Community Mapbuilder


Demo pages
A collection of pages showing various configurations that are possible.
Both user and developer documentation are being maintained on the Codehaus wiki.
A short tutorial to introduce the concepts in mapbuilder. This is now being maintained on the wiki. (Only avaliable in a JSP install)
Software Design Description
High level design of mapbuilder-lib.
Jsdoc - Class description
Description of javascript classes in a javadoc format.
Component register
For help with selecting components to be included in your configuration. This will become a wizard type of thing eventually.


This software is built using:

mapbuilder-lib is an open source library of browser based mapping widgets.
Sarissa is an ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs. It offers various XML related goodies like Document instantiation, XML loading from URLs or strings, XSLT transformations, XPath queries etc and comes especially handy for people doing what is lately known as "AJAX" development.
Walter Zorn's JS Graphics
This JavaScript VectorGraphics library provides graphics capabilities for JavaScript
Javascript Compression
Our Javascript Compression is derived from Eric Hammond's JS JAM
Adapted from Tim Schaub's scalebar tool CommEn Space