Metacat Properties File |
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Metacat Server has properties that are stored in two general locations. Global properties are held in:
Skin specific properties are set on a per-skin basis in:<CONTEXT_DIR>*/WEB_INF/style/skins/<SKIN_NAME>/<SKIN_NAME>.properties
The most dynamic properties are modified using the internal Metacat configuration utility . However, it may be necessary to manually edit a configuration file to update more static values.
The list of properties shown on this page gives the following information about each property:
(* CONTEXT_DIR refers to the directory where the Metacat application code lives. This is a combination of the web application directory and the metacat context directory. This usually looks something like /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/knb. However, your webapps directory could be somewhere besides the tomcat directory and your context could be something other than knb.)
Configuration Utility
The network host name that will be used to access Metacat. Note that this is not necessarily the physical name of the server running Metacat. The host name should not include the protocol prefix (http://).
Configuration Utility
The network port that will be used to access Metacat for non-secure (standard) connections. This is usually 80 if Apache web server is running (typical install), and 8080 if Tomcat is running alone, but both Apache and Tomcat could have been configured to listen on alternate ports.
Configuration Utility
The network port that will be used to access Metacat for secure connections. This is usually 443 if Apache web server is running (typical install), and 8443 if Tomcat is running alone, but both Apache and Tomcat could have been configured to listen on alternate ports.
The Metacat version number. usually, this should never be changed. It is set by the build engineer at build time.
Configuration Utility
The directory where web applications are deployed. Many times this is in a directory named "webapps" in the Tomcat installation directory. However, Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.
Configuration Utility
Applications run in individual directories in the applicaton deployment directory. The name of the application directory is the application context. This corresponds to the first part of the war file name (the part before .war). Most commonly, this is "knb", but it can be changed to other things.
Configuration Utility
There are some custom web skins available in Metacat. Typically these are associated with an organizational theme. If there is not a custom skin for your organization, you should leave it as "default".
Configuration Utility
The KNB site to redirect to.
Configuration Utility
This is the directory whera data files will be stored. This should be some directory outside the Metacat installation directories so data files will not get lost when Metacat is upgraded. The data file directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat).
Configuration Utility
This is the directory where inline data files will be stored. Inline data files are created from data that is embedded in EML metadata. This should be some directory outside the Metacat installation directories so data files will not get lost when Metacat is upgraded. For clarity of data, this should probably not be the same as application.datafilepath. The data file directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat).
TODO MCD add this
Configuration Utility
This is the directory that is configured in Apache web server to have CGI executables.
TODO MCD add this
Configuration Utility
The main database instance for Metacat. An empty database must have been created prior to Metacat configuration
Property | Description | Possible or default value |
user | The username that Metacat uses to access the backend database. | |
password | The password that Metacat uses to access the backend database. | |
defaultDB | The JDBC connection string that Metacat uses to connect to the backend database. | |
dbDriver | The JDBC driver to be used to access the backend database. | oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver |
dbAdapter | The name of the RDBMS Adapter Class that Metacat uses to get specific features in the backend database. | edu.ucsb.nceas.dbadapter.OracleAdapter |
initialConnections | The number of initial connection that Metacat creates to the database. | 5 |
incrementConnections | The number of connections that are created when Metacat needs more connections. | 5 |
maximumConnections | The maximum number of database connection Metacat can make. | 25 |
config-dir | directory where the style-sets exist | /opt/tomcat/webapps/metacat/lib |
default-style | the style-set to use if qformat is set to 'html' | |
xmlcatalogfile | The default file type catalog file location. DEPRECATED |
/opt/tomcat/webapps/xmltodb/catalog.txt |
siteCode | The code for the current site. | nceas |
accNumSeparator | The separator that is used to separate the three parts of the accession number: codename, sequence and revision number. changing this parameter will likely break the application, so make sure you know what you are doing. It should be synchronized with the Client application. | . (period) |
saxparser | The SAX parser to be used to parse XML documents. | org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser |
servletpath | The path on the local machine to the Metacat Servlet. | /knb/servlet/metacat |
htmlpath | The path to the HTML server for this Metacat context. This is where the Metacat web interface would be served from. | /knb |
packagedoctype | The doctype of a package file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as a Package files. | -//NCEAS//eml-dataset-2.0//EN |
accessdoctype | The doctype of an access control list (ACL) file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as an Access files. | -//NCEAS//eml-access-2.0//EN |
server | The server on which this Metacat server runs. | |
authclass | The authorization plugin to use. In this example, LDAP. | edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.AuthLdap |
ldapurl | The path to your LDAP server (if LDAP authentication is being used. | ldap:// |
ldapsurl | The path to your LDAP server with SSL support. (if LDAP authentication is being used and if your LDAT server is set with SSL support.) 2 ports are used to listen: 389 for plain sockets and 636 for SSL Sockect. If your LDAP server is not set to support SSL this property should be the same as ldapurl, else Metacat will retieve an error. | ldap:// |
ldapbase | LDAP base parameters for the LDAP server. | o=NCEAS,c=US |
referral | The type of ldap referrals you want to use. Eithe 'follow', 'throw' or 'none'. See the ldap documentation for further information | follow |
deltaT | The default delta T used for replication. | 60 |
replicationpath | The relative path to the replication servlet. | /knb/servlet/replication |
replicationlog | Location of the replication log file. | /logs/Metacatreplication.log |
dtdPath | Path to which DTDs are uploaded. | /opt/tomcat/webapps/knb/dtd/ |
dtdURL | The HTTP accessable URL to the DTD files specified in dtdPath. | |
datafilepath | The path to which you want data files uploaded. | /opt/tomcat/webapps/knb/data |
certPath | path to the SSL keys for secure transmissions. | /opt/tomcat/webapps/metacat/lib |
administrators | The administrators parameter lists the accounts that are allowed to perform administrative actions such as rebuilding indices for documents. The list can can contain more than one account separated by colons. | Default:
Examples: uid=localadmin,
Additional properties that probably do not need to be changed | ||
configured | Configuration flag | true |
configurationPage | The page to do metacat configuration | /configure.jsp |
configurationSuccessPage | The page to show successful message after configuration | /configure-restart.jsp |
version | Release version. | 1.7.1 |
maximumConnectionAge | 120000 | |
maximumConnectionTime | 60000 | |
maximumUsageNumber | 100 | |
numberOfIndexingThreads | 5 | |
indexingTimerTaskTime | 604800000 | |
indexingInitialDelay | 3600000 | |
maximumIndexDelay | 5000 | |
runDBConnectionRecycleThread | off | |
cycleTimeOfDBConnection | 30000 | |
timedreplication | Determines whether timed replication to other metacat servers is being used. | Default:
Other possible values: true
firsttimedreplication | The time for starting first timed replication if timedreplication is true. (See comments in file for additional details.) | Default:
10:00 PM
timedreplicationinterval | The interval to next timed replication if timedreplication is true. The value is in milliseconds and default value is 48 hours. | Default:
forcereplicationwaitingtime | ||
eml2_0_0namespace | Namespace of EML 2.0.0 documents. | eml:// |
eml2_0_1namespace | Namespace of EML 2.0.1 documents. | eml:// |
eml2_1_0namespace | Namespace of EML 2.1.0 documents. Currently unused, reserved. | eml:// |
physicaldoctype | -//, -// | |
entitydoctype | -//, -// | |
packagedoctypeset | ||
httpserver | httpserver is the plain HTTP address and port number that Metacat uses for purposes
other than replication. Since this property is usually composed of the config.hosthame and config.port
properties (described above), the default setting can be used in most cases. |
Default: ${config.hostname}:${config.port}
junittesturl | The url of the test server. | |
replicationerrorlog | ||
schemaPath | Path to installed XSD schemas. | |
schemaURL | URL to installed XSD schemas. | |
inlinedatafilepath | Path for storing data that was extracted from inline element of EML documents. | |
context | The name of the servlet context | |
debuglevel | Verbosity of debugging messages. Higher numbers means more debugging detail. | |
datafileflag | datafile | |
datafilesizelimit | Limit on file size for uploaded data files. | 1000 |
defaultcontenttype | ||
query.ignored.params | Parameters that are passed through to XSLT style sheets without modification. | enableediting,foo |
usexmlindex | Flag indicating whether to use the traditional xml_index table or not. This needs to be set on startup, and once set to false can not be changed back to true without significant database modifications. Setting this option to 'false' also slows down queries significantly, but it does allow arbitrarily deep dcoument paths. Not recommended to change this setting -- data loss may result. | true |
app_resultsetsize | Used for the setting the size of resultset that is processed at a time for applications like morpho | 400 |
web_resultsetsize | Used for the setting the size of resultset for search done using browser | 900 |
queryresult_string_length | Used for the setting the size of queryresult_string in queryresult table | 4000 |
queryresult_cache_size | The size of query result cache. | Default: 500 |
query_cache_on | Turn the query result cache on or off | Default: true |
xml_returnfield_count | Value of xml_returnfield.usage_count should be more than this value for records to be entered into xml_queryresult | 0 |
moderators | Moderator accounts, in a colon-separated list. Special users who will review general user's submission. Moderators can approve, revise and reject the submission after reviewing. This property is only used in ESA skin. | Default: cn=knb-prod,o=NCEAS,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org |
allowedSubmitters | Specifies the list of users who should be allowed to submit documents. If no value is specified (the default setting), all users will be allowed to submit documents. | Default: (no value) |
deniedSubmitters | Specify the list of users who should not be allowed to submit documents. If no value is specified (the default setting), all users will be allowed to submit documents. | Default: (no value) |
indexNamespaces | A comma-separated list of doctypes which will be indexed | Default: eml://,eml:// |
indexPaths | See description of build properties | Default: organizationName,originator/individualName/surName,... |
ldapconnecttimelimit | The time in milliseconds allowed for ldap server connections. | Default: 5000 |
ldapsearchtimelimit | The time in milliseconds allowed for ldap server searches. | Default: 30000 |
ldapsearchcountlimit | The count of return entries allowed for ldap server searches. | Default: 30000 |
onlySecureLDAPConnection | When set to true, connects main LDAP server only by SSL | Default: false |
onlySecureLDAPReferalsConnection | When set to true, connects referal LDAP server only by SSL | Default: false |
skinconfigfiles | List of skins which have configure files | Default: esa,nceas,knb,obfs,nrs,sanparks |
writeDebugToFile | Used for writing debug info into a another output file. | Default: true |
debugOutputFile | Output file name where debug info will be written. | Default: /tmp/metacat.debug |
delimiteredOutputFile | Delimited text output file name where debug info will be written. | Default: /tmp/metacat.debug.delimitered |
Metacat Harvester properties: connectToMetacat, delay, harvesterAdministrator, logPeriod, maxHarvests, period, smtpServer, GetDocError, GetDocSuccess, GetHarvestListError, GetHarvestListSuccess, HarvesterStartup, HarvesterShutdown, InsertDocError, InsertDocSuccess, MetacatHasDoc, UpdateDocError, UpdateDocSuccess, ValidateDocError, ValidateDocSuccess, ValidateHarvestListError, ValidateHarvestListSuccess |
See Metacat Harvester documentation | |
Spatial properties: runSpatialOption, regenerateCacheOnRestart, spatialDocnameList, eml_westBoundingCoordinatePath, eml_eastBoundingCoordinatePath, eml_southBoundingCoordinatePath, eml_northBoundingCoordinatePath, fgdc_westBoundingCoordinatePath, fgdc_eastBoundingCoordinatePath, fgdc_southBoundingCoordinatePath, fgdc_northBoundingCoordinatePath, metadata_westBoundingCoordinatePath, metadata_eastBoundingCoordinatePath, metadata_southBoundingCoordinatePath, metadata_northBoundingCoordinatePath, docTitle, metacatUrl, baseUrl |
See Metacat Spatial Option documentation | |
sitemapDirectory | The relative directory path in which sitemap files should be written. | Default: {tomcat_dir}/webapps/{context_name}/sitemaps |
sitemapInterval | The time interval (in milliseconds) between rebuilding the sitemap. | Default: 86400000 |