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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.ClassMap


public class ClassMap
extends Object
Maps an element type as a class; not for general use.

ClassMap contains information about an element type-as-class: how it is mapped, what table it is mapped to, maps for attributes, PCDATA, and child element types, etc. ClassMaps are stored in RootClassMaps and RelatedClassMaps, which are accessed through hash tables keyed by element type name.

Variable Index

 o attributeMaps
A Hashtable containing PropertyMaps for attributes.
 o name
Name of the class (element type).
 o pcdataMap
The PropertyMap for the PCDATA.
 o subElementTypeMaps
A Hashtable containing maps for child element types.
 o table
The table to which the class is mapped.
 o type
How the class is mapped: to a root table, to a class table, ignored, or passed-through.
Ignore the element type.
Map the element type as pass-through; not implemented yet.
Map the element type to a class table.
Map the element type to a root table.

Constructor Index

 o ClassMap()
Construct a ClassMap.

Method Index

 o getAttributeMap(String)
Get a map for an attribute.
 o getElementTypeMap(String)
Get a map for a child element.
 o getPCDATAMap()
Get a map for PCDATA.


 public static final int TYPE_TOROOTTABLE
Map the element type to a root table.

 public static final int TYPE_TOCLASSTABLE
Map the element type to a class table.

 public static final int TYPE_IGNOREROOT
Ignore the element type.

 public static final int TYPE_PASSTHROUGH
Map the element type as pass-through; not implemented yet.

 o name
 public NSName name
Name of the class (element type). This name includes full namespace information.

 o type
 public int type
How the class is mapped: to a root table, to a class table, ignored, or passed-through.

 o table
 public Table table
The table to which the class is mapped. Null if the class is ignored or passed through.

 o attributeMaps
 public Hashtable attributeMaps
A Hashtable containing PropertyMaps for attributes. The Hashtable is keyed by the namespace-qualified attribute name. Null if no attributes are mapped.

 o pcdataMap
 public PropertyMap pcdataMap
The PropertyMap for the PCDATA. Null if the PCDATA is not mapped.

 o subElementTypeMaps
 public Hashtable subElementTypeMaps
A Hashtable containing maps for child element types. The Hashtable is keyed by the namespace-qualified element type name. It can contain RelatedClassMaps (for child element types-as-classes) or PropertyMaps (for child element types-as-properties). In the future, it will also contain PassThroughMaps (for passed-through child element types). Null if no child element types are mapped.


 o ClassMap
 public ClassMap()
Construct a ClassMap.


 o getPCDATAMap
 public PropertyMap getPCDATAMap()
Get a map for PCDATA.

The PropertyMap for the class' PCDATA. Null if the PCDATA is not mapped.
 o getElementTypeMap
 public Object getElementTypeMap(String qualifiedElementName)
Get a map for a child element.

qualifiedElementName - The namespace-qualified name of the element.
A PropertyMap (for element type-as-property children) or RelatedClassMap (for element type-as-class children). Null if the child element is not mapped.
 o getAttributeMap
 public PropertyMap getAttributeMap(String qualifiedAttrName)
Get a map for an attribute.

qualifiedAttrName - The namespace-qualified name of the attribute.
A PropertyMap for the attribute. Null if the attribute is not mapped.

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