Simple map

In it's most basic configuration, mapbuilder can be used to simply put a map in a web page.

The configuration for this page consists of a single model (a Web Map Context document) and a single widget (a MapPane).

The model ID can also be used as an HTTP request parameter to initialize the model from a URL. For example, this page can be loaded with a different map using JavaScript or by a parameter in the URL.

The MapPane widget renders the model as a set of stacked images and inserted into the page. The 'htmlTagID' in the config file is used to associate the MapPane with an HTML page element, in this case a <DIV> element which has it's CSS style set to float on the right hand side of the page. The HTML for the widget is generated by applying an XSLT stylehseet to the model.

The ID assigned to the model can be used to reference the methods and properties of the JavaScript model object as 'config.objects[modelId]'.
