


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
6357 07/20/2011 11:38 AM ben leinfelder

reset object input stream (testGet)
check for reserveIdentifier NotImplemented (expected)

6354 07/19/2011 08:09 AM Chris Jones

Return the new pid (not the obsoleted pid) on update(), and set the correct system metadata.

6349 07/14/2011 04:27 PM ben leinfelder

include Mock version of looking up the base url for our own node - for testReplicate().
still expecting a failure during MN.replicate() since we are trying to add the replica to the same MN from which it came.

6348 07/14/2011 03:12 PM ben leinfelder

allow alternative CNode implementations (subclasses) to be returned when D1Client.getCN() is called. The alternative is given in the Settings configuration via the D1Client.cnClassName property.
MockCNode in Metacat is an example of such an alternative and is used when Metacat requires methods of a CN be present for unit testing.

6338 07/13/2011 09:02 AM Chris Jones

Test that the obsoletes and derivedFrom system metadata fields were set correctly.

6337 07/12/2011 03:02 PM ben leinfelder

use objectFormatIdentifier for listObjects()
remove provisional system metadata indicator - Metacat will not implement reserveIdentifier()

6333 07/10/2011 07:56 PM ben leinfelder

add test for synchronization failed -- TODO: verify that the log record made it in the logs

6332 07/08/2011 04:48 PM ben leinfelder

provisional replicate() implementation -- does not check if the session's subject is "allowed" to do this.
the test also requires 2 servers -- right now it attempts to replicate with itself which will fail because of duplicate IDs

6331 07/08/2011 04:05 PM ben leinfelder

provisional version of getOperationStatistics() -- not clear if we are meant to aggregate by hour or by day

6329 07/08/2011 02:53 PM ben leinfelder

include test for replicate() method -- still fails as not implemented

6328 07/08/2011 02:52 PM ben leinfelder

allow null objects (use default checksum)

6327 07/08/2011 02:46 PM ben leinfelder

wire-up the getCapabilities() and getOperationStatistics() methods for when they are actually implemented (tests fail now)

6326 07/08/2011 02:30 PM ben leinfelder

test listObjects()

6325 07/08/2011 02:23 PM ben leinfelder

include MNAuthorization tests

6324 07/08/2011 02:08 PM ben leinfelder

refactor to use common superclass D1NodeServiceTest for shared methods

6322 07/07/2011 03:16 PM ben leinfelder

test for getLogRecords -- with some semi-reasonable expectations on the return that is expected

6320 07/07/2011 01:56 PM ben leinfelder

tests for isAuthorized and setAccessPolicy

6319 07/07/2011 01:36 PM ben leinfelder

include getLogRecords() test, though it is commented out at the moment

6317 07/07/2011 01:17 PM ben leinfelder

test for CN.getSystemMetadata()

6315 07/07/2011 01:09 PM ben leinfelder

test CN.get()

6314 07/07/2011 01:02 PM Chris Jones

Uncommented MNStorage tests.

6312 07/07/2011 12:31 PM Chris Jones

Send the correct Date format in testGetLogRecords(). I've commented out certain tests in the suite until isAuthorized() functionality is working. It is returning a NotFound exception even though the object is clearly in Metacat.

6309 07/07/2011 09:46 AM Chris Jones

Add MNodeServiceTest tests for MNCore, MNRead, MNStorage, MNAuthorization implementations. MNReplication remains to be tested, as does MNCore.getCapabilities() and getOperationStatistics().

6307 07/06/2011 04:30 PM ben leinfelder

add the d1_common formats if they do not exist on the server

6303 07/06/2011 01:35 PM ben leinfelder

remove resolve() test -- not implemented in Metacat

6295 07/05/2011 04:20 PM ben leinfelder

add methods for testing CNodeService impl. Still some failing tests, but whittling them down

6287 07/05/2011 11:54 AM ben leinfelder

refactor to test the entire CN service impl

6195 06/23/2011 04:10 PM ben leinfelder

CNCoreImpl is replaced by CNodeService

6141 06/15/2011 08:53 AM Chris Jones

Updated tests to use ObjectFormatCache.getInstance(), and added tests for CNCoreImpl.listFormats and getFormat().

6132 06/08/2011 06:24 AM Chris Jones

When calling SystemMetadata.getObjectFormat(), return the string value of the ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than ObjectFormat.toString() (which no longer returns the fmtid string).

6130 06/07/2011 02:56 PM ben leinfelder

organize imports so that it is clearer what dependencies exist on the D1 jars

6124 06/07/2011 09:53 AM Chris Jones

Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.

6122 06/06/2011 03:28 PM ben leinfelder

include GUID column for xml_access and related methods for storing/retrieving access rules

6097 05/24/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.

6092 05/19/2011 01:52 PM Matt Jones

Modified Metacat to build against the D1_SCHEMA_0_6_1 branch of the dataone schemas by incorporating the 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT version of d1_common and d1_libclient libraries, and refactoring Metacat code references to the d1 schema changed types.

6069 05/05/2011 10:50 AM rnahf

updating CrudServiceTest with better exception handling (more specific) to match refactored class

6040 04/14/2011 05:13 PM Matt Jones

Cleaned up imports.

6039 04/14/2011 05:10 PM Matt Jones

Updated D1 libraries to head to eliminate problems with date parsing -- added
Joda jar to support date parsing. Removed hardcoded DN from test file. Now
CrudServiceTest is passing again.

6004 03/02/2011 04:44 PM Chris Jones

Added a new test method testDeleteDocumentByGUID() to ensure MetacatHandler can delete based on GUID, but fall back to docid if the GUID isn't present. Modified CrudServiceTest and made some private methods public to leverage the D1 REST calls in that library (i.e. create() a doc with a GUID).

5931 02/08/2011 12:06 PM berkley

removed comments from crudservicetest

5917 02/04/2011 12:39 PM berkley

fixed bugs in listObjects

5912 02/03/2011 07:45 PM Matt Jones

Fix the MetadataTypeRegisterTest because it had the wrong URI for METS.

5895 02/03/2011 03:25 PM berkley

added code to do database query for listObjects

5869 01/31/2011 01:22 PM berkley

fixed compile errors

5800 01/13/2011 11:51 AM berkley

uncommented tests

5798 01/13/2011 11:33 AM berkley

fixes for creating SM for legacy docs

5797 01/12/2011 11:57 AM berkley

uncommenting tests

5760 12/27/2010 02:47 PM ben leinfelder

use detected document encoding or Metacat's default encoding (UTF-8)

5748 12/17/2010 12:00 PM berkley

changed test to use actual semi-colons instead of colons

5746 12/17/2010 11:25 AM berkley

added semi-colon id test

5683 12/02/2010 11:09 AM berkley

organized code for inputstream handling

5679 12/01/2010 02:13 PM berkley

removed dependency on InputStreamToOutputStream so that exceptions will be passed correctly.

5657 11/19/2010 03:23 PM berkley

changes for new d1 schemas

5655 11/19/2010 10:39 AM berkley

uncommenting tests

5654 11/18/2010 11:57 AM berkley

implemented crud.delete

5648 11/16/2010 11:46 AM berkley

implemented crud.describe

5630 10/28/2010 02:11 PM berkley

fixed a couple bugs with dates and fixed a major bug where metacat was reading the entire document from the database everytime a DocumentImpl instance was created even though it didn't need to

5621 10/19/2010 09:33 AM berkley

fixed a bunch of small errors, did some reformatting, and fixed a bug that I thought was fixed last week

5620 10/15/2010 02:36 PM berkley
5611 10/14/2010 11:21 AM berkley

minor changes to crudservicetest

5610 10/14/2010 11:21 AM berkley

adding a test that I forgot to check in a while back

5461 07/28/2010 03:09 PM berkley

fixed error where insert/update errors were not getting caught as exceptions

5460 07/28/2010 10:53 AM berkley

fixed bug with logger where localid didn't get appended when inserting a data file

5456 07/27/2010 10:53 AM berkley

fixed update bug I introduced yesterday while fixing replication

5428 07/07/2010 03:22 PM berkley

updated for date format that supports time zones correctly.

5427 07/07/2010 10:53 AM berkley

changed date comparison to compare to gmt only

5424 07/06/2010 11:58 AM berkley

fixed bug in access control where the sessionid was not correctly passed along so changes of privileges were not being made

5421 06/30/2010 03:35 PM berkley

add back all tests

5420 06/30/2010 03:28 PM berkley

fixing date formatting and timezone issues

5418 06/30/2010 01:48 PM berkley

fixed some bugs in time handling for listObjects and getLogRecords

5416 06/30/2010 11:27 AM berkley

fixed bug in getLogRecords where the wrong id was getting set as the identifier

5414 06/29/2010 11:44 AM berkley

fixed listObject bugs, added params to the listObjects rest interface, consolidated the date format passed in params

5413 06/28/2010 03:27 PM berkley

fixed query for listObjects so that paging works as advertised.

5411 06/28/2010 10:48 AM berkley

fixed error with listObjects and get.

5410 06/28/2010 10:16 AM berkley

got the crud test to pass on knb-mn, now need to figure out why the rest service still isn't working

5405 06/25/2010 11:46 AM berkley

added a failure test to the testPublicAccess test. This test should allow public gets and listObjects but not public creates

5404 06/25/2010 11:37 AM berkley

changed getSessionData so that it will respond property to public tokens

5402 06/25/2010 10:27 AM berkley

test to check for public access to get and listObjects

5390 06/15/2010 12:49 PM berkley

adding getlogrecords to the rest interface.

5389 06/15/2010 11:19 AM berkley

changed getLogRecords to use new classes for log events

5387 06/14/2010 04:40 PM berkley

fixed bug in metacat that allowed attribute data to be appended to element data in returnfields

5384 06/10/2010 04:11 PM berkley

implementing getLogRecords

5380 06/10/2010 09:47 AM berkley

made the test functional so that it checks that missing system metadata will be created.

5378 06/09/2010 04:21 PM berkley

working on getting systemmetadata creation working for legacy knb objects

5377 06/09/2010 02:24 PM berkley

working on a function to create dataone system metadata docs for legacy metacat objects that do not have SM.

5376 06/09/2010 12:21 PM berkley

moved authentication checking out of ResourceHandler and into CrudService

5375 06/08/2010 03:30 PM berkley

added a test for access control changes

5374 06/08/2010 12:34 PM berkley

refactored the sessionService to use a correct singleton initialization scheme. Added true authentication to ResourceHandler.

5373 05/27/2010 01:26 PM berkley

new class to handle system metadata tasks in metacat

5370 05/20/2010 09:52 AM berkley

listObjects is now working for rest calls as well as crud calls

5366 05/18/2010 03:44 PM berkley

finished the crud part of listObjects. need to implement it in the rest interface now.

5362 05/17/2010 04:31 PM berkley

listObjects is almost working. need to get the result set parsed when returned to CrudService.

5359 05/17/2010 11:50 AM berkley

setting up the framework for the listObjects api call

5352 05/12/2010 10:55 AM berkley

removed system.outs

5351 05/12/2010 10:42 AM berkley

update works. it was the test that was faulty. all working now

5350 05/11/2010 04:49 PM berkley

amost have update working. still need to get unit test squared away.

5349 05/11/2010 11:34 AM berkley

removed old method that didn't do anything

5348 05/11/2010 11:32 AM berkley

added exception testing to the crud test

5346 05/10/2010 04:36 PM berkley

getSystemMetadata is now working. added unit test as well.

5344 05/10/2010 04:18 PM berkley

getting getSystemMetadata to work