Changed <menu> to <ul>------------------------------------
Error C:\Documents and Settings\Callie\Desktop\metacat\lib\style\skins\esa\index.html "*,*" is not valid value for the "cols" attribute in any of the currently active versions. See the above warnings for more details. 185...
few adjustments added discription of the Morpho software that Margret Conners suggested. trying to fix spacing and alignment problem with "boxes"
Modified the search queries so that moderator doesnt see the documents for which revision is requested
Updated NCEAS Data Repoitory changes - replaced text "auspices" with "as part of" got ride of the text about the data set being reviewed and implemented suggestion from Margret Conners.
new variables specifying the esa specific templates
Modified the resultpage to display the message sent in the post request
added 70px left margin to body elements. specified 0px left margins for bodies of header html files
Updates for Moderator header changes - center text and remove double green line
updated the ESA Header with View Documents Pending Moderation changes - centered and placed gray rectange over the top ofthe ViewDocPend gif
Updated changes to Moderation link on header - centered, space under the "underline" removed double green line by adding a gray vector to cover the top of the ViewDocPend.gif
Added a new variable to control if admin is made the owner of the document
update for moderator header
Fireworks files for updateing graphics and header code (*.png)
updated to work with the moderator
Modified the xsl so that regular user sees View and Edit button
Changing the links in the esa header.
Fixed the bug in the link to view documents pending moderation. The links works now.
a new variable for the moderation email template and change in value of some other variables
Add a client-side check: if user does not enter any search values, prompt the user with a dialog box to confirm that the user wishes to go ahead with a search for all documents. This is equivalent to the behavior in the simple search box.
Added a hidden input field for siteValue with a value of "ALLSITES". This is a substitute for the siteValue drop-down list that is used at LTER whose default value is also "ALLSITES". Either the hidden input field or the drop-down list should be commented-out, but not both. (This is documented in the internal comments.)
Bug #2207. Metacat Advanced Search interface.Improvements to Advanced Search form:(1) Delete keywordSearch() function. Not used in advanced search form.(2) Re-initialize hidden form values for geographic boundaries.(3) Change table width to 100% so horizontal rules will span the full width....
Replaced hardcoded link with ant token
Modified links for the Accept, Delete and Review buttons
Replaced with mailhost
Bug #2207. Enable hyperlink to the Advanced Search form.
Bug #2207. New JSPs added to the default skin to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Bug #2207. Add new CSS class to set the correct iframe sizes for the Advanced Search box.
Bug #2207. Add two new JavaScript variables to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Updated list of coordinates for OBFS sites
(Commit for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
Bugfix in the searches done from the skin webpages...
Updated list of coordinates for UCNRS sites
Change in obfs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nrs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nceas homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Bugfix in the query sent to metacat
Bugfix in the metacat query generated in javascript
changed old link for Long-Term Studies Section to current link
this file is used in Fireworks to make the header and the slices
Added lter to list of orgs.
New changes in the esa skin so that includes the moderator functionality and login/logout functionality
These are all header updates to include the login and logout for the ESA Header links. I left the original Header and named it headerOld.html and saved the Slices that go with it too. (the ESAHomeLogo.gif file might be overwritten) The code for the header to work with the Logout slice and roll over is in the file headerLogout.htm. <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogout','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALogoutR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogout" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogout.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Logout"></a></td> The code for the login slice and rollover is in the header.htm file <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogin','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALoginR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogin" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogin.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Login"></a></td>
Modifications to LTER skin.
Renamed login.xsl to esa-login.xsl
bug fix login.xsl. and modify the resultset to be called in esa.xml
Copy of resultset.xsl from style/common folder which will be modified for esa skin
Changes in login.xsl and moderator.html so that once the moderator logs in, the resultset is displayed
New files and modification of esa.xml for the new moderation facility for esa skin.
Fixed javascript bugs
fixed the qformat.
changing qformat to xml
Add new parameter into start action.
Removing support for site from pathquery.dtd
Changes to the OBFS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Changes to the NCEAS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Changes to the NRS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Bug fix in the javascript code for the esa skin
Following fixes to the ESA's index.html
> Changing the checkbox label to read 'Include data from the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity'> Change in Javascript so that KNB is searched when checkbox for Search KNB is clicked-> Change so that the search term doesnt disappear after hitting the enter button.
Fixed the link to OBFS
Added px to the css files.
Modified the index.html file to have a link for search.
added b {font-weight: bold:} to accommodate Mac Safari browser