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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.Table


public class Table
extends Object
Describes a table; not for general use.

Table contains information about a table. Tables are included in TableMaps and in the array of tables in Map.

Variable Index

 o columns
An array of Columns describing the columns in the table.
 o name
The table name.
 o number
The table number.

Constructor Index

 o Table()
Construct a Table.
 o Table(Column[], String, int)
Construct a Table with the specified Columns, name, and number.

Method Index

 o getColumn(String)
Get a Column object for the named column.
 o getColumns(String[])
Get an array of Column objects for the named columns.


 o columns
 public Column columns[]
An array of Columns describing the columns in the table.

 o name
 public String name
The table name.

 o number
 public int number
The table number. Table numbers are 0-based.


 o Table
 public Table()
Construct a Table.

 o Table
 public Table(Column columns[],
              String name,
              int number)
Construct a Table with the specified Columns, name, and number.


 o getColumns
 public Column[] getColumns(String columnNames[]) throws InvalidMapException
Get an array of Column objects for the named columns. Note that this method is not efficient, performing a linear search for each column.

columnNames - Names of the columns to find. If this is null, getColumns returns a null.
An array of Column objects for the specified columns.
Throws: InvalidMapException
Thrown if any columns are not found.
 o getColumn
 public Column getColumn(String columnName) throws InvalidMapException
Get a Column object for the named column. Note that this method is not efficient, performing a linear search for the column.

columnName - Name of the column to find. If this is null, getColumn returns a null.
Column object for the specified column.
Throws: InvalidMapException
Thrown if the column is not found.

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