Welcome to the OBFS Data Registry. This is the primary source for comprehensive information about scientific and research data sets collected within or under the auspices of the Organization of Biological Field Stations.

This project is a cooperative effort of OBFS, the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), the UC Natural Reserve System, and the LTER Network Office. The Data Registry is based on software developed by the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB), and houses metadata that are compliant with Ecological Metadata Language (EML).

Credit for the data sets in this registry goes to the investigators who collected the data, and also to the OBFS sites and system for providing an effective and pleasant environment for research and education at the individual research stations. Our particular thanks go out to the OBFS reserve managers, scientists, and stewards for their comments and continuing support.

Registry Tools

  • Search for Data Sets
    Search All Fields

    This tool allows you to search the registry for data sets of interest. When you type text in the box and click on the "Search" button, the search will only be conducted within the title, author, abstract, and keyword fields. Checking the "Search All Fields" box will search on these and all other existing fields (this search will take more time).

    You can use the '%' character as a wildcard in your searches (e.g., '%biodiversity%' would locate any phrase with the word biodiversity embedded within it).

  • Browse existing OBFS data sets
    The registry search system is used to locate data sets of interest by searching through existing registered data sets. Presently the search covers all fields, including author, title, abstract, keywords, and other documentation for each dataset. (More sophisticated search capabilities, including boolean field searches, will be available in future.)

  • Register a new OBFS data set
    The registration page is used to submit information about a new data set associated with OBFS research. The documentation about the data set will be reviewed and then submitted to the Registry.