# Jody Here I cannot make sense of this file! # # I have organized the remainder of this file by application subsection, # this should probably be done by splitting this file into separate files? # # Sections (Similar comments are present in struts-config.xml) # -------- # WELCOME # ADMINISTRATION # CONFIGURATION # DATA # # Within each section resources are organizing by page, # the page names agree forwards in the struts-config.xml # # Implementation Notes: # - 'key' from tiles-def is the same as page name, when someone explains to # to me how to get at page name we can get rid of 'key'. # # resource value Example # -------- ----- ------- # key.label display label for page links Contact # key.title page title & window title Contact Information # key.short short description Contact information for webmaster # key.words key words (Contact Information) (webmaster) # # We have a few additional resources grouping in the same section as the pages # that use them. These appear to be grouped by use. # # resource value Example # -------- ----- ------- # label.* Label for datum, or field Prefix # help.* Tooltip for datum, or field Namespace prefix used for GML # message.* Used for information messages Spatial information loaded # error.* Used for error messages Namespace URI malformed: {0} # errors.* As abvoe w/ Exception? # # If you need aditional resources, please just invent a convention # make a note of them above # # Here are my additional resource entries # resource value Example # -------- ----- ------- # text.*(0-9) Long text passage text.welcome1=GeoServer is .... # # This is not the best solution, I have not found a decent example of how to # internationalize page content. Apparently this is something JSP land is # working on - there are some JCP open on this issue. # # -- standard errors -- errors.header= # -- validator -- errors.invalid={0} is invalid. errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters. errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters. errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}. errors.required={0} is required. errors.byte={0} must be an byte. errors.date={0} is not a date. errors.double={0} must be an double. errors.float={0} must be an float. errors.integer={0} must be an integer. errors.long={0} must be an long. errors.short={0} must be an short. errors.creditcard={0} is not a valid credit card number. errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address. # -- other -- errors.cancel=Operation cancelled. errors.detail={0} errors.general=The process did not complete. Details should follow. errors.token=Request could not be completed. Operation is not in sequence. label.validationConfig=Validation Configuration label.wfsConfig=WFS Configuration label.wmsConfig=WMS Configuration label.dataConfig=Data Configuration label.name=Name label.title=Title label.accessConstraints=Access Constraints label.fees=Fees label.maintainer=Maintainer label.keywords=Keywords label.abstract=Abstract label.description=Description label.contents=Contents label.login=Login label.logout=Logout label.help=Help label.actions=Actions label.buttons=Configuration label.context=Context label.toGeoserver=To GeoServer label.saveXML=Save XML label.loadXML=Load XML label.onlineResource=Online Resource label.featureTypes=Feature Types label.namespace=Namespace label.namespaceID=Namespace ID label.namespaces=Namespaces label.new=New label.edit=Edit label.delete=Delete label.dataStoreID=DataStore ID label.enabled=Enabled label.srsXmlStyle=srsName as XML label.username=Username label.server=Server label.port=Port label.password=Password label.password.confirm=Confirm Password label.URI=URI label.default=Default label.prefix=Prefix label.filename=Filename label.SRS=SRS label.latLonBoundingBox=LatLon Bounding Box label.connectionParameters=Connection Parameters label.dataStoreDescription=DataStore Description label.attributeTypes=Attribute Types label.attributeTypeName=Attribute Type Name label.isNillible=Nillible label.isRef=isRef label.minOccurs=Min Occurs label.maxOccurs=Max Occurs label.type=Type label.url=URL label.messages=Messages label.mainMenu=Main Menu label.status=Status label.configStatus=Configuration Status label.configChangedTrue=Changed label.configChangedFalse=Unchanged label.geoServerStatus=GeoServer Status label.geoServerChangedTrue=Changed label.geoServerChangedFalse=Unchanged label.submit=Submit label.reset=Reset label.credits=Credits label.credits.url=http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Contributors label.newLoginAndPassword=Enter new login/password label.wms.svgRenderer=SVG Rendering label.wms.svgSimple=Simple (Fast, but limited styling) label.wms.svgBatik=Batik (Slow, but full styling) label.wms.svgAntiAlias=Antialias label.wms.path=WMS Path label.cacheMaxAge=Cache Time label.cachingEnabled=Caching Enabled? help.name_service=This is the name of the service help.title_service=This is the title of the service help.accessConstraints_service=The constraints of the service help.fees_service=Fees required help.maintainer_service=Name of the maintaining body help.keywords_service=A list of keywords associated with the service. help.dataFeatureTypeKeywords_service=Keywords for FeatureTypes help.abstract_service=A short abstract about the service help.onlineResource_service=Online Reference URL for the web service. help.serviceType_service=The type of service help.cacheControl_defaultMaxAge=The time (in seconds) to instruct external caches to save generated maps. help.dataStore_id=A unique datastore identifier. help.dataStore_enabled=Checked to enable this datastore help.dataStore_nameSpace=A namespace Prefix to associate with this DataStore. help.dataStore_description=A short description about this data store. help.dataStore_server=The name of the server to connect to. help.dataStore_port=The connection port on the server. help.dataStore_username=The username to login to the server with. help.dataStore_password=The password to login to the server with. help.namespace.default=Checked if this namespace should be assumed when none is specified help.namespace.prefix=The prefix used to identify this namespace in a GML document help.namespace.uri=URI of document describing namespace definition help.dataFeatureTypeAbstract_service=A Description for a FeatureType help.dataFeatureTypeKeywords=BLAH help.dataFeatureTypeAbstract=BLAH help.wms.path=The position into the WMS Capabilities tree structure. error.name.required=Name Required error.title.required=Title Required error.fees.required=Fees Required error.maintainer.required=Maintainer Required error.keywords.required=Keywords Required error.abstract.required=Abstract Required error.accessConstraints.required=Access Constraints Required error.dataStoreId.invalid=Data Store ID '(0}' must contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) error.dataStoreId.required=Data Store ID is required. error.dataStoreFactory.invalid=Invalid DataStore Factory (Please choose one from the list) error.dataStoreEditor.param.required={0} is a required parameter error.dataStoreEditor.param.parse={0} must be a valid {1}: {2} error.datastoreEditor.validation=Provided parameters can not be processed errors.buttonAction.invalid=Invalid button pressed. errors.factory.invalid=Invalid DataStoreID selected. error.dataStoreEditor.param.missing=Could not locate {0} for {1} error.exception={0} error.invalidConnectionParams=Connection Parameters are invalid error.cannotProcessConnectionParams=Unable to connect with provided parameters error.badCharSet=The Character Set provided is not valid - the name must follow conventions documented in the IANA Charset Registry error.cannotRunValidation=Unable to run validation: {0} error.password.mismatch=Password must match the Confirm Password field, try again. error.prefix.invalid=Namespace prefix '(0}' must contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) error.prefix.required=Namespace prefix is required. error.uri.malformed=Namespace URI malformed: {0} error.uri.required=Namespace URI is required error.style.required=Selected style required error.style.invalid=Selected style not defined error.noWritePermission=No write permissions to: {0} error.couldNotCreateFile=Could not create file: {0}. Possible case: {1} welcome.heading=Welcome geoserver.logo=GeoServer label.defaultTitle=GeoServer label.featureTypeName=Feature Type Name label.moveUp=Move Down label.moveDown=Move Up label.attributeTypeName=Attribute-Type Name label.testSuite=Test Suite label.testName=Test Name label.testDescription=Test Description label.newName=New Name label.currentTestSuite=Currently working in test suite label.plugInType=PlugIn Type label.plugInDescription=PlugIn Description label.maxFeatures=Maximum Features label.verbose=Verbose label.verboseExceptions=VerboseExceptions label.numDecimals=Number of Decimals label.charset=Character Set label.baseURL=Base URL label.schemaBaseURL=Schema-Base URL label.loggingLevel=Logging Level label.loggingToFile=Write Logs to File label.logLocation=Log Location label.contactInformation=Contact Information label.contactPerson=Contact Person label.contactOrganization=Organization label.contactPosition=Position label.addressType=Address Type label.address=Address label.addressCity=City label.addressState=State/Province label.addressPostalCode=Postal Code label.addressCountry=Country label.contactVoice=Phone Number label.contactFacsimile=Fax Number label.contactEmail=Email Address label.wfs=Web Feature Server label.wms=Web Map Server label.data=Data label.wfsStatus=WFS Status label.wmsStatus=WMS Status label.dataStatus=Data Status label.apply=Apply label.save=Save label.load=Load label.actions=Actions label.calculateBoundingBox=Calculate Bounding Box label.wfsDescription=WFS Description label.wfsContent=WFS Content label.wmsDescription=WMS Description label.wmsContent=WMS Content label.wmsRendering=WMS Rendering label.dataStores=Data Stores label.featureTypes=Feature Types label.createNewDataStore=Create a new Data Store label.createNewNamespace=Create a new Namespace label.serviceLevel=Service Level label.serviceLevel.basic=Basic label.serviceLevel.transactional=Transactional label.serviceLevel.complete=Complete label.server=Server label.validation=Validation label.contact=Contact label.none=None label.phoneNumber=Phone Number label.faxNumber=Fax Number label.email=E-mail label.info=info label.cacheControl_defaultMaxAge=CacheControl-header max-age help.enabled=Enables/disables the service help.srsXmlStyle=Check if the srsName in the returned GML should be xml style (as in spec), uncheck if just EPSG: should be returned. help.featureList=Allows enabling/disabling of individual feature types within the service. help.global.maxFeatures=Sets the max number of Features returned by GetFeature. help.global.verbose=Sets whether newlines and indents should be returned in XML responses. help.global.verboseExceptions=Sets whether the Service Exceptions returned to users should have full java stack traces help.global.numDecimals=Number of decimal places returned in a GetFeature response. help.global.charset=Sets the global character set. help.global.baseURL=The base URL where this servlet will run. help.global.schemaBaseURL=Define a base url for the location of the WFS schemas. help.global.loggingLevel=Defines the Application logging level. help.global.loggingToFile=Enable/Disable logging to file. help.global.logLocation=Specify log location. May be a directory or a file. The above must be checked for this value to take effect. help.global.contactPerson=The name of the contact person; help.global.contactOrganization=The name of the organization with which the contact is affiliated. help.global.contactPosition=The position of the contact within their organization. help.global.addressType=The type of address specified, such as postal. help.global.address=The actual street address. help.global.addressCity=The city of the address. help.global.addressState=The state/prov. of the address. help.global.addressPostalCode=The postal code for the address. help.global.addressCountry=The country of the address. help.global.contactVoice=The contact phone number. help.global.contactFacsimile=The contact Fax number. help.global.contactEmail=The contact email address. help.serviceLevel=Defines the level of service that the WFS provides help.wms.svgRenderer=Select the SVG renderer to use when servicing WMS SVG requests tab.description=Description tab.content=Content tab.dataStores=DataStores tab.namespaces=Namespaces tab.styles=Styles tab.featureTypes=Feature Types error.login.invalidCombo=Invalid username/password combination. error.login.required=You must be logged in to access this feature. error.latLonBoundingBox.required=All elements on the LatLonBoundingBox are required. error.latLonBoundingBox.invalid=Invalid LatLonBoundingBox: {0} error.serviceLevel.invalid=Invalid service level selected link.geoserver=http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/ link.license=http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/documentation/developer/license.htm # --- changed ---- label.geoServerConfiguration=GeoServer Configuration message.login.hint=(The default user is 'admin' with password is 'geoserver') message.noContact=No contact information has been provided message.notLoaded=Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container logs for error messages. message.noTitle=Metacat Spatial - GeoServer message.dataOkay=Data loaded without incident # WELCOME welcome.label=Welcome welcome.title=Welcome to GeoServer welcome.short=Welcome to GeoServer 1.4.0. Thanks for using GeoServer! welcome.words=(GeoServer) (GIS) (Geographic Information Systems) (WFS) welcome.contact.label=Contact welcome.contact.title=Contact Information welcome.contact.short=Contact information for site webmaster welcome.contact.words=(WebMaster) (Contact Information) welcome.demo.label=Demo welcome.demo.title=Demo welcome.demo.short=Here is the demo page for Geoserver. Look here for examples on how to use Geoserver on its own and with other tools. welcome.demo.words=(GeoServer) (Demo) welcome.demo.wmsexample.title=WMS Example welcome.demo.wmsexample.label=WMS view of New York welcome.demo.wmsexample.short=This is a WMS view of Manhattan, New York. It allows you to pan, zoom, and even click on images to pop up a larger view. It is written in Javascript and the code can be found under: [geoserver]/data/demo/popup_map welcome.demo.mappreview.title=Map Preview welcome.demo.mappreview.label=WMS previews of your enabled FeatureTypes welcome.demo.mappreview.short=The Map Preview page will display each FeatureType that is enabled and gives you a link to each one allowing you to view it in WMS form with MapBuilder. welcome.demo.requests.title=Sample Requests welcome.demo.requests.label=Example WMS and WFS requests welcome.demo.requests.short=This page has example WMS and WFS requests that you can use, examine, and change. It is very useful for seeing how to talk with Geoserver and how you can make your own, custom, requests. welcome.demo.documentation.title=Documentation welcome.demo.documentation.label=Main documentation page welcome.demo.documentation.short=Here is the main documentation page for Geoserver. It is a WIKI so feel free to add any documentation, walkthroughs, tutorials, or information that you think will benefit other users. welcome.demo.wfst.title=WFS-T demo welcome.demo.wfst.label=Example WFS-T (transactional) page welcome.demo.wfst.short=This page, powered by MapBuilder, is an example of WFS-T (transactional) requests that you can use. It allows you to insert points and lines into the various layers of the map. welcome.demoRequest.label=Demo Request welcome.demoRequest.title=Demo Request welcome.demoRequest.short=Example requests for GeoServer (using the TestServlet). Select a request from the drop down list, and then hit 'Change'. This will display the request url (and body if an xml request). Hit submit to send the request to GeoServer. welcome.demoRequest.words=(GeoServer) (Demo) # WELCOME resources # MPTODO: configure the geoserver welcome text so metacat users will have an easier time text.welcome1=The GeoServer project is a full transactional Java (J2EE) implementation of the OpenGIS Consortium's Web Feature Server specification, with an integrated Web Map Server. text.welcome2=GeoServer is free software, available under the GPL 2.0 license. text.welcome3=Users who would like to access and modify their geographic data over the Internet using flexible, industry-approved standards should take a look at GeoServer. text.welcome4=The text describing your WFS and WMS may be edited using the Config link above. You must login (link top right) to change the GeoServer configuration (including contact information), or administer the running GeoServer application. text.welcome5=The documentation for this release is available online at the following link. The GeoServer wiki is used for the latest updates; please share your experiences, hints and tips with GeoServer there. The task tracker is the place to report feature requests and bugs. Also please take a moment to add yourself to the User Map to show your support for GeoServer. text.welcome.mapbuilder=Mapbuilder Demo text.welcome.mapbuilder.detail= Mapbuilder is a java-script WFS-T client. You can use Mapbuilder to edit the data in this Geoserver install. # NEW features text.visitDemoPage=Visit the demo page for examples of GeoServer in action. This includes an integrated Mapbuilder client. text.newFeatureLogo=NEW! text.newFeature1=See WMS layers in new MapBuilder GUI. text.newFeature2=Check out the Demos page for some neat WMS and WFS demos. # ADMIN admin.label=Admin admin.title=GeoServer Administration admin.short=Administration of running GeoServer application admin.words=(Administration) admin.login.label=Login admin.login.title=Login admin.login.short=Login to GeoServer (user: admin and password: geoserver is the default, you can change it from Config->Server->Password). admin.login.words=(GeoServer) (Login) admin.freeLocks.label=Free Locks admin.freeLocks.title=Free All Feature Locks admin.freeLocks.short=Free All Feature Locks currently held by the server admin.freeLocks.words=(FeatureLock) (Free) (Admin) admin.freeMemory.label=Free Memory admin.freeMemory.title=Free Available Memory admin.freeMemory.short=Free Available memory by runing the garbage collector admin.freeMemory.words=(Memory) (Free) (Admin) # resources for Admin label.locks=Locks label.connections=Connections label.memory=Memory help.locks=Number of Feature Locks help.connections=Number of Data Connections help.memory=Amount of available memory text.admin=This Administration page is currently at the idea stage, it is intended to show the runtime status (and allow interaction with) the running GeoSever application. message.freeLocks=Locks released ({0} were held) message.memory=Memory released ({0}K released) # CONFIG config.label=Config config.title=GeoServer Configuration config.short=Configuration of GeoServer application config.words=(Configure) # CONFIG Server config.server.label=Server config.server.title=Server Configuration config.server.short=Configuration of Server and Contact information config.server.words=(Configure) (Contact) (Server) # CONFIG Server Login config.server.login.label=Password config.server.login.title=Change Password config.server.login.short=Page for editing the username/password config.server.login.words=(GeoServer) (Login) (Admin) # CONFIG validation config.validation.label=Validation config.validation.title=Validation Configuration config.validation.short=Configuration of the GeoServer Validation Processor config.validation.words=(Configuration) (Validation) config.validation.suite.label=Test Suite config.validation.suite.title=Validation Test Suite Configuration config.validation.suite.short=Configuraiton of Test Suites for the Validaiton Processor config.validation.suite.words=(Validation Processor) (Test Suites) config.validation.suite.doit.label=Try Tests config.validation.suite.doit.title=Try Test Suite config.validation.suite.doit.short=Try running test suite config.validation.suite.doit.words=(Validation Processor) (Test Suites) config.validation.test.label=Tests config.validation.test.title=Validation Test Configuration config.validation.test.short=Configuration of validation tests config.validation.test.words=(Validation Processor) (Validation) (Test) config.validation.suite.editor.label=Editor config.validation.suite.editor.title=Validation Test Suite Editor config.validation.suite.editor.short=Editor for validation test suites config.validation.suite.editor.words=(Validation Processor) (Validation) (TestSuite) config.validation.test.editor.label=Editor config.validation.test.editor.title=Validation Test Editor config.validation.test.editor.short=Editor for validation tests config.validation.test.editor.words=(Validation Processor) (Validation) (Test) config.validation.test.doit.label=Try Test config.validation.test.doit.title=Try Validation Test config.validation.test.doit.short=Try running validation test config.validation.test.doit.words=(Validation Processor) (Test) config.validation.displayResults.label=Display Results config.validation.displayResults.title=Results of the test run config.validation.displayResults.short=Displays results of the test run config.validation.displayResults.words=(Validation Processor) (Validation) (TestSuite) (Results) config.validation.displayResults.errors=Errors config.validation.displayResults.runCompleted=Run Completed config.validation.displayResults.runNotCompleted=Run Not Completed config.validation.displayResults.stop=Stop # CONFIG wfs config.wfs.label=WFS config.wfs.title=Web Feature Server Configuration config.wfs.short=Configuration of Web Feature Server config.wfs.words=(WFS) (Web Feature Server) (Configure) config.wfs.content.label=Contents config.wfs.content.title=Web Feature Server Contents config.wfs.content.short=Configuration of Web Feature Server functionality config.wfs.content.words=(WFS) (Web Feature Server) (Configure) config.wfs.description.label=Description config.wfs.description.title=Web Feature Server Description config.wfs.description.short=Configuration of Web Feature Server information and metadata config.wfs.description.words=(WFS) (Web Feature Server) (Configure) error.wfs.onlineResource.required=Online Resource is required. error.wfs.onlineResource.malformed=Online Resource is malformed: {0} # CONFIG wms config.wms.label=WMS config.wms.title=Web Map Server Configuration config.wms.short=Configuration of Web Map Server config.wms.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Configure) config.wms.content.label=Contents config.wms.content.title=Web Map Server Contents config.wms.content.short=Configuration of Web Map Server functionality config.wms.content.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Configure) config.wms.description.label=Description config.wms.description.title=Web Map Server Description config.wms.description.short=Configuration of Web Map Server information and metadata config.wms.description.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Configuration) config.wms.rendering.label=Rendering config.wms.rendering.title=Web Map Server Rendering config.wms.rendering.short=Configuration of Web Map Server Rendering config.wms.rendering.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Rendering) error.wms.onlineResource.required=Online Resource is required. error.wms.onlineResource.malformed=Online Resource is malformed: {0} # DATA config.data.label=Data config.data.title=GeoServer Data Configuration config.data.short=Configure GeoServer Application config.data access and representation config.data.words=(Configure) (Data) (Spatial Data) # DATA - config.dataStores config.data.store.label=Stores config.data.store.title=DataStore Configuration config.data.store.short=Select data store for configuration config.data.store.words=(Configure) (Database) (Shapefile) (Spatial Data) (Data) config.data.store.new.label=New config.data.store.new.title=Create New DataStore config.data.store.new.short=Create source of spatial information config.data.store.new.words=(Configure) (Database) (Shapefile) (Spatial Data) (Data) config.data.store.editor.label=Edit config.data.store.editor.title=DataStore Editor config.data.store.editor.short=Edit a source of spatial information config.data.store.editor.words=(Configure) (Database) (Shapefile) (Spatial Data) (Data) config.data.store.editor.requiredField=required field # DATA namespace config.data.namespace.label=Namespace config.data.namespace.title=Namespace Configuration config.data.namespace.short=Configure GML Namespace used for generated GML config.data.namespace.words=(GML) (Namespace) (prefix) config.data.namespace.new.label=New config.data.namespace.new.title=Create New Namespace config.data.namespace.new.short=Create a new namespace for GML content config.data.namespace.new.words=(GML) (Namespace) (prefix) config.data.namespace.editor.label=Edit config.data.namespace.editor.title=Namespace Editor config.data.namespace.editor.short=Edit prefix and uri for GML namespace config.data.namespace.editor.words=(GML) (Namespace) (prefix) text.namespace=Select a namespace from the list, an astrix is used to indicate the Default namespace. # DATA styles # ----------- config.data.style.label=Style config.data.style.title=Styles Configuration config.data.style.short=Define available styles config.data.style.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Style) config.data.sldWizard.label=Create new SLD config.data.style.new.label=New config.data.style.new.title=New Style config.data.style.new.short=Create New Style config.data.style.new.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Style) config.data.style.editor.label=Edit config.data.style.editor.title=Style Editor config.data.style.editor.short=Edit selected styles config.data.style.editor.words=(WMS) (Web Map Server) (Style) # Resources for styles label.styles=Styles label.styleID=StyleID help.styles=List of available Styles help.styleID=Identifier used for Style error.style.exists=StyleID {0} already exists error.file.required=Filename is required # didier, 2004-04-20, not anymore used : error.file.nonexistent=File {0} does not exist # didier, 2004-04-20, FormFile : error.file.maxLengthExceeded=Maximum upload length of SLD document exceeded ({0} bytes allowed) error.action.invalid=Action '{0}' was not understood error.styleID.required=StyleID is required error.styleID.invalid=StyleID must begin with an alpha-numeric character. error.style.sldFileExists=There is already a style by the name of {0} stored on GeoServer. Please rename the file and try again. error.namespace.namespaceInUse=The namespace you are trying to delete is in use by a Datastore. Please delete the Datastore(s) first. error.namespace.namespaceInUse=L'espace de nommage que vous tentez de détruire est en cours d'utilisation par un de vos entrepôts. Commencer par détruire ces entrepôts en premier lieu. # DATA featureType # ----------- config.data.type.label=FeatureType config.data.type.title=FeatureType Configuration config.data.type.short=Define FeatureTypes made available through this service config.data.type.words=(FeatureType) (Spatial Information) config.data.type.new.label=New config.data.type.new.title=Create New FeatureType config.data.type.new.short=Create a new FeatureType from an available DataStore config.data.type.new.words=(FeatureType) (Spatial Information) config.data.type.editor.label=Edit config.data.type.editor.title=FeatureType Editor config.data.type.editor.short=Edit Feature Type definition and schema config.data.type.editor.words=(FeatureType) (Spatial Information) config.data.calculateBoundingBox.label=Generate config.data.calculateBoundingBox.title=Calculate Bounding Box config.data.calculateBoundingBox.short=Calculates the Bounding Box for a Feature Type definition config.data.calculateBoundingBox.words=(FeatureType) (Spatial Information) (Bounding Box) error.data.nullBBOX=The FeatureType '{0}' has a NULL extent.
HINT: the dataset is empty or has no default geometry attribute. error.data.couldNotFindSRSAuthority=Could not find an SRS Authority that understands your SRS. Please verify that your SRS is correct - you might need to consult the SRS authority plug ins to ensure that your SRS is listed.
{1} error.data.factoryException=Could not construct a SRS transformation - {0} error.data.transformException=Could not perform the coordinate transformation error.style.noParse=Could not parse the style - {0} label.SRSHelp=SRS Help #might want the other langages to point to a different url! label.SRSHelp.URL=http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/crshelp label.SRSList=SRS List label.type.dataminx=Data min X label.type.dataminy=Data min Y label.type.datamaxx=Data max X label.type.datamaxy=Data max Y help.type.dataminx=Min value of X the coordinate in the SRS of your Datastore help.type.dataminy=Min value of Y the coordinate in the SRS of your Datastore help.type.datamaxx=Max value of X the coordinate in the SRS of your Datastore help.type.datamaxy=Max value of Y the coordinate in the SRS of your Datastore error.badsrc=Could not find a definition for your SRS - {0} label.type.srswkt=SRS WKT help.type.srswkt=The OGC Well Known Text Definition of your SRS's EPSG number # Resources for FeatureType label.bbox=Bounding Box label.type.minx=Min Long label.type.miny=Min Lat label.type.maxx=Max Long label.type.maxy=Max Lat label.base=Schema Base label.schemaName=Schema Name label.style=Style label.change=Change label.add=Add label.nillable=nillable label.min=min label.max=max help.type.name=Name of FeatureType help.type.style=Default style used to render feature type help.type.srs=Spatial Reference System for FeatureType help.type.title=Title for end users of this FeatureType help.type.bbox=Bounding Box for entire Feature Type help.type.minx=Minimum Lat value for Feature Type help.type.miny=Minimum Long value for Feature Type help.type.maxx=Maximum Lat value for Feature Type help.type.maxy=Maximum Long value for Feature Type help.type.base=Base XMLSchema element (define manditory attributes or -- to generate) help.type.schemaName=Name of XMLSchema element describing Type help.type.cachingEnabled=Instruct other servers to cache maps generated from this featuretype? help.type.cacheMaxAge=Time (in seconds) other servers should cache maps generated from this featuretype. error.styleId.notFound=Style Id '{0}' not defined type.title.up=Move this type up one level. type.title.down=Move this type down one level. type.title.delete=Delete this type. label.jai=JAI is available help.jai=JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) extention is used to support image rendering for the WMS label.jvm=Version of JVM help.jvm=Denotes which version of the JVM is been used to power the server srsList.title=List of Spatial Referencing System Numbers srsList.tableTitle=EPSG WKT Definition mapPreview.title=Mini-map preview of the enabled FeatureTypes. sldValididity.title=Your .SLD file does not conform to the SLD Schema sldValiditity.help.text=More help is available here sldValiditity.help.url=http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/SLD+Validation help.citeConformanceHacks=Check if you want strict CITE test conformance. Unless you are running CITE tests, you probably do not want to check this. label.citeConformanceHacks=Strict CITE Test Conformance help.featureBounding=Check if you want the bounds for the default geometry of your feature to be automatically included in the GetFeature gml output. Not recommended, as most clients don't need it and takes up extra bandwidth. label.featureBounding=Generate feature bounds