


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
6129 06/07/2011 12:08 PM ben leinfelder

include create() and reserveIdentifier() methods

6128 06/07/2011 11:14 AM ben leinfelder

include override annotation for register method

6127 06/07/2011 11:09 AM ben leinfelder

use Date not joda's DateTime

6125 06/07/2011 10:27 AM ben leinfelder

force replication for newly-registered system metadata

6124 06/07/2011 09:53 AM Chris Jones

Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.

6121 06/06/2011 12:08 PM ben leinfelder

implement the old interface for now (until 0.6.2)

6120 06/03/2011 12:51 PM ben leinfelder

include CNCore implementation - only registerSystemMetadata is implemented at the moment. also - updated d1 jar (0.6.2) should be used since that is where the method is defined.
would like to consider making ResourceHandler more modular - seems like it does A LOT of different things

6108 05/27/2011 11:55 AM ben leinfelder

read and write D1 access policy rules from metacat xml_access table.
still TBD: which mechanism takes precedence when there are systemMetadata access rules and EML access rules and other access rules?

6099 05/25/2011 11:59 AM ben leinfelder

-remove system metadata guid -> local id mapping (there is no document for system metadata now)
-include system metadata elements when replicating data objects (TODO: transfer all system metadata structures with the docinfo request).
TODO: remove docid+rev from the systemMetadata table definition

6097 05/24/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.

6092 05/19/2011 01:52 PM Matt Jones

Modified Metacat to build against the D1_SCHEMA_0_6_1 branch of the dataone schemas by incorporating the 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT version of d1_common and d1_libclient libraries, and refactoring Metacat code references to the d1 schema changed types.

6091 05/18/2011 04:32 PM Chris Jones

In order to sync up with DataONE 0.6.1 changes, I'm backing out ObjectFormatService changes temporarily in Metacat. Most functionality will be rolled back in using the DataONE 0.6.2 tag, but some methods in ObjectFormatService (such as getListFromDisk()) will be moved into d1_libclient_java.

6088 05/17/2011 08:02 PM Chris Jones

Changes in the DataONE ObjectFormat class deprecate the convert() method, and we're now using Metacat's ObjectFormatService to look up object format attributes. The following changes replace ObjectFormat.convert() with ObjectFormatService.getFormat() in several classes....

6068 05/05/2011 10:45 AM rnahf

generateMissingSystemMetadata was swallowing Exceptions instead of throwing. Refactored so that specific exceptions are thrown, affecting [create/update]SystemMetadata methods, too.

6001 03/02/2011 02:12 PM Chris Jones

DocumentImpl.delete() now throws finer grained exceptions (not a general exception). Consequently, the classes that call it have been updated to handle the thrown exceptions, including CrudService, ReplicationHandler, and ReplicationService.

5957 02/15/2011 02:08 PM berkley

fixed bug where the wrong checksum alg got written to the db

5953 02/13/2011 11:20 AM Chris Jones

To support the generatemissingsystemmetadata REST call, modified CrudService.createSystemMetadata() to use DataoneEMLParser and further determine object formats from EML metadata. Formats currently supported are text/plain, text/csv, image/[jpg|jp2|bmp|tiff|png], and only for EML documents with 'ecogrid://' defined entity urls....

5921 02/04/2011 06:14 PM Matt Jones

Cleaned up warnings, removed dead code.

5920 02/04/2011 05:53 PM Matt Jones

Updated to most recent DataONE libraries. Updated CrudService to set the correct origin MN and auth MN in system metadata. Refactored exception passing. More work to come in generating SystemMetadata.

5895 02/03/2011 03:25 PM berkley

added code to do database query for listObjects

5893 02/03/2011 01:19 PM Matt Jones

Cleaned up unused imports.

5887 02/02/2011 03:52 PM berkley

adding fields for additional system metadata info

5870 01/31/2011 01:30 PM berkley

added code to run an squery for listObjects instead of an anyfield query

5851 01/27/2011 03:08 PM berkley

refactor checksum and some other stuff

5838 01/24/2011 03:32 PM berkley

replicate works on metacat now. just waiting for roberts changes to the mmp clients

5802 01/13/2011 11:58 AM berkley

removing code I just added

5801 01/13/2011 11:54 AM berkley

adding default url to test against

5798 01/13/2011 11:33 AM berkley

fixes for creating SM for legacy docs

5796 01/12/2011 11:57 AM berkley

fixing generateSystemMetadata

5770 01/04/2011 04:04 PM berkley

implemented health api

5764 01/04/2011 11:26 AM berkley

new class

5763 01/04/2011 11:26 AM berkley

implemented ping

5750 12/20/2010 02:19 PM berkley

fix for paths with semi-colons or other 'reserved' characters in them for D1 rest services

5746 12/17/2010 11:25 AM berkley

added semi-colon id test

5693 12/07/2010 02:03 PM ben leinfelder

allow public access to log information when docid is given. IP and principal are not returned unless an administrator makes the request.

5683 12/02/2010 11:09 AM berkley

organized code for inputstream handling

5681 12/01/2010 03:06 PM berkley

fixed date problem

5680 12/01/2010 02:21 PM berkley

add a timer to delete the temp file

5679 12/01/2010 02:13 PM berkley

removed dependency on InputStreamToOutputStream so that exceptions will be passed correctly.

5670 11/30/2010 03:30 PM berkley

got getChecksum working. working on delete now. all tests in d1clienttest now pass

5654 11/18/2010 11:57 AM berkley

implemented crud.delete

5652 11/17/2010 11:53 AM berkley

changed date format a bit to get the parser to like it

5648 11/16/2010 11:46 AM berkley

implemented crud.describe

5644 11/15/2010 03:26 PM berkley

adding getChecksum method

5643 11/15/2010 12:08 PM berkley

added milliseconds back onto date format

5630 10/28/2010 02:11 PM berkley

fixed a couple bugs with dates and fixed a major bug where metacat was reading the entire document from the database everytime a DocumentImpl instance was created even though it didn't need to

5629 10/27/2010 10:51 AM berkley

changes for dataone .5 schema updates

5624 10/20/2010 11:17 AM berkley

updated all exception codes to match spec

5622 10/20/2010 11:02 AM berkley

fixed task 729

5621 10/19/2010 09:33 AM berkley

fixed a bunch of small errors, did some reformatting, and fixed a bug that I thought was fixed last week

5582 09/23/2010 11:41 AM berkley

changed log labels per trac 843

5577 09/22/2010 11:55 AM berkley

fixed bug 818

5559 09/21/2010 11:26 AM berkley

better log message

5557 09/21/2010 10:47 AM berkley

more debugging for objectInfo problem

5556 09/20/2010 03:23 PM berkley

checking for a null objectformat

5555 09/20/2010 03:07 PM berkley

checking for a null objectformat

5554 09/20/2010 02:52 PM berkley

checking for a null objectformat

5553 09/20/2010 02:49 PM berkley


5552 09/20/2010 02:40 PM berkley

add some error output

5551 09/20/2010 02:38 PM berkley

add some error output

5550 09/20/2010 02:06 PM berkley

added a check for bad data into listObjects

5549 09/17/2010 04:29 PM berkley

commented out a println

5547 09/17/2010 10:48 AM berkley

updated DB scripts for D1 schemas

5523 08/27/2010 11:09 AM berkley

moved the dataone types to the file

5521 08/27/2010 08:25 AM berkley

changes to work with new dataone jars

5510 08/23/2010 02:41 PM berkley

fixed bug where the query cache was not getting reset by a REST insert/query combo.

5481 08/06/2010 01:11 PM berkley

new todos from code review with roger

5466 08/02/2010 02:29 PM berkley

added TODOs and cleaned up the code a bit

5462 07/29/2010 12:22 PM berkley

fixed mime multipart problems so that roger can try to use the d1client

5461 07/28/2010 03:09 PM berkley

fixed error where insert/update errors were not getting caught as exceptions

5460 07/28/2010 10:53 AM berkley

fixed bug with logger where localid didn't get appended when inserting a data file

5459 07/28/2010 10:00 AM berkley

reformatting logs for robert

5456 07/27/2010 10:53 AM berkley

fixed update bug I introduced yesterday while fixing replication

5453 07/26/2010 03:39 PM berkley

still working on getting guid problems fixed with replication

5449 07/26/2010 10:33 AM berkley

fixed yet another null sessionData bug

5445 07/23/2010 02:11 PM berkley

fixed more access control problems. also fixed extraneous white space that was getting put into the listobject output stream

5444 07/23/2010 01:30 PM berkley

fixed problems with access control on sysmeta

5443 07/23/2010 12:52 PM berkley

fix for set access bug

5441 07/22/2010 03:30 PM berkley

added functionality to set access permissions to system metadata the same as the document that it describes

5439 07/22/2010 08:58 AM berkley

hopefully fixed get bug where session was null

5436 07/19/2010 02:02 PM berkley

fixing another null auth token bug

5434 07/12/2010 01:41 PM berkley

changing d1 log format

5433 07/12/2010 11:33 AM berkley

added code to make sure the localId and guid get added to get and create d1 logs

5432 07/12/2010 10:55 AM berkley

removing println

5431 07/09/2010 10:14 AM berkley

fixed more NPE problems with sessionData. hopefully got them all this time

5430 07/08/2010 08:51 AM berkley

fix for null session bug

5428 07/07/2010 03:22 PM berkley

updated for date format that supports time zones correctly.

5427 07/07/2010 10:53 AM berkley

changed date comparison to compare to gmt only

5426 07/07/2010 09:32 AM berkley

fixed NPE with sessionData

5424 07/06/2010 11:58 AM berkley

fixed bug in access control where the sessionid was not correctly passed along so changes of privileges were not being made

5420 06/30/2010 03:28 PM berkley

fixing date formatting and timezone issues

5419 06/30/2010 02:03 PM berkley

fixed bug with log processing

5418 06/30/2010 01:48 PM berkley

fixed some bugs in time handling for listObjects and getLogRecords

5417 06/30/2010 11:37 AM berkley

bug fix to handle nulls

5416 06/30/2010 11:27 AM berkley

fixed bug in getLogRecords where the wrong id was getting set as the identifier

5415 06/30/2010 09:35 AM berkley

added new exception handling to serialize number format exceptions for rest calls

5414 06/29/2010 11:44 AM berkley

fixed listObject bugs, added params to the listObjects rest interface, consolidated the date format passed in params

5413 06/28/2010 03:27 PM berkley

fixed query for listObjects so that paging works as advertised.

5411 06/28/2010 10:48 AM berkley

fixed error with listObjects and get.

5409 06/25/2010 03:54 PM berkley

still looking for listObjects problem