


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
5028 08/14/2009 05:38 PM daigle

Persist skin properties across installations

5027 08/14/2009 02:26 PM daigle

Change MetaCatVersion to MetacatVersion

5026 08/14/2009 02:24 PM daigle

Rename MetaCat to Metacat

5015 08/04/2009 02:32 PM daigle

Create database and shared directories for database management code and shared code respectively.

5010 07/30/2009 01:26 PM daigle

Populate admin login user dropdown with configured admins

5004 07/30/2009 10:19 AM daigle

Use context url instead of server IP. Server IP breaks if the server does not have an externally facing IP (behind a proxy server)

4975 07/07/2009 10:20 AM daigle

Add upgrade scripts for 1.9.2 (scheduler tables)

4950 06/12/2009 04:39 PM daigle

Add archival read funtionality (jar/kar/war files)

4854 03/23/2009 02:56 PM daigle

Beef up exception handling from file utilities. Move UtilException to MetacatUtilException to eliminate conflict with similar exception in utility package.

4808 02/17/2009 09:32 AM daigle

Update replication documentation and fix code so that replication log is available.

4795 02/03/2009 04:01 PM daigle

Allow for backup properties to be written to context based subdirectory of the external configuration directory. This allow multiple instances of metacat to be run side by side.

4766 01/20/2009 10:09 AM daigle

Do not back up password properties

4762 01/19/2009 11:53 AM daigle

Only configure skins that are correctly configured in the skins directory.

4760 01/16/2009 04:09 PM daigle

Only show the backup configuration screen if the system cannot discover a directory.

4751 01/14/2009 04:05 PM daigle

Process affiliated ldap info

4707 12/26/2008 01:16 PM daigle

Do not worry about creating backup directories here

4706 12/26/2008 01:16 PM daigle

Use configured backup dir when discovering data directories

4705 12/26/2008 01:15 PM daigle

Do not worry about creating backup directories here

4704 12/26/2008 01:14 PM daigle

Handle backup configuration action

4703 12/26/2008 01:13 PM daigle

Class to support backup directory configuration

4702 12/26/2008 01:11 PM daigle

Deleted this file. Organization level configuration is not used.

4662 12/09/2008 02:58 PM daigle

Discover the external (backup) directory based on OS

4632 11/25/2008 12:40 PM daigle

catch and report missing skins configuration files.

4628 11/25/2008 09:54 AM daigle

Catch login errors and report the details via an exception.

4608 11/21/2008 10:32 AM daigle

Remove application.default-style from the global configuration screen and activate it in the skins configuration.

4592 11/19/2008 03:26 PM daigle

Rename LDAPUtil to AuthUtil

4591 11/19/2008 03:26 PM daigle

This handles the configuration login form

4590 11/19/2008 03:25 PM daigle

Rename LDAPAdmin to AuthAdmin

4561 11/13/2008 03:20 PM daigle

When checking oracle metadata, table names must be in upper case. For postgres, it's however the table was created.

4547 11/10/2008 03:22 PM daigle

Added validation that configured ldap admins actually exist in ldap

4479 10/22/2008 10:24 AM daigle

Handle exception during database update

4441 10/10/2008 05:11 PM daigle

remove XMLSchemaService import

4440 10/10/2008 05:11 PM daigle

change the FileUtil.createDirectory calls to catch an exception on error.

4428 10/09/2008 09:52 AM daigle

Create document and temporary directories during configuration.

4406 09/29/2008 11:08 AM daigle

Add support email to configuration error messages

4400 09/26/2008 05:27 PM daigle

Handle ignoring oracle errors when we try to delete an object that doesn't exist. Also, add parsing for sql script with pl/sql.

4321 08/26/2008 03:31 PM daigle

Fix bug where skin configs don't read backup properties correctly for checkboxes.

4205 08/04/2008 05:21 PM daigle

Initial addition of geoserver administration class.

4200 08/04/2008 05:08 PM daigle

Remove the organization configuration stuff for the moment. Add geoserver configuration.

4183 07/30/2008 01:56 PM daigle

Create data and inline data directories

4174 07/28/2008 05:06 PM daigle

Replace tomcatDir with deployDir

4159 07/24/2008 01:52 PM daigle

Add support for separate LDAP and organization level configurations

4155 07/24/2008 01:47 PM daigle

Fix the db script suffix.

4154 07/22/2008 02:20 PM daigle

Add functionality to allow developer to bypass configuration utility

4106 07/11/2008 10:06 AM daigle

Implement form submittal processing.

4105 07/11/2008 10:05 AM daigle

use to determine script suffixes

4084 07/07/2008 01:49 PM daigle

Add GeneralPropertyException to property setters

4080 07/06/2008 09:25 PM daigle

Merge 1.9 changes into Head