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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.RootTableMap


public class RootTableMap
extends Object
Provides information needed to retrieve data from root tables beyond that found in TableMap; not for general use.

Variable Index

 o candidateKey
The key used to retrieve data from the table.
 o ignoredRootType
The unprefixed name of the ignored root element type to be constructed as a parent of the root table's element type.
 o orderColumn
The column used to order column retrieved from the table.
 o prefixedIgnoredRootType
The prefixed name of the ignored root element type to be constructed as a parent of the root table's element type.
 o tableMap
TableMap for the root table.

Constructor Index

 o RootTableMap()
Construct a RootTableMap with null initial values.
 o RootTableMap(TableMap, String, String, Column[], Column)
Construct a RootTableMap with non-null initial values.


 o tableMap
 public TableMap tableMap
TableMap for the root table.

 o ignoredRootType
 public String ignoredRootType
The unprefixed name of the ignored root element type to be constructed as a parent of the root table's element type. In the future, this and prefixedIgnoredRootType should probably be replaced by an NSName.

See Also:
 o prefixedIgnoredRootType
 public String prefixedIgnoredRootType
The prefixed name of the ignored root element type to be constructed as a parent of the root table's element type. In the future, this and ignoredRootType should probably be replaced by an NSName.

See Also:
 o candidateKey
 public Column candidateKey[]
The key used to retrieve data from the table.

 o orderColumn
 public Column orderColumn
The column used to order column retrieved from the table. Null if there is no order column.


 o RootTableMap
 public RootTableMap()
Construct a RootTableMap with null initial values.

 o RootTableMap
 public RootTableMap(TableMap tableMap,
                     String ignoredRootType,
                     String prefixedIgnoredRootType,
                     Column candidateKey[],
                     Column orderColumn)
Construct a RootTableMap with non-null initial values.

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