Add the code to create a new table smMediaTypeProperties.
Add the media_type and file_name columns.
add support for v2 DataONE API.
add 2 indexes to speed up dataONE log retrieval.
type the doctype="metadata" objects as "FGDC-STD-001-1998" formatId for rendering XSLT and for DataONE SystemMetadata.
upgrade to Metacat 2.1.0 on the trunk. This includes a new index_event table for storing indexing events that need to be reprocessed.
additional db indexes for pathquery performance
shorten the systemmetadata* table names for Oracle's 30 character limit. move version to 2.0.5.
increase amount of text the 'xml_path_index.path' column can accommodate. I was seeing errors like this during indexing:knb 20120312-11:42:05: [ERROR]: DocumentImpl.buildIndex - SQL Exception while indexing document knb-lter-and.3147 : ERROR: value too long for type character varying(1000) [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.DocumentImpl]
Added DOI generation to the 2.0.0 upgrade process. To succeed, this script must be run on a fresh 2.0.0 database, or on a 1.9.5 version database, as those are the only ways to get the needed foreign keys to be marked as deferrable. The identifier conversion must be turned on by setting correct properties in See the comments in GenerateGlobalIdentifiers for details. By default, conversion is set to false in the properties file. If you want to convert an instance to use DOIs, be sure to set up BEFORE running through the Metacat configuration and database upgrade.
use larger ("text") db field for guid in the xml_access.accessfileid column
remove flag for independent system metadata replication -- these entries are replicated along with the data/metadata objects or via hazelcast when the actual object is not on the server.
include 'archived' system metadata element in backing DB store
remove docid column in favor of guid
move the DataONE 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
add User-Agent logging to support D1 requirements
remove ORE mapping from system metadata
include obsoletes and obsoletedBy for system metadatarepurpose the "provenance" table as the ORE mapping table for system metadata
use objectFormatIdentifier for listObjects()remove provisional system metadata indicator - Metacat will not implement reserveIdentifier()
allow for provisional SystemMetadata records (provisional=true)
merge changes from 1.9.5 branch for upgrade process (1.9.3->1.9.4->1.9.5)
add option for replicating system metadata (dataone) make sure the latest table changes are included in upgrade scripts
include GUID column for xml_access and related methods for storing/retrieving access rules
persist system metadata replication policy and status using db tables
remove docid and rev from systemMetadata table
add systemMetadataProvenance table for tracking those relationships
add support for temporal element query in pathquery
fixed bugs in listObjects
adding fields for additional system metadata info
added systemMetadata table to the upgrade scripts
Modified table structure to change identifiers table (previously unused) to represent a mapping between arbitrary string identifiers and metacat docids.More information in Modifications toOracle schemas were made but not tested.
Add upgrade scripts for 1.9.2 (scheduler tables)
Add additional indexed to match postgres scripts
replace <script>.sql files with <script>-oracle.sql files since the base files are implicitly oracle scripts