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Interface de.tudarmstadt.ito.domutils.NameQualifier

public interface NameQualifier
Interface encapsulating namespace-qualified names of DOM Nodes.

Because the DOM does not yet define how it interacts with namespaces, this interface encapsulates namespace behavior.

The 'local name' of a node is its unprefixed name. The 'qualified name' of a node is the namespace URI plus a caret (^) plus the local name; if there is no namespace URI, the qualified name is the same as the local name. For example:

    <foo:element1 xmlns="http://foo">
    Local name: "element1"
    Qualified name: "http://foo^element1"
<element2> Local name: "element2" Qualified name: "element2"

Method Index

 o getLocalName(Node)
Get the local name of a DOM Node.
 o getNamespaceURI(Node)
Get the namespace URI used by a DOM Node.
 o getQualifiedName(Node)
Get the URI-qualified name of a DOM Node.


 o getQualifiedName
 public abstract String getQualifiedName(Node node)
Get the URI-qualified name of a DOM Node.

node - The Node for which to get the name.
The qualified name.
 o getLocalName
 public abstract String getLocalName(Node node)
Get the local name of a DOM Node.

node - The Node for which to get the name.
The local name.
 o getNamespaceURI
 public abstract String getNamespaceURI(Node node)
Get the namespace URI used by a DOM Node.

node - The Node for which to get the URI.
The namespace URI.

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